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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Strategic Networking of RDI Programmes in Construction and Operation of Buildings

Final Report Summary - ERACOBUILD (Strategic Networking of RDI Programmes in Construction and Operation of Buildings)

The overall aim of Eracobuild was to develop deeper, more durable cooperation and coordination between national funding bodies across Europe, to increase the quality and impact of research in the construction sector and so its performance, and that of the assets it creates.

ERACOBUILD focused on strengthening and deepening the cooperation in the consortium on five levels:

1. The development of integral strategies on construction and operation of buildings.
2. Creating a structured dialogue between regional and national policymakers, the European Commission (EC) and sector representatives.
3. Enhancing and launching joint activities between on-going programmes (e.g. in trans-national programmes) on relevant topics.
4. Advising national governments and the EC on how to further incorporate tools and improve boundary conditions for trans-national cooperation.
5. Bridging the gap between research and development (R&D) and practice by linking implementation strategies to research programmes.

During the whole period of ERACOBUILD, the main following results were achieved:

- The strategic guidance of the project was carried out by identifying trends and future research needs, by identifying a map of other relevant networks, by carrying out three steering committee workshops and drafting an ERACOBUILD roadmap (work package (WP)1).
- Future cooperation after the ERACOBUILD project was discussed in dedicated plenary workshops, planned, tested, agreed and launched.
- Three joint calls were launched, in the framework of the Value driven process (VDP) programme firstly, in the Sustainable renovation (SusRen) framework secondly and thirdly (WP3).
- A few other joint activities (clustering, workshops...) were carried out (WP2).
- Links with the Energy-efficient Buildings (EeB) PPP and the E2B Association implemented (WP2).
- Learning and improving activities were carried out (WP4).
- Communication tools were set up and implemented (communication plan, website, flyer, newsletters, posters publications and the final conference) (WP5).
- Coordination and management activities were ensured (WP6).

The first call for proposals in the VDP programme was published on 5 June 2009. Six national funding bodies and one programme manager participated to this call. The total funding available in the call was EUR 3 million. In total, eight project proposals were received out of which seven were found to be eligible. After evaluation, three projects were recommended to the national funding organisations for funding.

The first call in the SusRen programme was published in early December 2009. Nine funding bodies participated to this call, with a total available funding of EUR 3.85 million. All together, eight applications were received and five projects funded.

The second call in the SusRen framework was published on 28 February 2010 and was closed on 31 May 2011. Six funding bodies (Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Sweden, United Kingdom) participated to this call with a total funding of EUR 3.7 million. None proposals were received and five projects funded.

Project context and objectives:

Project concept

Without a doubt, the construction sector is one of the most important sectors in the European Union (EU). The built environment and its related business, ranging from construction to operation of buildings, have a major share in Europe's economy and environmental impact. For example, in Finland, taking into account the whole chain, the real estate and construction cluster accounts for more than 23 % of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 70 % of national assets, and provides work for more than 20 % of the workforce.

Moreover, the relationship between construction activities, and the built environment on the one hand, and sustainable development on the other, is both significant and complex. Compared to other sectors, construction has a high potential for improvements in both efficiency and sustainability, making it key to achieving Europe's challenging sustainable development goals (balancing economic, social and environmental factors).

At the same time however, the construction sector is known to be a mainly locally organised and conservative sector. This makes harvesting this potential a big challenge for both the sector itself and for national governments, representing the public interest.

National governments in Europe, responsible for national construction policies, are increasingly cooperating internationally. The implementation of European legislation and guidelines, like the Construction Product Directive (CPD), the Energy Performance Building Directive (EPBD) and the Eco-design Directive, encourages governments to exchange policies and implementation plans.

On the road to a sustainable built environment, the construction sector and national governments face some major challenges to transform the sector, in part through research, development and innovation (RDI). Challenges include:

- improving the quality and the efficiency of processes in construction and operation of building;
- reducing the use of non-renewable resources, increasing the recycling of waste products, and making the built environment more environmentally friendly;
- securing the access to healthy and safe buildings for people;
- making the sector more customer oriented;
- utilising sophisticated communication technology (i.e. e-procurement, project web and 3D);
- involving small and medium-sised enterprises (SMEs) in developing and adopting innovations (i.e. finding best practice solutions);
- motivating and promoting change in a traditional industry.

