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Improving the precision of behaviour change theories: Development and validation of a computational model of lapse risk in smokers attempting to quit

Descripción del proyecto

Mejores modelos informáticos para lograr cambios de comportamiento efectivos

Los datos demuestran que el uso de una teoría de cambio del comportamiento para fundamentar el desarrollo de actividades de intervención conduce a una mayor repercusión de estas. En el caso del tabaquismo, que sigue siendo la principal causa de muerte prematura en Europa, la lucha contra la dependencia se apoya principalmente en estrategias de farmacoterapia y de entrenamiento conductual. Desgraciadamente, las personas no suelen completar estos tratamientos porque no pueden controlar sus ansias ni las presiones sociales. El proyecto COMPLAPSE, financiado con fondos europeos, tiene como objetivo permitir intervenciones digitales para dejar de fumar adaptadas de forma dinámica mediante el desarrollo y la validación de un modelo informático dinámico sobre los riesgos de recaída. La nueva metodología mejorará las teorías estáticas sobre el cambio del comportamiento en relación con las complejidades observadas y aportará intervenciones más eficaces en la salud, la sociedad y otros ámbitos.


Tobacco smoking remains the leading preventable cause of premature morbidity and mortality in Europe. Gold standard treatment for smoking cessation includes pharmacotherapy and behavioural support. However, smoking lapses – influenced by momentary fluctuations in cravings and social cues – are a key source of treatment failure. COMPLAPSE aims to advance the state-of-the-art by developing and validating a dynamic computational model of lapse risk, improving the precision of static behaviour change theories to account for observed complexities and laying the foundation for dynamically tailored, person-centred digital smoking cessation interventions for increased effectiveness. COMPLAPSE is interdisciplinary in scope – drawing on know-how from behavioural science, engineering, and computer science – and directly contributes to Europe’s Path to the Digital Decade and its Strategic Framework for the Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases. First, a conceptual model will be developed by articulating a diverse group of stakeholders’ (e.g. researchers, policymakers, smokers) dynamic predictions through participatory systems mapping. Next, a computational model will be developed through formulating mathematical equations for each model component, followed by a series of simulations to iteratively refine the model to align with stakeholders’ predictions. Finally, the model will be validated against temporally dense experience sampling and sensor data collected in smokers’ daily lives to critically examine whether the computational model outperforms static state-of-the-art theories. The research objectives are linked to key training, knowledge transfer and communication activities to advance the researcher’s expertise and transferrable skills, enabling her to develop independence; valorise the researcher’s knowledge within the associated partner organisation and beneficiary; and disseminate the results to the scientific community, industry professionals, and the public.


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Manner-Suomi Länsi-Suomi Pirkanmaa
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
Sin datos

Socios (1)