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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-14

Best practices network in the area of TPB for the it actions


Being able to confront today's competitive challenges is becoming an increasing worry in IT sector SMEs. SMEs associations have become a major tool for responding to the need for joining efforts in making available a common infrastructure, reaching a critical mass and sharing risks. AIEPV, ADESCO and ICSA are three of those associations, focused on three dimensions: SMEs, IT sector, and a regional scope.

This will define a specific working environment which will demand specific solutions.

The objective will be a Best Practices Network (BPN) that:
- is fed with the results of the TBP cluster, among other sources,
- develops its own initiatives to find out specific needs for TBP,
- and focuses on a regional, SMEs and sectorial scope.

The expected main result of the project will be a substantial improvement in the competitive level of the involved SME's through the knowledge of selected Best Business Processes acquired thanks to the project's selection and dissemination tasks.

The general working approach will be defined based on the following principles:
- Build on existing infrastructure
- Focus will be set not only in disseminating as much as possible TBP initiatives coming from TBP Pilots and Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects (top-down) but also in starting own initiatives in TBP (bottom-up).
- network simplicity should be maximised
- network should be able to grow, by coordinating with other possible BPN networks and by adding new TBP dissemination / detection initiatives periodically identified as useful.

The partners will approach the work with a clear tasks assignment. The associations AIEPV, ADESO & ICSA main role will be the work groups with their SME's, the coordination of general activities, the management of the project at different levels and the direct dissemination. The role of FEND will be the selective information captor, the organiser of the Information Centre and the establisher of the external contacts with different information sources. SOCINTEC's role will cover the information needs research and to address the basic project pre-screening.

The expected results impact will include:
- A set of 314 SME's from the Electronic-Informatics Sector with direct benefit from the TBP dissemination.
- SME's knowledge and implantation of the transmitted TBP models, technologies and tools.
- SME's immersion in the continuous improvement philosophy and work groups.
- Feed-back of requirements and needs to the Electronic-Informatics Sector.
- Enforcement of the knowledge transfer network.
- Increasing the sectorial integration in the EU general policies.
- Increasing the SME's capabilities to define new programmes proposals.

The exploitation of the project results will be made formally among the Associations associated SME's by way of implementation of the selected projects founded by the TBP programme. At the same time, a broader dissemination will take place towards other TBP networks, other industrial related sectors and the Society in global terms through each association's own means and structure, through the periodical networks meetings, and through the media paneuropean channels (preferently telematic highways).

A second exploitation will take place through the SME's feed-back on their implementation results, giving sound reasons to increase, reconsider, modify or plainly reject selected TBPs for further dissemination.

Besides, the project results will be exploited in a medium and long term by each partner in relation with their own objectives. FEND and SOCINTEC will have a better knowledge of the European SMEs, and will expand their activities among them. AIEPV, ADESO & ICSA will continue the dissemination process with their associated members and become a good reference for other SMEs sectors. The three associations will improve their interactivity and will be more active in the European arena.

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Asociacion de Industrias de Las Tecnologias Electronicas y de la Informacion del Pais Vasco
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