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DELIVEr Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency projects in Dublin

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DeliveREE (DELIVEr Renewable Energy and Energy efficiency projects in Dublin)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-06-01 do 2022-09-30

DeliveREE will create an innovative project finance and delivery structure for EE projects in the Dublin region, across 4 municipalities, using various performance-based contracting structures. By creating a structured approach, DeliveREE will accelerate the formation of large-scale projects by standardising the project development process, allowing projects of various types and sizes to be aggregated to create scale. This enables the use of energy performance and energy supply contracts whose performance guarantees are both critical for achieving value for money and provide a mechanism for the involvement of private capital. DeliveREE will do this by:
Creating a ‘one stop shop’ Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for project owners to go to for energy saving projects
Creating an innovative standardised central project delivery system for processing potential projects to achieve speed of assessment and give confidence and familiarity to clients & market players
Removing legal and administrative barriers through cooperatively designing approved assessment templates and procedures to ensure quality control and due diligence
Aggregating projects, bundling multiple small and medium projects together to attract ESCo market and private financing, and gain large scale impact on efficiency in the building stock
Using a range of performance-based contracts to ensure long-term guaranteed energy savings, and de-risk cash-flows
DeliveREE will test and develop the PIU with the roll-out of a pipeline of EE projects in public sector buildings and services across the 4 Dublin Local Authorities over 4 years. The pipeline includes over 140 buildings and sites across the 4 municipalities, including a mix of building types such as leisure centres, fire stations, theatres, libraries, head offices, community buildings and landfill treatment facilities.The project will save an average of 24GWh energy savings over the contract lifetime, amounting to 3.8 ktCO2 savings. The total CapEx of the pipeline is €19.5m with an estimated total contract value of these energy projects of circa €23.5m of which at least €9.75m will be privately financed. Based on the consortium's experience of delivering projects with a mix of financing sources, we aim to have a financing split of 20% project owner, 30% grant and 50% private financing on average across the contracts.
The project began in M1 (June 21) with the drafting and signing of Consortium agreement. A PM plan was drafted which assigned tasks and responsibilities. A meeting involving the partners and advisory board was held. Following this, the PIU consisting of five Codema staff was mobilised. From M1, weekly meeting have been held between the PIU within Codema to discuss project progress and deliverables. A Data and IPR management plan was drafted. A six monthly meeting was held with the partners and advisory board, where update was given on the progress to date and issues raised by the Guidance Document were discussed. A six monthly report was submitted. An in person six monthly meeting has been organised for October 2022 for the partners and advisory board.
Work package 2 involved three main tasks; interviews, desktop research and the Guidance Document, with the main deliverables being the draft and final version of the guidance document. Initial research was performed to evaluate the state of the market. This research was used to inform interviews with other people involved in the EPC market throughout Europe. In total, fourteen interviews were held with ESCOs, other facilitators, government stakeholders and people who had worked on similar EU projects, and these interviews were documented in an interview report and compiled into a Guidance Document.
The outputs of WP2 informed the creation of the deliverables of WP3: the procedure documentation for Steps 0-5 of the PIU. IThe gap analysis from the Guidance Document was used to ensure that the protocols and procedures created for each Step thoroughly covered each of the six key procedural areas: Communications, risk, legal, technical, financial and procurement. The draft procedures and protocols were embedded into an online database software, Airtable allowing PIU members to develop projects in an efficiently and ensure projects are tracked and data relating to the projects is stored centrally.
Projects began development for Work Package 4 in February 2022, beginning with a 200kW solar array for a landfill site which is now at the detailed appraisal stage, and once approval is provided from the Client, it will proceed to procurement. The second project to begin development was Lot 6 in April 2022 and includes five SDCC buildings. This project has gone through Steps 1-3b of the project development process. The project is now at the detailed appraisal stage, and once approval is provided will proceed to procurement.The third project to begin development was Lot 1 in April 2022. This project includes energy efficiency upgrades on five buildings in DLRCC.This project has gone through Steps 1-3b of the project development process and is now at the detailed appraisal stage, and once approved will proceed to procurement.
Since M1, progress has been made across various WP5 deliverables5. This included the creation of a visual brand identity for the DeliveREE project using a design company. This branding was used in the creation of a variety of promotional materials.
Task 5.1 was created and finalised. A hub for the key DeliveREE information and resources was created and continues to be developed. Project resources are promoted on an ongoing basis. DeliveREE Guidance Document,was published and promoted in this reporting period.
The discussion of the key focus/topics of the webinars has begun and brainstorming for the workshops, how these can best address current knowledge gaps/issues in the Irish EPC sphere. Further planning of the Task 5.4 how its communications will work and using which platforms, continues. An online Google Form created for signup to the CoBP was created.
The project partners and advisory board are currently reviewing the overall risk matrix for the PIU (WP3). A part of this process the existing Irish template EPC contract will be reviewed (as it is the principle risk mitigation tool) to establish where it needs to be altered and strengthened to accommodate considerations such as:
Cointuned low carbon investment in building assets, using EPCs to ensure that all buildings in contract achieve zero carbon by 2030
Redefining the EPC as a contract more focused on the guaranteed service and maintenance (the main area of concern for the client and national targets) and away from focusing only on the installation of new technology and initial works
Forfeiting of energy savings and opening the contract up to secondary finance
Off balance sheet financing
And other areas identified during the review process
This work will be coordinated by Codema and led by Philip Lee, Resourceful Futures and SDCL. Once complete we will have a detailed specification for the necessary changes required for the national template contract which will enable us to approach the government to enact these changes. If successful, this has the potential to redefine EPC as a tool for ensuring that our buildings are locked on a pathway to zero carbon by 2030 while also demonstrating guaranteed, measured and verified energy and CO2 savings
DeliveREE partner meeting
DeliveREE partner meeting branding

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