CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Combining Artificial Intelligence and smart sensing TOward better management and improved quality of LIFE in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Mit künstlicher Intelligenz und intelligenten Sensoren die Behandlung chronisch obstruktiver Lungenerkrankungen verbessern

Die Gruppe der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankungen umfasst Krankheiten, die mit Atemproblemen einhergehen und Millionen Menschen weltweit betreffen. Sie ist sehr heterogen und erfordert personalisierte Behandlungs- und Managementansätze. Aufgrund extrapulmonaler Effekte und Komorbiditäten sprechen die Betroffenen jedoch häufig weder auf pharmakologische noch auf nicht-pharmakologische Behandlungen an. Zur Lösung dieses Problems schlägt das EU-finanzierte Projekt TOLIFE die Entwicklung einer KI-Lösung vor, die von unauffälligen Sensoren erfasste Alltagsdaten der Menschen verarbeitet. Die KI-basierte Plattform wird Exazerbationen der chronisch obstruktiven Lungenerkrankung vorhersagen und gesundheitliche Folgen bewerten. Mithilfe eines Patientenmanagementinstruments können klinische Fachkräfte dann eine frühzeitige und personalisierte Behandlung anbieten und auf diese Weise die Lebensqualität der Betroffenen verbessern.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly prevalent chronic condition. While COPD is a lung disease, it is mainly the exacerbations and extrapulmonary comorbidities which affect the quality of life, health care costs, and prognosis. The optimal COPD treatment needs to focus on both the characteristics and consequences of the lung disease itself and the diagnosis and treatment of comorbidities. While the severity of lung function impairment is routinely assessed, the exacerbations, the associated comorbidities and limitations in daily life are still significantly underestimated. A personalized approach to COPD management is needed to specifically address the disease, prevent exacerbations, and mitigate its comorbidities to obtain a positive impact on patient health and quality of life.
TOLIFE will clinically validate an artificial intelligence (AI) solution to process daily life patient data captured by unobtrusive sensors to enable optimised personalised treatment, assessment of health outcomes and improved quality of life in COPD patients. The TOLIFE approach to COPD management, targeted to predict and mitigate exacerbations and continuously assess the health outcomes, has the potential to reduce mortality, improve health related quality of life and reduce the healthcare costs.
TOLIFE will develop and clinically validate an AI-based platform for the early prediction of exacerbations and assessment of the health outcomes. Prediction of exacerbations and assessment of health outcomes will be exploited by clinicians through a patient management tool to perform early and personalized treatment. TOLIFE platform will inform through a disease information tool the patient and caregivers about the patient's health status, the specific treatment plan and lifestyle indications. Two clinical studies will be implemented, one to collect data for AI-tools development and the other to validate the effectiveness of TOLIFE to reduce the risk of exacerbations.


€ 1 245 937,50
56126 Pisa

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Centro (IT) Toscana Pisa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 245 937,50

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