CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks


Copernicus für die Überwachung der marinen Ökosysteme stärken

Die biologische Vielfalt des Ozeans trägt zur Lebensgrundlage für rund die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung bei. Durch Klimaveränderungen und menschliches Handeln ist diese biologische Vielfalt jedoch gefährdet und muss daher kontinuierlich überwacht werden. Der europäische Copernicus-Dienst zur Überwachung der Meeresumwelt (Copernicus-Meeresdienst) führt solche Meeresüberwachungen durch. Die gegenwärtig eingesetzten Modelle und Methoden sind allerdings verbesserungsfähig. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NECCTON wird neue Daten in innovativen Ökosystemmodellen zusammenführen. Der Copernicus-Meeresdienst wird dadurch Produkte anbieten können, die noch besser auf die Anforderungen zur Erhaltung der marinen Biodiversität und zur Bewirtschaftung der Lebensmittelressourcen der Meere auf globaler Ebene eingehen und dabei besonderes Augenmerk auf die regionalen europäischen Meere legen.


The ocean’s biodiversity supports the livelihoods of over three billion people, providing vital services, including food and nutrient cycling. However marine policy and resource management do not yet consider the latest scientific advances, even when the state-of-the-art operational models of the European Copernicus Marine Service (CMEMS) are used.
Our objective is to enable CMEMS to deliver novel products that inform marine biodiversity conservation and food resources management, by fusing new data into innovative ecosystem models that integrate biological and abiotic components, habitats, and stressors of marine ecosystems.
NECCTON will inter-link new models in the CMEMS systems, thus building novel capacities to simulate higher-trophic-levels, benthic habitats, pollutants, and deliver projections of climate change impacts. We will develop and exploit new data-processing chains, supporting CMEMS' use of novel ecosystem observations, including new hyperspectral data from satellites, as well as available acoustic, pollution and omics data. We will fuse these new data and models by using innovative machine-learning algorithms to improve models and data assimilation methods. These developments will be applied in thirteen case studies, co-designed with fisheries and conservation managers as part of our pathway-to-impact, resulting in the demonstration of Technological Readiness Level 6 of NECCTON products.
The project objectives will be achieved by a team of twenty-three world-class organizations with track records for all the key project components. It includes the CMEMS Entrusted Entity and core developers, who will promote the final uptake of NECCTON by CMEMS.
On project completion, NECCTON will provide CMEMS with the scientific and technical capabilities to sustain twenty-five new products in their operational portfolio, ultimately enabling users to make informed decisions on the exploitation of marine services, enhancing sustainability and conservation.


€ 1 129 125,00
31400 Toulouse

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Occitanie Midi-Pyrénées Haute-Garonne
Research Organisations
€ 1 129 125,00

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