CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Constrained convergence: does pleiotropy constrain convergent alpine adaptation?


Wie wir konvergente Anpassung vorhersagen können

Trotz der großen theoretischen Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Evolutionsbiologie gilt es noch viel über die Konvergenz in komplexen mehrzelligen Organismen zu erforschen. Dieses Wissen ist wertvoll für das Verständnis verschiedener Phänomene wie der Resistenz gegen Krankheitserreger, Pestizide oder Umweltverschmutzung. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CONstrainCONverge untersucht die evolutionären Mechanismen hinter der Vorhersagbarkeit in der adaptiven Evolution. Durch die Kombination von evolutionärer Genomik und Molekulargenetik, Transkriptomik, statistischer Genomik und funktionellen Experimenten wird angestrebt, die genetischen Zwänge der konvergenten Anpassung an stressige Umgebungen aufzuklären. Als Pflanzenmodell wird die alpine Ackerschmalwand (Arabidopsis) verwendet, da ihre acht unabhängig voneinander entwickelten Populationen eine ideale Quelle für Experimente darstellen.


Is evolution predictable? In CONstrainCONverge, I aim to understand evolutionary mechanisms governing predictability in adaptive evolution, by asking why some genes are more likely reused by adaptation than others. Despite a rich theoretical background, systematic analysis of the mechanisms underlying convergence is lacking in complex multicellular organisms. That limits application of convergent evolutionary concepts in repeated evolution of socio-economically relevant traits such as resistance to pathogens, pesticides or pollution. To fill in this gap, I will study genetic constraints of convergent adaptation towards stressful alpine environments in plant model genus Arabidopsis. Eight independently evolved populations of alpine Arabidopsis provide a unique model of environmental adaptation, allowing to leverage an unprecedented range of genetic and experimental resources to address fundamental evolutionary questions. During my PhD I characterized this system from a population genomic point of view, preparing a ground for experimental genetic validations. In the outgoing phase, I will bring this experience to the host lab of Prof. Peichel at the University of Bern (UBERN), an expert in the evolutionary genetics of convergence in fishes. Systematic training in the host lab and three international research visits will broaden my bioinformatics and experimental skills. I will learn new multidisciplinary approaches bridging the fields of evolutionary genomics and molecular genetics through the combination of transcriptomics, statistical genomics, and functional experiments. I will return to Charles University (CU) to share the newly gained skills with local researchers and gain further training in functional genetics and transferable skills under the supervision of Prof. Lafon Placette, aiming to improve my teaching and leadership skills and establish my own research group in evolutionary genetics, a virtually non-existent field in Czech research environment.


€ 309 768,48
116 36 Praha 1

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Česko Praha Hlavní město Praha
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