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Large scale deployment project to accelerate the uptake of Hydrogen Trucks in Europe

Descrizione del progetto

Accelerare l’uso dell’idrogeno nel settore europeo del trasporto merci

Tre grandi costruttori europei di autocarri distribuiranno 150 di questi veicoli in otto Stati membri dell’UE, destinandoli a effettuare operazioni a lunga distanza con tragitti superiori ai 600 km. Per facilitare questa iniziativa verrà creata una nuova rete di stazioni di rifornimento di idrogeno lungo i principali corridoi di trasporto dell’Europa settentrionale e meridionale. Il progetto H2Accelerate TRUCKS, finanziato dall’UE, presenta l’idrogeno come potenziale soluzione per ridurre le emissioni di carbonio nel settore del trasporto stradale di merci. TRUCKS genererà una serie di dati completi che saranno analizzati allo scopo di produrre un rapporto accessibile al pubblico sulle prestazioni della flotta, da mettere successivamente a disposizione dei responsabili politici, degli operatori di autocarri e dell’industria dell’idrogeno al fine di favorire l’adozione degli autocarri alimentati con questo gas e gli investimenti associati, nonché quelli nelle relative catene di fornitura.


150 trucks from three European truck OEMs, the Volvo Group, Daimler AG and IVECO will be deployed across eight EU member states. Each company, will develop and deploy 41-44 tonne articulated trucks which are specified for the longest haul operation (ranges over 600km). The trucks will be deployed with over 20 truck operators and operate in a wide range conditions and day-to-day operations across 8 European member states.

The trucks will operate on a new network of high throughput hydrogen refuelling stations, designed specifically for trucks (installed by Shell, OMV, TOTAL, Everfuel and Linde). These will be installed to cover the major TEN-T transport corridors from North to South Europe, with an initial focus on the regions where the vehicles are manufactured (to enable the high level of on-road support that the OEMs’ customers rely on). The stations will be supplied using green hydrogen from a network of 8 new large electrolysers producing green hydrogen consistent with RED II requirements, with associated Guarantees of Origin.

The project will create an extensive technical, economic and attitudinal dataset which proves the viability of hydrogen as a solution to decarbonising road freight. This will be analysed by research partners, SINTEF, VTT and Element Energy to create easily interpreted public report on the performance of the fleet. The results will be disseminated to an audience of: policy makers (to encourage policy change to favour hydrogen truck deployment), truck operators (to enable future uptake) and the wider hydrogen industry (to underpin supply chain investment).

These activities will contribute to accelerating the rate and scale of uptake of hydrogen fuelled vehicles in Europe, preparing the policy, fuelling network and end user acceptance for the first series production of these OEM vehicles (at the scale of 1,000’s per year per OEM) from as early as 2026 and full industrialisation (10,000’s per year per OEM) around 2030.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 818 251,00
7034 Trondheim

Mostra sulla mappa

Norge Trøndelag Trøndelag
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 818 251,25

Partecipanti (10)

Partner (6)