CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Application of a New Kinetic Microbial Theory-Microbial Transition State- on Enriched Nitrifying Activated Sludge Model


Erforschung der Wachstumskinetik von mikrobiellen Mischkulturen

Die Theorie des mikrobiellen Übergangszustands (microbial transition state, MTS) liefert ein mathematisches Modell zur Beschreibung von mikrobiellem Wachstum, das thermodynamische Gleichgewichte und Wachstumsraten in Zusammenhang bringt. Diese neue Theorie ermöglicht allerdings keine zufriedenstellende Beschreibung der mikrobiellen Mischkulturen, die in Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen vorkommen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MTSonNAS wird die Wachstumskinetik von zwei unterschiedlichen nitrifizierenden Bakterien auf Grundlage der MTS-Theorie erforschen. Um die Anwendbarkeit der MTS-Theorie auf unterschiedliche Gruppen in mikrobiellen Mischkulturen unter unterschiedlichen Umgebungsbedingungen zu prüfen, wird das Projekt außerdem die Hemmung des bakteriellen Wachstums durch verschiedene Arten von Inhibitoren untersuchen. Die Projektergebnisse werden das bisherige Verständnis von mikrobiellen Wachstumsprozessen in ingenieurtechnischen und natürlichen Aufbereitungssystemen vertiefen.


Traditional engineering models known as Activated Sludge Model (ASM) are commonly used for operation, design, and optimization of wastewater treatment plants. ASM predict microbial growth with simulation and calibration of model parameters which are bound to a range of experimental conditions. Recently, Microbial Transition State (MTS) approach was proposed which is a statistical-physics based theory of microbial growth linking thermodynamic balances and growth rates. A growth equation was derived from these first principles, which links a flux (the growth of microbes) to a force, i.e. the Gibbs free potential energy density in medium contained in randomly distributed substrate molecules. MTS has not been fully verified with experimental data on mixed microbial cultures such as sustained in wastewater treatment systems. As the theory is developed for describing standard microbial growth, conditions such as inhibition of growth by any pollutant compound has not been considered/applied in real systems. The aim of the research is to investigate growth kinetics of two different nitrifying bacteria individually (Ammonia and Nitrite oxidizers) with MTS modeling approach and identify nitirification growth kinetics. Inhibition of bacterial growth with different types of inhibitors will also be investigated in order to evaluate and verify application of MTS model for different guilds in mixed microbial cultures under different environmental conditions. The outcomes of the study will contribute to understanding and control of microbial growth processes in engineered and natural treatment systems. Identification of inhibition kinetics will be used for mitigation of pollution generated from industrial processes as well as theoretical development of MTS theory to be applied in more complex biological process applications. The project is an intersection of environmental engineering, molecular biology, and modeling disciplines which will contribute Green Deal Strategy of EU.


€ 148 478,40
34469 Maslak, Istanbul

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İstanbul İstanbul İstanbul
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
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