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Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent of Elderly

Final Report Summary - JADE (Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent of Elderly)

Executive Summary:
The need to improve the well-being, care and health of increasing numbers of elderly people in the EU is the driving force of the EU FP-7/CAPACITY-REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE “JADE project” (Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of cluster policies related to independence of Elderly) leaded by Sviluppo Marche spa (the local development agency of Marche Regional Authority) started in February 2011 and concluded with the end of January 2014.
JADE project brings together total of 42 partners (businesses, universities, research bodies, end-user representatives, institutions) from 4 EU and 1 extra-EU research driven clusters: i-LIVE RDC (Marche region) from Italy as Coordinator and ADEBAG RDC (Rhone-Alps region) from France, SEHTA RDC (South East England) from the United Kingdom, Helsinki Region RDC from Finland and Istanbul Region RDC from Turkey.
In the first part of the project, the 5 RDCs have realized a multidisciplinary analysis of their clusters and the results have been merged in a unique JADE CROSS-ANALYSIS. A comprehensive comparison of all the common strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats across the 5 clusters has highlighted that:
- assistive technologies can offer at least a partial solution to the challenge of the provision of health and care to the growing elderly population of Europe;
- all JADE RDCs have also identified the key role of government in facilitating the development and widespread deployment of assistive technologies through their positive policies and funding of specific assistive technology projects;
- a more national/international approach needs to be taken to address the clinician resistance, training and skills development, standards and interoperability and integration between health and social care.
On these basis, it has been drafted the JADE WHITE PAPER to promote (at regional, national and EU level) the overall JADE Common Agenda (Strategy) and related joint action plan aimed at fostering regional economic development through more effective investments in R&T activities in ambient intelligence applied to healthcare of ageing. While the White Paper has to be understood as a policy paper towards EC, but mainly towards national and regional policy-makers, JADE JOINT ACTION PLAN has been designed as operative document. It contains measures (the 4 JADE pillars) that have been implemented in the second part of the project: JADE Scientists Mobility Programme, JADE Expression of interest to new H2020 projects ideas and cooperation strategies, JADE 5 Healthy Ageing Innovation Laboratories and JADE networking and dissemination.
The main potential impact of the JADE is the reinforcement and the exploitation of relations within clusters actors and among EU and transnational RDCs involved around the theme of active ageing and ambient intelligence technologies through a multilevel approach; enterprises, but also research/technological centres, universities, policy makers, end user representatives, etc. JADE is revealing opportunities offered by the innovative markets related to e-health for elderly sector and the potential cost reduction of national and regional health and care system of elderly to involved industry and RTD actors and institutions. In addition, as EU and North America are facing common challenges in delivery of healthcare, it has been of high added value to share the work done with JADE project with North America partners and identify possible collaboration in order to address these issues. This is the ground where the “JADE NORTH AMERICA eHEALTH MARKET LEARNING EXPEDITION” has been realized in Montreal and Boston from 20 to 25 October 2013.

Project Context and Objectives:
The need to improve the well-being, care and health of increasing numbers of elderly people in the EU is the driving force of the EU FP-7/CAPACITY-REGIONS OF KNOWLEDGE “JADE project” (Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of cluster policies related to independence of Elderly) leaded by Sviluppo Marche spa (the local development agency of Marche Regional Authority) started in February 2011 and concluded with the end of January 2014.

A special focus of the project is seniors who have chronic conditions with a particular emphasis on preventative measures and promotion of well-being. JADE is being carried out at a time when health and social care budgets are stretched across Europe and the need to save resources is very important. Deployment of ambient assisted living, including Telecare and Telehealth are perceived to be means of delivering care and health in many situations in a more efficient and effective way.

The multidisciplinary approach intended to enhance research, improve policy and integrate the knowledge base, business and policy makers in assistive technologies addressing issues that need intervention at a European transnational level. The JADE partnership have consolidated and broadened the network composed of RDCs in order to face together common threats and weakness and to capture new opportunities and identify common strengths. The created consortium, provided empowerment and mentoring of existing local/regional clusters, created synergies, linkages and alliances (at technological, productive, commercial and policy level) among economic, social and research actors. Indeed, JADE project brings together total of 42 partners (businesses, universities, research bodies, end-user representatives, institutions) from 4 EU and 1 extra-EU research driven clusters: i-LIVE RDC (Marche region) from Italy as Coordinator and ADEBAG RDC (Rhone-Alps region) from France, SEHTA RDC (South East England) from the United Kingdom, Helsinki Region RDC from Finland and Istanbul Region RDC from Turkey.

The main general objectives of the JADE project are to:
• Define a common research agenda, driven by needs of the elderly in the area of ambient assisted living leading to the creation of a joint action plan which will help drive EU research and policy agendas
• Foster transnational scientific cooperation and collaboration between clusters of assisted living
• Raise, share and disseminate knowledge and understanding and develop common approaches to enhance research and policy effort in ambient assisted living.

