Live training for Early Career Researchers will discuss: (i) the SSH research landscape; (ii) what policywork involves and policy views on engagement methods; and (iii) the roles that one may adopt in engaging with policy. After the live training, training materials will be updated based on findings emerging from WP3 evaluation, and be made openly available online for those wanting to upskill in research-policy brokerage, or run similar programmes.
Digital SSH Open Knowledge Platform (project website, Phase 2)During the project, the website will be upgraded into the SSH Open Knowledge Platform, in line with our Open Science/Education practices.
A onepage factsheet will be prepared for each engagement method including cautionary notes on underlying assumptionslimitations The 10 literature briefs will be informed by 20 interviews with relevant projectcommunity leads across STEM and SSH
Position Statement on SSH support for S & CEE EuropePosition Statement for the EC on how SSH in S CEE Europe can be better supported eg roles networks capacities challenges including recommendations for WPs24 It will be translated into at least 5 nonEnglish languages
Chris Foulds; Govert Valkenburg; Marianne Ryghaug; Ivana Suboticki; Tomas Moe Skjølsvold; Marius Korsnes; Sara Heidenreich
Opublikowane w:
Journal of City Climate Policy and Economy, Numer 2, 2023, ISSN 0000-0000
University of Toronto Press
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