Periodic Reporting for period 1 - DANUBIUS IP (DANUBIUS Implementation Phase Project - DANUBIUS-IP)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-10-01 do 2023-09-30
The overall goal is to ensure the successful initiation of DANUBIUS-ERIC and enable DANUBIUS-RI to proceed to the Operational Phase. The Specific Objectives (SO) of DANUBIUS-IP will be met through WP 1-7 and the associated Work Tasks and Deliverables.
SO1. Ensure the successful initiation of DANUBIUS-ERIC
SO2. Develop and enhance the DANUBIUS-RI ICT potential.
SO3. Demonstrate the DANUBIUS-RI value proposition
SO4. Offer successful access to selected DANUBIUS-RI facilities and services
SO5. Enlarge the DANUBIUS-RI community
SO6. Enhance the visibility of DANUBIUS-RI to increase its social and economic impact.
Numerous actions were taken to strengthen Data aspects and create the first Data Portal. Based on the outcomes of the H2020 ENVRI FAIR Project, significant progress was made in engaging with all components for the establishment of interoperability (also with other RIs), collaboration with EOSC, and in updating the Data Policy and Data Management Plan.
The Science and Innovation Agenda was updated to the current challenges of the Horizon Europe Framework Programme Missions. A set of Scientific Questions to be addressed by DANUBIUS-RI services was set. A list of services was created from the ones already operational and those under development and/or planned for enhancement. A roadmap was created to plan proper and coherent development of new services, with identified gaps to be filled in the following years.
The consortium selected one scientific question as topic of the first Test Call to the scientific community.
To enlarge the DANUBIUS-RI Community and strengthen the position of DANUBIUS-RI within the European and international RI Landscape, there are collaborations with other ESFRI RIs and Landmarks and H2020 DOORSplus bilateral and multilateral contacts at national level in several consortium countries.
Interactions are also undergoing with European initiatives (such as Water4All) and global programmes (MegaDelta Programme, Global Coast Experiment).
A brochure was designed to ease interaction with the various communities of users.
Dissemination and communication activities have also been intense following the Plan created in the first period of the project. The interaction with the different stakeholder categories was based on the creation of the DANUBIUS-IP website, brand and supporting materials including posters, brochure and pop-up banners. These supported developing a strong presence and engagement in social media, written articles and news, our first newsletter and various photography and video outputs.
The Science and Innovation Agenda was updated and aligned with the major European initiatives in the field, the components` services (operational and under development / upgrading) have also been listed and a roadmap to fill the gaps (scientific questions not properly covered by services) was drawn. The first ever call offering DANUBIUS-RI services to the scientific community was launched, testing our (as yet theoretical) capabilities. Connections with other RIs have been continuous, as well as the interaction with major European Water4All) and international 9MegaDelta Programme) initiatives, increasing thus the visibility of DANUBIUS-RI.