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New Enabling Visions and tools for End-useRs and stakeholders thanks to a common MOdeling fRamework towards a climatE neutral and resilient society


NEVERMORE C&D Plan, materials and activities v1

The Communication and Dissemination (C&D) plan will contain all planned dissemination and communication activities, materials (e.g. the communication toolkit) and tools as guideline for the Consortium. It will be constantly updated throughout the project lifetime.

Analytical Framework for socio-economic factors

This deliverable, resulting from the activity conducted within Task 2.2, will present the analytical framework built in NEVERMORE for the investigation of socio-economic aspects of multi-scalar climate change modelling and of the utilisation of the resulting models, methodologies and tools by stakeholders and citizens.

Report on the improvements of the climate module of WILIAM

This Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 3.1, will provide a complete analysis of different existing climate models to improve and update the climate submodule of WILIAM. It will also include a description of the new functionalities that will be part of WILIAM.

ICT toolkit design and architecture

The Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 7.1, will deliver the architecture and tools specification of the overall ICT toolkit, based on the outcomes of T2.5.

Analysis of impact models and planetary boundaries for the IAM

This Deliverable, resulting from the activity conducted within Task 3.3, will explain the methods to use information from global sectoral impact models and to include the planetary boundaries framework as control variables into the modelling for supporting policy (in synergy with T3.4).

Society and climate change links and lifestyle changes measures

The Deliverable, resulting from the activity conducted within Task 2.1, will include a mapping of the main cascading effects of climate change impacts on society; an analysis of the potential of behaviour change and social innovation at the individual, institutional and societal level for climate action; the identification of main social drivers (and barriers) leading to behaviour and institutional changes.

Report on review of polices, measures and initiatives

The Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 5.1, presents the selection of relevant adaptation and mitigation policies and measures across all relevant sectors based on the defined list of policy sectors (i.e. agriculture and forestry, energy, transport, industry, tourism, etc.) at the EU/global, national and local level. This will also include potential new measures and initiatives co-created with the Council of Stakeholders in connection with the case studies.

Report on coherent scenarios across scales design

This Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 4.1, will present the variables that determine each socio-economic scenario and related assumptions to be used across the different scales assuring coherence between projections for the simulation of the measures over time.

Report on the activities with NEVERMORE stakeholders v1

This Deliverable, will present the activities conducted within Task 2.4 and will report the results of the processes run with the Councils of Stakeholders for the co-creation of solutions, case study information elicitation, co-defining and prioritizing of KPIs and co-design and validation of the ICT toolkit. The results of the participatory workshops, conducted by adopting an iterative approach, will be also reported in this deliverable and following updated versions of the Deliverable (M36-M48).

NEVERMORE engagement strategy

This Deliverable, resulting from the activity carried out within Task 2.3, will present the engagement strategy developed to identify, involve and keep the stakeholders engaged in the case study and at the transnational level, ensuring their effective participation and contribution within the Local and Transnational Councils of Stakeholders.

Report on socio-technological requirements

This Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 2.5, will present the socio-technical requirements and recommendations in order to co-design user oriented tools, covering the specific needs of all relevant users. It will also include a description of the requirements and functionalities of the ICT services and applications to make possible the definition of system functions and component interactions.

Report on NEVERMORE case studies characterization

The Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 6.1, will present the results of the case study characterization.

Production of high-resolution climate data for the case studies

This Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 3.2, will include High-resolution climate datasets for case study analyses and downscaling procedures and methods to achieve them.


The website, intended as the main project channel, will be released at M6 and will include information on the project objectives, partners, use cases, project’s activities, consortium composition. It will be consantly updated during the project lifetime by posting results, events linked to NEVERMORE project, publications and general information on the EU policies and studies about climate change.


The Deliverable, resulting from the activities conducted within Task 5.2, will present the KPI driven evaluation panel defined for the evaluation and comparison of the policies and measures from the catalogue (T5.5, T6.5).


Multi-risk analysis methodology for evaluating climate change

Autorzy: F. V. De Maio, R. Valsecchi, S. Osmani, C. Solari & P. Basso
Opublikowane w: Special Numer of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Numer 8, 2023, ISBN 9781003323020
Wydawca: CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group
DOI: 10.1201/9781003323020-422

How Accurate Climate Information Can Help the Climate Adaptation in Regional Scale: The Case Study of Sitia

Autorzy: Golemi, A.M.; Karakitsou, E.; Karozis, S.; Markantonis, I.; Politi, N.; Sfetsos, A.; Vlachogiannis, D.; Kapetanakis, P.
Opublikowane w: Environmental Sciences Proceedings, Numer Environ. Sci. Proc. 2023, 26(1), 170, 2023, ISSN 2673-4931
Wydawca: Environmental Sciences Proceedings
DOI: 10.3390/environsciproc2023026170

HCI for Climate Change: Imagining Sustainable Futures

Autorzy: Eleonora Mencarini, Chiara Leonardi, Jen Liu,Valentina Nisi, Nuno Jardim Nunes, Robert Soden
Opublikowane w: 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023, ISSN 0000-0000, ISBN 9781450394215
Wydawca: Association for Computing Machinery - New York, NY, United States
DOI: 10.1145/3544549.3573833

Assessing resilience at different scales: from single assets to complex systems

Autorzy: Clemente Fuggini, Celina Solari, Rita De Stefano, Fabio Bolletta, Florencia Victoria De Maio
Opublikowane w: Environment Systems and Decisions, Numer Volume 43, pages 693–707 (2023), 2023
DOI: 10.1007/s10669-023-09935-w

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