CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Next-generation AAV vectors for liver-directed gene therapy


Neue Adeno-assoziierte Vektoren für den Gentransfer in die Leber

Rekombinante Adeno-assoziierte Vektoren (AAV) haben in neuen klinischen Versuchen zum Gentransfer in die Leber bemerkenswerte Erfolge erreicht. Doch einige Hürden verhindern die Ausweitung der AAV-vermittelten Behandlung auf alle Patientinnen und Patienten. Dazu gehört die transiente AAV-vermittelte Expression wuchernder Hepatozyten aufgrund der episomalen AAV-Genomdilution, Lebertoxizität und Immunantworten auf AAV sowie bereits vorhandene Immunität gegenüber AAV-Kapsiden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt AAVolution schlägt vor, neue kleine Cas-Nukleasen zur AAV-vermittelten Genomeditierung in vivo mit reproduktiven episomalen AAV zu finden. So sollen die Dilution von Transgenen verhindert, synthetische AAV mit reduzierter Toxizität geschaffen und Technologien geschaffen werden, die bereits vorhandene Immunität gegenüber AAV überwinden. Das neue Instrumentarium wird die Ausweitung der AAV-vermittelten Gentherapie auf Indikationen über seltene Krankheiten hinaus ermöglichen.


Liver-directed gene therapy has undergone significant development in the last two decades. Recombinant adeno-associated vectors (AAV) are the vectors of choice for liver gene transfer and have recently achieved remarkable successes in clinical trials. However, there are still large groups of patients who have limited access to therapy. The major hurdles toward expanding the indication of AAV-mediated liver gene therapy are: i) transient AAV-mediated expression in proliferating hepatocytes, i.e. newborn or regenerating livers, due to dilution of episomal AAV genome in proliferating cells; ii) dose-dependent hepatotoxicity and immune response against AAVs; and iii) pre-existing immunity to AAV capsids, which currently preclude its systemic delivery in about 50% of individuals. AAVolution gathers renowned European experts in the field of AAV vectorology, gene therapy, genome editing and immunology, with the ambitious goal to develop and implement innovative therapeutic tools to effectively address these challenges. To this aim AAVolution proposes: i) to seek novel small Cas nucleases for in vivo AAV-mediated genome editing ii)to develop self-replicating episomal AAVs to avoid transgene dilution in proliferating livers; iii) to generate synthetic AAVs characterized by enhanced potency and reduced toxicity, by screening of novel AAV capsid libraries; iv) and to develop improved technologies to overcome pre-existing immunity to AAVs by transiently reducing the levels of circulating anti-AAV neutralizing antibodies.
AAVolution will significantly expand the toolkit for AAV-mediated liver gene therapy, developing novel and improved molecular instruments to address the most relevant hurdles toward safer and more effective therapies, and provide access to treatment to patients that are currently excluded from clinical trials. Moreover, these novel tools will constitute an innovative platform with a potential for broad expansion of disease indications beyond the rare diseases.


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