Final Report Summary - ADSCFT MUNICH (The gauge gravity duality and its applications to real world strongly coupled systems)
The research undertaken has encompassed formal aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence, as well as applications to heavy-ion physics (in particular early states close to thermalisation) and condensed matter physics (in particular superconductivity). The four published articles are outlined below:
The open string membrane paradigm with external electromagnetic fields
Keun-Young Kim, Jonathan Shock, Javier Tarrio - JHEP 06 (2011) 017
In this paper the fellow and collaborators were able to develop an entirely new paradigm for understanding regions of D-branes in the presence of electric fields which previously had not been understood. By developing an open string membrane paradigm the fellow was able to show that an effective horizon develops on a D-brane when large electric fields are present. Using this new membrane paradigm it is possible to find, in a very simple manner, transport properties of gauge theories when electric and magnetic fields are turned on. Such behaviour is extremely important now as this can be applied both to the heavy ion collision physics at the LHC as well as to lower dimensional condensed matter systems which are being studied in great detail via the holographic correspondence.