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BIOphilic MetroPOLIS, a holistic model for urban planning and building climate resilience


Städte und Natur miteinander verbinden

Die Auswirkungen menschlicher Aktivitäten auf unseren Planeten sind tiefgreifend. Der Klimawandel im Anthropozän gilt als die größte Bedrohung für den sozioökonomischen Wohlstand, die Umwelt und die Gesundheit der Menschen. In diesem Zusammenhang können die Metropolen eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Bewältigung der klimabedingten Herausforderungen spielen. Dies erfordert jedoch einen Paradigmenwechsel in der Stadtplanung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BIO-POLIS wird die biophile Metropole als ganzheitliches urbanes Modell untersuchen, das die Lebensqualität verbessern und die politisch Verantwortlichen davon überzeugen kann, dass die Natur als ökologischste Strategie zur Stärkung der Klimaresilienz in der Planung eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen sollte. Die Ergebnisse werden dazu beitragen, die Bevölkerung für die städtische Natur zu sensibilisieren und sie zu einem biophilen Lebensstil zu inspirieren.


In the Anthropocene climate change is the greatest threat to socio-economical prosperity, environmental and human health as well as a priority in the European and Global Agenda. In an increasing and unbalanced urban planet, metropolises play a key role in addressing climate challenge but this requires a significant paradigm shift in urban planning. Nature contributes to urban climate and improves the quality of life. The growing attention to biophilic design confirms this power. BIO-POLIS aims to promote biophilic metropolis as a holistic urban model able to enhance livability restoring the man-nature relationship and to drive decision-makers in placing nature at the core of planning as the most ecological strategy to build climate resilience. The research is designed as a comparative study among overpopulated zonobiomes. Through an integrated, interdisciplinary and cross-scale method, it will advance the framework on Biophilic Urbanism, map the natural capital by digitalisation, explore biophilic features and processes, assess the biophilic potential in building climate resilience, provide an atlas of biophilic mitigation and adaption nature-based solutions in different biomes. The proposal will have multiple impacts. The biophilic guiding model aspires to turn the functional approach of city planning into a scientific one based on the human-nature interaction. Project results will influence citizens increasing public awareness of urban nature and inspiring biophilic lifestyle. Comparing various geo-contexts will encourage international cooperation among cities and partner institutions towards global and local strategies and boost the European role in R&I for sustainable development and climate change. The excellence of partners will offer me the best training and research experience to become an expert in urban challenges, complementary knowledge to be transferred, advanced skills and a leading network to maximise my career prospects both in and outside academia.


€ 232 393,92
2628 CN Delft

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 232 393,92

Partner (1)