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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Violence and Happy Endings in the Spanish Golden Age Narrative

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Career Development Plan

A Career Development Plan will be established jointly by the supervisors and the researcher In addition to research objectives this plan will comprise the researchers training and career needs including training on transferable skills teaching planning for publications and participation in conferences and events aiming at opening science and research to citizens The Plan can be updated when needed

Communication, Dissemination & Outreach Plan

The plan describes the planned measures to maximize the impact of the project, including the dissemination and exploitation measures that are planned, and the target group(s) addressed. Regarding communication measures and public engagement strategy, the aim is to inform and reach out to society and show the activities performed, and the use and the benefits the project will have for citizens.

Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected processed or generated by the action It is a document describing what data will be collected processed or generated and following what methodology and standards whether and how this data will be shared andor made open and how it will be curated and preserved


"Un Orfeo pastorizado a lo burlesco: la ""epopeya bastardeada"" del virote cantor en El celoso extremeño"

Autorzy: Sara Santa-Aguilar
Opublikowane w: Colección Batioja, Numer 82, 2022, ISBN 978-1-952399-07-7

De relojes desconcertados: el individuo, el tipo y la risa en la era de la profundidad psicológica. Una aproximación a El juez de los divorcios

Autorzy: Sara Santa-Aguilar
Opublikowane w: eHumanista/Cervantes, Numer 9/10, 2022, ISSN 1540-5877
Wydawca: University of California Santa Barbara
DOI: 10.1353/boc.2004.0011

Monographic Issue: Violencia de género narrativo en el Siglo de Oro español

Autorzy: Maria Rosso & Sara Santa-Aguilar (eds.)
Opublikowane w: eHumanista, Numer 58, 2024, ISSN 1540-5877
Wydawca: University of California (Santa Barbara)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11059257

Agresión sexual y amor cortés en la novela pastoril en tiempos de Cervantes

Autorzy: Sara Santa-Aguilar
Opublikowane w: eHumanista, Numer 58, 2024, ISSN 1540-5877
Wydawca: University of California (Santa Barbara)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11059587

La Galatea frente a la economía de la violencia en la novela pastoril

Autorzy: Sara Santa-Aguilar
Opublikowane w: Cervantes: Journal of the Cervantes Society of America, Numer 43.1, 2023, ISSN 1943-3840
Wydawca: Cervantes Society of America
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10161699

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