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STructured unconventional reactors for CO2-fRee Methane catalytic crackING


Project Handbook

The Project Handbook brings together a wide range of general operational information including contact details roles and responsibilities of the partners according to the governance structure operational and reporting processes templates procedures for the preparation of deliverables

Project Communication kit

Project visual identity and branding, C&D materials, and Website & social media channels delivered.

Initial Data Management Plan

The DMP will provide the identification elements and the descriptions of the data sets and will include details regarding how the research data will be handled during the project and how they will be preserved after it is completed It will specify which methodologies and standards will be used in the data creation and management and how and when the data will be shared and made open for reuse

Mid-term CD-SP

A re-evaluation and update of the initial CD-SP, including KPIs.

Initial CD-SP

A plan to define WHO WHAT and HOW communicate and disseminate STORMING results It will contain the activities for the entire project duration

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