This is where ERACOBUILD, as a network of national, regional and trans-national funding bodies and policy makers, can assist. Together with the EC and sector representatives, ERACOBUILD aims to find areas of mutual sectoral and public interests, or more concretely, to find means of co-funding research from national, trans-national and European public budgets.

The first ERA-NET on construction, ERABUILD started in 2004 with 13 partners from 8 countries. The calls have successfully tested different forms of cooperation and identified barriers to effective cooperation. Furthermore, two topics, linked to the ECTP's Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), have been selected so far for development as trans-national programmes:

- sustainable renovation; and
- value driven processes.

ERACOBUILD gathers 35 partners from 22 countries.


The overall aim of ERACOBUILD was to develop deeper, more durable cooperation and coordination between national funding bodies across Europe, to increase the quality and impact of research in the construction sector and so its performance, and that of the assets it creates.

To extend and deepen cooperation and to ensure desired impacts, a strategic approach to guide the network was needed. In practice this meant developing synergy between national programmes by sharing strategies and establishing joint programmes and projects. Strong strategic direction also committed national funders to the themes of the proposed project thus assuring funding for joint activities.

ERACOBUILD focused on strengthening and deepening the cooperation in the consortium on five levels:

1. The development of integral strategies on construction and operation of buildings, integrating economic, environmental and research policies that are often covered by different ministries and Directorates General (DGs), leading to suboptimal approaches for the building sector.
2.Creating a structured dialogue between regional and national policymakers, the EC and sector representatives, through ECTP and associated national technology platforms, in order to match research priorities defined by the sector with research priorities following national and European policies. Furthermore, a global approach was to be adopted to find relevant networks in non-European research programmes.
3. Enhancing and launching joint activities between ongoing programmes (e.g. in trans-national programmes) on relevant topics. For example, involving SMEs more actively in European RDI could be a topic for a trans-national programme.
4. Advising national governments and the EC on how to further incorporate tools and improve boundary conditions for trans-national cooperation.
5. Bridging the gap between R&D and practice by linking implementation strategies to research programmes.

To achieve the above mentioned goals, cooperation and coordination were to be carried out at different levels. One of the most ambitious objectives was to launch at least two transnational thematic programmes, planned during ERABUILD, and three joint calls. Further programmes might be initiated based on the needs of the new ERACOBUILD partners. The concept of trans-national programme means that at least four countries should commit to funding projects in that theme. Besides project funding, trans-national programmes consists of other value added services for researchers, industry practitioners and other stakeholders.

Project results:

During the whole period of ERACOBUILD, the main following results were achieved.

- The strategic guidance of the project was carried out by identifying trends and future research needs, by identifying a map of other relevant networks, by carrying out three Steering Committee workshops and drafting an ERACOBUILD roadmap (WP1).
- Future cooperation after the ERACOBUILD project was discussed in dedicated plenary workshops, planned, tested, agreed and launched.
- Three joint calls were launched, in the framework of the (VDP) programme firstly, in the SusRen framework secondly and thirdly (WP3).
- A few other joint activities (clustering, workshops...) were carried out (WP2).
- Links with EeB PPP and the E2B Association implemented (WP2).
- Learning and improving activities were carried out (WP4).
- Communication tools were set up and implemented (communication plan, website, flyer, newsletters, posters publications and the final conference) (WP5).
- Coordination and management activities were ensured (WP6).

The first call for proposals in the VDP programme was published on 5 June 2009. Six national funding bodies and one programme manager (RPF, Cyprus; EBST, Denmark; Tekes, Finland; Meeddat, France; RCN, Norway; Formas, Sweden and BIC, Sweden) participated to this call. BIC was convenor for the call and Tekes took responsibility for the call secretariat. The total funding available in the call was EUR 3 million, a sum that was extended through the rules of cofounding from sector actors that is requested by some countries. In total, eight project proposals were received out of which seven were found to be eligible. After evaluation - and consideration of the available sums in the national budgets for the chosen projects - three projects were recommended to the national funding organisations for funding.

The first call in the SusRen programme was published in early December 2009 and was closed on 28 February 2010. Nine funding bodies (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Flanders, France, Nordic Region, Romania, Sweden, Switzerland) participated to this call, under the coordination of NICe, with a total available funding of EUR 3.85 million. All together, eight applications were received. The evaluation of proposals took place in April 2010 and formal decisions were taken in May / June 2010.

