CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European ROBotics and AI Network


Wie Roboter lernen, Wissen mit anderen Robotern auszutauschen

Robotertechnik wird in Zukunft eine große Rolle spielen. Roboter halten Einzug in zahlreiche Bereiche – von kollaborativen Robotern (Cobots), die an der Seite menschlicher Arbeitskräfte eingesetzt werden, bis hin zu medizinischen Robotern. Um uns in unserem täglichen Leben zu unterstützen, bewegen sich Roboter in unstrukturierten Umgebungen, die den Austausch von Fähigkeiten und Software mit anderen Robotern erfordern. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt euROBIN eine Strategie für ein europäisches Ökosystem von Robotern erarbeiten, sodass diese ihre Daten und ihr Wissen austauschen und gemeinschaftlich lernen, eine Vielzahl von Aufgaben in menschlichen Umgebungen auszuführen. Das Projekt wird führende Fachleute aus der europäischen Robotik- und KI-Forschungsgemeinschaft zusammenbringen, um ihre Algorithmen und Daten auszutauschen.


As robots are entering unstructured environments with a large variety of tasks, they will need to quickly acquire new abilities to solve them. Humans do so very effectively through a variety of methods of knowledge transfer – demonstration, verbal explanation, writing, the Internet. In robotics, enabling the transfer of skills and software between robots, tasks, research groups, and application domains will be a game changer for scaling up the robot abilities.
euROBIN therefore proposes a threefold strategy: First, leading experts from the European robotics and AI research community will tackle the questions of transferability in four main scientific areas: 1) boosting physical interaction capabilities, to increase safety and reliability, as well as energy efficiency 2) using machine learning to acquire new behaviors and knowledge about the environment and the robot and to adapt to novel situations 3) enabling robots to represent, exchange, query, and reason about abstract knowledge 4) ensuring a human-centric design paradigm, that takes the needs and expectations of humans into account, making AI-enabled robots accessible, usable and trustworthy.
Second, the relevance of the scientific outcomes will be demonstrated in three application domains that promise to have substantial impact on industry, innovation, and civil society in Europe. 1) robotic manufacturing for a circular economy 2) personal robots for enhanced quality of life 3) outdoor robots for sustainable communities. Advances are made measurable by collaborative competitions.
Finally, euROBIN will create a sustainable network of excellence to foster exchange and inclusion. Software, data and knowledge will be exchanged over the EuroCore repository, designed to become a central platform for robotics in Europe.
The vision of euROBIN is a European ecosystem of robots that share their data and knowledge and exploit their diversity to jointly learn to perform the endless variety of tasks in human environments.



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€ 3 825 737,50

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