CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Port solutions for efficient, effective and sustainable multimodality


Hafenlösungen für nachhaltige Mobilität

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MultiRELOAD wird europäische Häfen und Frachtknotenpunkte in die Lage versetzen, den Übergang zu einer treibhausgasemissionsneutralen Schifffahrt und einer breiteren multimodalen Mobilität bis 2025 durch Forschung und Demonstration aktiv voranzutreiben. Die Projektaktivitäten werden den Güterverkehr auf der Straße reduzieren, indem er auf die Binnenschifffahrt und die Schiene verlagert wird, und die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Güterverkehrsknotenpunkten in Europa verbessern, um gemeinsam Innovationen zu erproben und günstige Marktbedingungen für multimodale Güterverkehrslösungen zu schaffen. MultiRELOAD wird Lösungen in drei Innovationsbereichen demonstrieren: intelligente multimodale Logistik, digitale und automatisierte multimodale Knotenpunkte und Korridore sowie innovative Geschäftsmodelle, mit spezifischen Zielen bis 2025, die die Maßnahmen der EU-Strategie für intelligente Mobilität widerspiegeln.


MultiRELOAD focusses on the specific role and challenges of inland ports as multimodal freight nodes in reaching Europe’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target of at least 55 % by 2030, thereby shifting a substantial part of the 75% of inland freight carried today by road in the EU to inland waterways and rail, and by increasing operational efficiency, safety and reliability of existing infrastructures through digitalization. Inland Ports are key for multimodal transport chains, both continental and maritime transport. Without efficient nodes in the hinterland multimodal transport is not possible. However, the constraints and barriers are much higher in inland ports (space, urbanisation, demand, investments) than in seaports. MultiRELOAD enhances the collaboration between different freight nodes in Europe to jointly test innovations and create favorable market conditions for multimodal freight transport solutions. MultiRELOAD will demonstrate solutions in three Innovation Areas with specific aims by 2025 – mirroring measures of the EU’s Smart Mobility Strategy: A) Smart multimodal logistics: facilitate a shift from road to rail & IWT of 5%; B) Digital & Automated Multimodal Nodes and Corridors: increase operational efficiency by 20 % raise of handling capacity; C) Innovative business models: leading to an average cost reduction of freight transport by 10%. MultiRELOAD involves highly ambitious logistics hubs, including the multimodal node duisport (DE), Duisburg's highly ambitious port and the world’s largest and most advanced trimodal inland hub terminal, and the trimodal nodes Ports of Vienna (AT) and Basel (CH). The project is backed up by additional funding & financing for better integration of the freight transport nodes into overall logistic chains of about 450 Mio. EUR. MultiRELOAD involves a total of 22 partners comprising of highly innovative technology, logistics and service providers, leading European research institutions and well-connected networks.


€ 613 550,00
47119 Duisburg

Auf der Karte ansehen

Nordrhein-Westfalen Düsseldorf Duisburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 876 500,00

Beteiligte (23)