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Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CrossGov (Coherent and cross-compliant ocean governance for delivering the EU Green Deal for European Seas)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-09-01 do 2024-02-29

CrossGov [Coherent and Cross-compliant Ocean Governance for Delivering the Green Deal for European Seas] is a three-year project in the field of social sciences and law, funded under Horizon Europe. Through the European Green Deal (EGD), the European Commission strives towards the achievement of highly ambitious goals and targets for the marine and coastal ecosystems of Europe. CrossGov focuses on the goals and targets related to biodiversity protection, zero pollution, and climate change adaptation and mitigation, and aims to enhance knowledge on how coherence in policy and legal landscapes affects the ability to be cross-compliant with multiple EGD goals and targets in concert. CrossGov research is conducted in the context of the multilevel governance system encompassing various sectors, and the multitude of policy landscapes at the global and regional international frameworks, the EU, and the European coastal states with their varying national governance arrangements. Despite fragmentation and implementation challenges, coherent and integrated policymaking and decision-making is necessary to ensure progress within all EGD policy areas. The project develops methodological frameworks for the assessment of policy coherence and science-policy-society interfaces; produces in-depth analyses of policy coherence challenges and opportunities at the EU and selected national levels; carries out empirical research within 8 case studies located in the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea; and develops roadmaps and proposals for the involved policy making community to guide towards more coherent and cross-compliant policy outcomes, contributing to the realization of the EGD.

The project has eight specific objectives:

1. To concretize the various marine-related targets and objectives of the EGD and its related policies.
2. To develop analytical methodological guidelines for the study of coherence and cross-compliance.
3. To provide end-users with a methodological toolbox for guided and comprehensive policy coherence assessments at different stages of the policy cycle (from policy design to policy implementation).
3. To analyse and explain (in-)coherence in marine-related laws and policies.
5. To study implementation in practice and the challenges of cross-compliance.
6. To increase understanding the outcomes of decisions.
7. To suggest improved science-policy-society interfaces.
8. To develop guidance as digital roadmaps.
Within WP1 (Scope and methods for CrossGov research), the project:
- Concretized the abstract marine-related policy ambitions in the EGD through the scoping of (selected) EGD strategies and policies, and produce narrative scenarios that illustrate cross-compliance challenges for 2030 in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, and Mediterranean Sea regions (Deliverable 1.1).
- Clarified and explained the concepts of policy coherence and cross-compliance, and their interrelationship, to the broader research and policymaking community through a policy brief (Deliverable 1.2).
- Developed the CrossGov Policy Coherence Evaluation Framework for the comprehensive evaluation of policy coherence and cross-compliance in WP2 and WP3 of the project (Deliverable 1.3).
- Developed the assessment framework to evaluate Science-Policy-Society interfaces in policy and decision-making processes in marine governance (Deliverable 1.4).

Within WP2 (Coherence in policy landscapes and design), the project:
- Explored how the policy design of existing and emerging EU and international instruments support or impede progress towards the EU GD objectives in the marine domain (Deliverable 2.1).
- Is currently assessing to what extent the EU policy designs are coherent (horizontal coherence), and to explain lower levels of coherence.
- Is currently assessing to what extent national policies of selected countries are vertically coherent with key EU policies, and to explain lower levels of coherence.

Within WP3 (Coherence and cross-compliance in case studies), the project:
- Provided guidance to the case study leaders to ensure alignment of case study foci and coordinate use of the methodological frameworks for policy coherence, SPS interfaces, and co-creation (Deliverables 3.1).
- Initiated 4 case studies that explore how the planning and policy processes that implement marine related legal and policy frameworks support or impede progress towards the EGD objectives.
- Initiated 6 case studies that explore how climate resilience, zero pollution and the protection of marine biodiversity can best be internalized into sectoral decision and policy making.

WP4 of the project (Roadmaps and tools towards enhanced coherence and cross-compliance) has not started yet.
CrossGov produces significant scientific impacts. Progress towards these is good.
CrossGov produces societal impacts. Progress towards these is good. Further uptake and success depends on the interest of the end users, as well as success in developing digital tools and roadmaps.
CrossGov produces economic impacts Progress towards these occurs indirectly and depends on the realizing the scientific and societal impacts.