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Climate Science from Space: Synergies for a greener innovation economy Conference

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CSS4GIE (Climate Science from Space: Synergies for a greener innovation economy Conference)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-02-01 do 2021-07-31

Climate change is more than ever an important issue for our planet as environmental degradation is one of the main threats to the world. To overcome this challenge, Europe has shown the way forward choosing the Green Deal as the roadmap for a sustainable European Union economy, particularly in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic stroke. Climate actions for a healthier planet are at the heart of the European Green Deal, including the European Climate Law and the European Climate Pact, embracing the goal to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050 with citizens and all stakeholders’ engagement.

In order to implement and measure the efficiency of those climate actions it is of paramount importance to develop a sophisticated system to better understand our environment: water, land and atmosphere. Investing and capitalising on climate technologies is an asset to also tackle the interconnection between the economic, social and environmental dimensions of this global challenge.

This can only be achieved with the collective effort of several actors encompassing researchers, business, industries, regions, public authorities and civil society, in the co-creation of innovative solutions. Earth Observation (EO) has the potential to provide a unique and comprehensive view of our planet, help optimising the use of planet's and solar system’s resources and gathering the necessary data to support actions and informed decisions.

The objective of the conference on Climate Science from Space is to bridge space and climate ecosystems and contribute to the European Green Deal into a transition towards a greener and climate resilient society and economy. Hence, show how space-based systems can improve daily lives and be a vital contribution to protecting our planet. It will be looking ahead towards the implementation of initiatives into space-based applications with direct impact on the environment and the economy. It will also be an opportunity to present and share national and European initiatives, projects and policies and how they blend with what’s being elsewhere. In short, bring awareness to the country of the Presidency of the SC5 programme with cross-fertilisation with other partners in the ecosystem, either national or international to foster roll-out of their projects.
The project’s main goal is to set-up a large-scale conference about the role and relevance of EU-policies and EU-funded projects in the area of climate observation and their contribution to the implementation of the Green Deal.
The Conference takes place 21 and 22 of April 2021 and it will be fully online, with a moderator in a virtual studio designed to create a dynamic visual experience. Relevant stakeholders from international organisations, academia, large industries, SME’s, research centres and policymakers, as well as civil society are brought together and encouraged to have an open debate around climate actions and space related activities.
Following the main goals of the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, the consortium, established the concept for the conference and the agenda main blocks. These follow the reasoning around the understanding of environmental changes, adaptation and mitigation measures, where research and innovation, industry and youth engagement bring fundamental perspectives.
To get a broad vision from international experts in the climate-space domains, relevant speakers involved in these themes were identified, selected and contacted to join the discussion and provide own experience and viewpoint.
The conference is animated by a professional moderator and a specialised company is responsible for the streaming and virtual conference room.
For reaching-out the main target groups, complementary tools and channels are used and a visual identity reflects the essence of the synergies between Climate-Science-Space-Innovation-economy. The conference website ( is the main window of the event with a menu bar guiding to content information and materials, including for registration. Social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube) are also used to engage with stakeholders and the partners have been cross-posting on their social media platforms, optimising and contributing to a more dynamic traffic. Moreover, to increase the knowledge about the EU funded programs and activities in this domain, video testimonials from several I&D projects and initiatives in the space-climate area were recorded.
As complementary measures, media channels have been used, both in Portugal and in Brussels (EURACTIV and POLITICO), to enhance the coverage and for awareness raising about the Portuguese initiatives and entities connected with space activities.
Finally, considering the virtual format of the event, the organises imagined a simulated physical experience in Portugal by sending a hand craft coffee break box with some typical delicatessens from traditional Portuguese stores to the first 100 registrations. This initiative was very appreciated and seen as the typical Portuguese warm welcome.
The conference objectives are relevante in the context of the European policy priorities and align with the Portuguese Presidency goals in this domain with supporting the launch of the European Union Space Programme prioritising the promotion of New Space. In this context, the development of new services based on space data and space technology is relevant. Prominence will be on the support to SMEs, start-ups and new entrepreneurial activities.

With this in mind, the consortium intends to ensure that the information on the event and its outcomes reach the targeted audience and generate impact beyond the date of the event. At the end of the conference, conclusions will be drawn which will be a useful tool for the implementation of policies in this field and the identification of future projects that need to be supported and shared.

In order to measure the impact of the project’s media reach some quantitative parameters will be considered, encompassing the website and social networks’ statistics, a report on the satisfaction query and the ratio for registrations and participation. A minimum of 500 registrations is expected.

The expected results and connected impact can be summarised as follows:
• EU-wide awareness raising on the advantages of the space applications for climate adaptation
• Share national and European climate-space initiatives, projects, their good practices and how they blend with what’s being elsewhere
• Promote European space programmes and funding opportunities
• Contribute to policy definition in the climate field
Website speakers' page3
Website speakers' page1
Logos from partners
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