Final Report Summary - ASPRINT (Advanced Scanning Probes for Innovative Nanoscience and Technology)
Asprint advanced scanning probe methods and developed conceptually new, so far not yet possible modes. These new modes are important to nanoscience and technology. The possibilities for visualisation, local manipulation, and spectroscopy, i.e. the performance of scanning probe methods in general, represent key-technology for the development of nanoscience and technology at this stage. The tasks of Asprint are at the centre of these topics, which gives rise to a high impact. During the last years scanning probe methods became increasingly important for the economy. Awareness of and access to SPM by the industry is being improved.
Asprint was a European project where 12 partners in the field of nanoscience and technology joint forces. The objectives of Asprint concerned nano-magnetic scanning probe methods, nano-optical scanning probe methods, and smart scanning probes. The project provided enhanced applicability, reached higher resolution, produced dedicated probes, and also new modes of scanning probe microscopy. As a result towards industry Asprint provided access to novel nanotools.