Roadmap on the activities of the project and the different interactions with the WP at play. Definition of roles in the consortium for interactions between WP, with the Advisory board
Data Requirements Specification ReportRequirements for data (type, sources, amount, standardization...) along the whole lifecycle including design, manufacturing, validation and testing to be included in the different simulations and modelling tasks
Data Management PlanData management plan for all the data generated through WP2 to WP5 in the project
Initial Dissemination and Exploitation PlanDissemination and exploitation plan discussed by the partners at kick-off with quantification of the impact in terms of quantity of activities and number of researchers, industrial & academic institutions contacted / impacted
Methodologies input data quality analysisReport on the methodologies created that allow the quality of the input data to be analyzed so that it is possible to know a priori if suitable conditions to proceed with the analysis are fulfilled
Website accessible to the public and mentioned on linked-in account, beneficiary internet sites and communicated to the EU for general public information dissemination
Ling Wu, Ludovic Noels
Opublikowane w:
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Numer 424, 2024, ISSN 0045-7825
Elsevier B.V.
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