Opis projektu
Z laboratorium do gospodarstwa: rzut oka na transport patogenów mikrobiologicznych
Jak patogeny i choroby dostają się do gospodarstwa? Naukowcy znajdują sposoby na śledzenie i monitorowanie transportu mikroorganizmów w celu poznania danego sposobu przenoszenia się chorób, jak i samego mikroorganizmu. W ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu HE-FARM zostanie opracowana metodologia oparta na badaniach laboratoryjnych i terenowych. Celem jest przewidywanie bezpieczeństwa biologicznego w kanałach transportowych i dopracowanie kilku przełomowych nowych technologii. Dodatkowo naukowcy opracują prototypowe nowe technologie w zakresie bezpieczeństwa biologicznego, które zostaną zwalidowane w środowiskach operacyjnych, takich jak fermy krów, świń i kurcząt, zakłady uboju i przygotowania mięsa, a także samochody ciężarowe. Projekt jest zgodny z unijną strategią „Od pola do stołu” na rzecz sprawiedliwego i zdrowego systemu żywnościowego.
In spite of the huge number of pathogens and diseases, the number of “transmission channels” or “transport routes” for microorganisms to enter in a farm or any other Farm2Fork facility is indeed limited to just nine. Tracing or monitoring transport of a single or a few microorganisms using a particular channel will provide valuable information on the channel itself and therefore on the transport effectiveness for the whole set of microorganisms using that particular channel. HE-FARM will develop and validate a methodology -based on experimental assays and tests in lab & operational env- to assess and predict transport-channel resolved biosecurity and simultaneously increase maturity of several disruptive novel techs. A software/APP will be created to help with these procedures and proposed as a draft for a future EN standard.
Prototypes of novel technologies for biosecurity will additionally be developed and validated in operational environment -including extensive and intensive cow, pig, chicken, turkey, sheep and snail farms, a slaughter and meat preparation plant and trucks:
Fast Integrated air-borne virus smart detector (PRRS and Avian Flue but easily extendable to other virus with an enormous like African Swine Fever whose early detection in air in minutes will have an enormous impact)
Sanitization by low-toxicity biocides & dynamic aggregation.
Low-toxicity insecticides & repellents & dynamic aggregation application & Env-Friendly Insect and Arachnids barrier and prevention techs.
Rapid Vehicle decon. station.
Biosecure & Env-Friendly Hall & Heat Venting and Cooling.
Portable Low-cost test-device for fast measuring microbiological metabolism.
Cold plasma farm water sanitization.
Usage and training procedures and manuals & assessment of performance method.
Finally at least other 3 biosecure techs externally provided selected in an open call will be experimentally tested.
Comm. & dissemination include liaising with authorities like EFSA and OIE.
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HORIZON-RIA - HORIZON Research and Innovation ActionsKoordynator
28801 Alcala De Henares/Madrid