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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Identification of transcriptional memory maintenance factors through a cell selection strategy

Descrizione del progetto

Uno studio avanzato sui meccanismi della memoria trascrizionale

La memoria trascrizionale è un fenomeno in cui cellule attivate con particolari stimoli mostrano un aumento dell’espressione genica dopo un’altra stimolazione in un secondo momento. Questo tipo di memoria degli stati di espressione genica è essenziale per lo sviluppo e il mantenimento dei tessuti. Il progetto IMMUNE-GENEMEMO, finanziato dal programma di azioni Marie Skłodowska-Curie, è basato sulla scoperta di geni con una forte memoria trascrizionale di precedenti attivazioni con interferone gamma (IFNγ), dando origine a una maggior quantità di cellule che esprime il gene bersaglio. Il progetto si propone di individuare nuovi fattori di mantenimento della memoria trascrizionale nelle cellule umane, per mezzo di una strategia efficiente di smistamento cellulare ad alto rendimento abbinata a protocolli di mutagenesi CRISPR-Cas9 dell’intero genoma, e intende definire il ruolo di questi componenti nella stabilità dell’identità delle cellule dendritiche.


Memory of gene expression states is essential for development and maintenance of tissues. Chromatin, a protein DNA complex, is implicated in the process. Local, chromatin feedback loops are involved in maintenance of gene silencing, but analogous mechanisms for preservation of active states are unknown. In order to reveal feedback loops for active gene expression states it is crucial to uncouple them from ongoing transcription, as it occurs in the case of maintenance of silent states. Such partition takes place during trained immunity – memory of the innate immune system. A key paradigm is interferon gamma (IFNγ) stimulation. While IFNγ induces many genes, a subset of those is maintained in a poised, inactive state that allows for rapid re-activation at a later time – an event called transcriptional memory.
In my ongoing research I have discovered novel genes that show strong transcriptional memory of prior IFNγ activation and have obtained initial mechanistic insights into the role of chromatin in the process. Importantly, I discovered that memory results in a larger proportion of cells expressing the target gene. This forms the basis of a cell sorting, high throughput assay that I have developed. I am now in a unique position to capitalize on those discoveries and tools.
I aim to identify novel transcriptional memory maintenance factors in human cells using an unbiased approach based on an efficient cell selection strategy combined with genome wide, CRISPR-Cas9 mutagenesis protocols. Secondly I wish to establish the function of the identified components in the stability of dendritic cells identity after differentiation form monocytes.
The multidisciplinary and unique perspective of this project: combining gene expression analysis and selection strategies with immunological expertise will advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying maintenance of gene expression states and contribute to the development of new immune therapies and vaccines.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 252 078,72
80-309 GDANSK

Mostra sulla mappa

Makroregion północny Pomorskie Trójmiejski
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 252 078,72

Partner (1)