Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PilotSTRATEGY (CO2 Geological Pilots in Strategic Territories - PilotSTRATEGY)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-08-01 do 2023-10-31
PilotSTRATEGY investigates three CO2 storage sites, onshore and offshore, in the project’s 3 most studied regions: France - Paris Basin, Portugal - Lusitania Basin and Spain - Ebro Basin. PilotSTRATEGY prepares these sites to next phase of permitting request by the end of the project (2026), when the pre-FID phase will be completed.
In Poland and Greece, PilotSTRATEGY is increasing the maturity and confidence level of storage resources to start planning as contingent resources, based on new available data, reprocessing of old data and new dynamic simulation studies.
In two further regions of Eastern Europe, West Macedonia (Greece) and Upper Silesia (Poland), the maturity and readiness of storage resources is progressing. In the WP2, existing 2D seismic profiles in West Macedonia are being reprocessed and the target reservoir and caprock system at outcrop was sampled to study their petrophysics potential. In Poland, actions in the WP2 include an exhaustive analyses and re-interpretation of available data of the Dębowiec layers and Ladzice Fm. Polish team is also currently working in the WP3 and building static and dynamic models, as well as in the WP5 for the risk identification and risk calculation. Greek and Polish team are working in the WP4 in the attempt of identifying CCS concepts for the potential storage site.
In order to study social acceptance for the CCS pilot in the studied regions, through media analysis, public survey and interviews, the deliverable D6.2 gave the profile of each community identifying key local issues, society actors impacted directly and indirectly by CCS and public and media opinion about CCS in the local landscape. Regional stakeholders met twice during this 2nd period. During the 2nd Regional Stakeholder Meeting (Milestone 33 and 34), local and regional actors participated in constructive discussion around the pilot conceptualization and risks involved in CO2 storage projects.
Citizens’ engagement process already started with the deliverable D6.3 where it is stated the basis and methods for the engagement process.
At the project scale, PilotSTRATEGY was listed in the report of EC to EU parliament (Brussels, 24.10.2023; COM(2023) 657) on implementing EC CCS Directive; PilotSTRATEGY consortium participated actively during CCS directive guidance review (July 2023); PilotSTRATEGY is promoting permit request in France and Spain.
At the regional scale, the project is bringing awareness and insights about CCS technology and how CCS could be included in the National/Regional landscape.
In France, local and national authorities and ministries requested to receive project information and to participate in the RSC in France. A presentation of the project and STRATEGY CCUS results were made in the Ministry of Economy in charge of Industries.
In Spain, the industrial partner Repsol has submitted an Investigation Permit request which partially includes the offshore area proposed to be evaluated in Ebro Basin during RP1. A presentation of Spanish region was made in the COP28 and Zero Emission Platform (ZEP); these are 2 important places to find CCS project promoters. National authorities (MITECO) receive regular update about the project progress.
In Portugal as the shift focus to offshore storage in Portugal, discussion are ongoing with regulatory body and licensing authority DGEG. There is an urgent need to clarify regulatory procedures for CO2 storage offshore. At the local community, Figueira da Foz Municipality, is actively supporting and involved in PilotSTRATEGY actions in Portugal. Some emitters in the area have shown great interest in PilotSTRATEGY. The CTS - Direct injection from ship – a CETP project was launched, aiming to detail transport options from the Figueira da Foz port and involving potential CO2 suppliers CIMPOR and LHOIST, and the Figueira da Foz Port Authority as the location for a CO2 collection hub.
In Greece, CERTH and HEREMA (HHRM) made a project presentation in the Greek parliament elevating the project’s profile and emphasising its national significance. The regional meetings at Western Macedonia contribute locally to foster dialogue and build trust in CCS.
In Poland, actions and results of PilotSTRATEGY were presented and discussed in the Forum of Silesian Association of Communities. At national level, GIG team actively participates in ongoing work on amendments to the Geological and Mining Law in order to facilitate CCUS projects.
Through activities of WP6 and talk with authorities task (task1.4) PilotSTRATEGY is reaching another important expected impact: “Improve collaboration between different sectors and stakeholders”. Administration, authorities, citizens, NGO, mayor municipality, land-users, etc, discussed jointly during the Regional Stakeholder Committees various topics such as the place of CO2 storage in the local landscape