The second call in the SusRen framework was published on 28 February 2010 and was closed on 31 May 2011. Six funding bodies (Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Sweden, United Kingdom) participated to this call with a total funding of EUR 3.7 million. None proposals were received and five projects funded.

A few other kinds of joint activities took place during the whole period:

Three shadowing events
- March and April 2009: Participation in the jury process of the Austrian programme 'Building of tomorrow plus'
- Participation in an international business event ('Business zoo') of the ERACOBUILD sustainable renovation project One-stop-shop (April 2012)
- Participation in the German event on 'Efficiency house plus with electro-mobility' (February 2012).

One excursion event
- Invitation by Austrian programme 'Building of tomorrow plus' to visit 'Sustainable renovation' buildings in Upper Austria (June 2009).

Three clustering events
- Brokerage event in the framework of the first VDP Call (Summer 2009)
- Expert workshop on building information modelling in Malmö (Sweden) within the VDP joint programme (April 2010)
- Joint ERACOBUILD - E2BA workshop in Hilversum (June 2010).

Potential impact:

This ERACOBUILD Era-net on 'Construction and operation of buildings' improved cooperation between programme owners and programme managers of a large number of countries in Europe and set the basis for a long-lasting cooperation in this field. ERACOBUILD has built on the achievements of ERABUILD, adding new potential research area's to the two trans-national programmes following ERABUILD. It allowed the original ERABUILD partners to deepen their cooperation, and new partners to benefit from the experience.

It is therefore expected that ERACOBUILD will also allow to reduce overlapping of R&D activities in Europe and, at the same time, will also allow to increase these R&D activities, with the global result that societal challenges will be met more rapidly at European level and innovation will increase more rapidly contributing to a better global performance of the sector.

Among the societal challenges identified by the construction sector in the SRA of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP), it can be particularly mentioned, as far as construction and operation of buildings are concerned:

- creating a built environment that is accessible and usable for all;
- providing decent, well-designed, energy efficient housing for all;
- improving health, safety and security of the built environment;
- contributing to objectives of the Kyoto Protocol;
- adapting to climate change;
- preserving the natural environment;
- preserving the natural resources.

Furthermore, examples of substantial impacts can be mentioned at project partner level, at stakeholder level and at EU level (strategic and political impacts).

With respect to the partners of the project, it is expected that ERACOBUILD will have a direct influence on the way they operate. One of the objectives of the project was to improve knowledge of each other and each other's programmes. Furthermore, the partners have learned from each other. For example, some programmes had a focal point on product development, some others focus on processes. Some programmes put emphasis on the relation between different stakeholders in the construction sector, others on the social issues related to construction. Due to all these different angles used by the participating countries to achieve excellence in the construction sector, the project partners had the opportunity to learn from each other and, as a result, to optimise their own national programme activities (added-value).

In addition, project partners can expect that the project will have given added value to their activities through:

- improvement and further enhancement of sustainable RTD cooperation, coordination and knowledge dissemination;
- the prevention of duplication of efforts to secure efficient and effective use of (inter)national governmental resources in the field of industry and sustainability;
- learning from each other on international construction approaches;
- common exploitation strategies for new technologies;
- further enhancement of the implementation of EU construction and building policies and regulations.

ERACOBUILD will have also impact on stakeholders in participating countries. The target groups of the project included the construction industry but also many other stakeholders, among them the clients and the end-users of the construction industry. The knowledge transfers on current projects in participating countries provided direct information for the target groups or, at least, prevent similar projects in different countries (simultaneously re-inventing the wheel).

ERACOBUILD was also a major step towards the structuring of a European Research Area (ERA) for the construction sector. Since the project included the involvement of programme managers as well as programme owners (ministries), all organisations needed for the international cooperation and coordination of sustainability programmes were combined. This should facilitate the establishment of an ERA. The project will have a strategic and political impact. ERACOBUILD gave a clear signal that a large number of countries in the EU wanted to join forces to achieve an ERA in the construction sector. In this respect, ERACOBUILD can be regarded as a promising full-scale exercise for further intensified cooperation in Europe.

Luc Bourdeau - CSTB
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