Such main objectives have been accomplished thanks to the implementation of 4 technical work packages.
Concerning the WP2 (ANALYSIS AND INTEGRATION OF RESEARCH AGENDAS), its specific objective was to analyze the state of the art of the 5 JADE RDCs and assess additional research capabilities which research could be carried out. The analysis outlined and confirmed the possibilities of synergies and opportunities of cross-mentoring, for capacity building, mutual learning and best practices exchange. Thus, the following activities have been planned:
- the mapping of the 5 JADE RDCs and the elaboration of the related 5 SWOT analysis (by each JADE RDC) for having a comprehensive overview of the socio-economic-RDT-political overview of each RDC and then its own strengths, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities;
- the cross-analysis of the 5 RDC’s SWOT analysis (by SETHA RDC in collaboration with JADE Steering Committee and JADE Council) identifying complementarities targeted for cross-mentoring activities;
- the elaboration and presentation of JADE White Paper (by SETHA RDC in collaboration with JADE Steering Committee and JADE Council): a policy paper that outlines the overlaps, gaps and opportunities accompanying the JADE Joint Action Plan. It is to be presented to EC and disseminated during all the project lifetime.
- the setting up of 2 special interest groups (composed by representatives from all the 5 JADE RDCs) charged with focusing, deepening social and ethical issues at regional, national and EU level. They defined the JADE Ethical Code which aims to establish a set of procedures to guide the partners to achieve the goals and objectives of the research project. The code outlines the obligations of each of the partners through all the phases of the project, from the design of the research through to the publication and communication of the experiences of the project.

Then, WP3 (DEFINITION AND LAUNCH OF THE JADE JOINT ACTION PLAN) was aimed at defining the JADE JAP through the implementation of workshops as drivers for the definition of an overall Joint Action Strategy and Plan for healthy ageing to foster economic development trough research and technological development activities in ambient intelligence in healthcare. In addition, thanks to the organization of 5 workshop dedicated events, aimed to encourage the exchange and transfer of know-how and excellences and strengthening of transnational cooperation between research driven clusters. During such events autonomous alliances and agreements have been signed with mutual advantages within the focused topics andareas of the ERA. Therefore, its specific activities have been:
- The definition and planning of transnational RDC coordination strategy to define the Joint Action Plan by the JADE Coordinator (SVIM) with the collaboration of the Steering Committee and Jade Council and validation by all the partners during the Kick-off meeting (April 2011);
- The definition and launch of the JADE JAP (by the Jade Coordinator with the collaboration of the Steering Committee and Jade Council). It is an ideal, while operative document to be updated from time to time summarizing and outlining all measures aimed at strengthening strategic performing process with regard to JADE topics (AAL and healthy ageing) issues tackled in the JADE White Paper. It has implemented the overall Joint Action Strategy of JADE aimed at fostering regional economic development through more effective investments in R&T activities in ambient intelligence applied to healthcare of ageing. It posed particular emphasis to the measures planned to be further developed and implemented by RDCs through the expansion of previous and ongoing transnational activities foreseen by their 5 REpHAs (Regional Programme on Healthy Ageing);
- The realization of the 5 workshop-exchanges (in Italy, UK, Turkey, France, and Finland) according to the following (common) agenda: 1,5 day dedicated to the discussion on JADE topics and internal technical activities and external workshop/conferences activities; 1,5 days for cross-field visits to local main RDC, businesses and healthy ageing care providers and 1 day for the knowledge-exchange/networking among local and transnational healthy ageing RDC, businesses and institutions.
Regarding WP4 (MENTORING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE JOINT ACTION PLAN), its main objectives was to support the capacity in setting up and developing RDC, promote and implement the JAP: JADE JOINT ACTION PLAN. It has been elaborated throughout the first part of the project and finalized as operative document containing measures (the JADE 4 pillars) to be implemented both in the second part of JADE and even further through the expansion of previous and on-going transnational activities foreseen by the 5 RePHAs (Regional Programme on Healthy Ageing, annexed in the JAP) and transnational project opportunities raised in the JADE implementation of the 4 pillars. The JADE Scientists Mobility Programme (I PILLAR) has fostered the individual mobility of excellent researchers of the involved universities, research centres and/or enterprises and thus favouring knowledge transfer and enhancement of skills opportunities through cross-mentoring strategy. Indeed, in less than 9 months more than 20 mobility of researchers among the 5 clusters have been realized with the following results: kknowledge of each other activities, knowledge sharing of AAL technologies, knowledge sharing on potential funding for joint projects, building of consortia for future EU projects, business partnering between innovative SME’s, planning of future researchers and students exchanges between Universities (especially thanks to ERASMUS agreements). The II PILLAR has been designed in order to prepare the ground for future joint RTD projects among the JADE consortium, especially through small-scale initiatives facilitating and supporting capacity and institutional building, policy development and regional cluster development. In line with topics proposed by the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, the partners have drafted 13 project ideas clustered in 5 topics (Platform of services in Care Home, Platform of at home, Cognitive games, Professional and public education on assistive technologies and Prevention) to be proposed within the forthcoming new EU Innovation and R&D framework programme: Horizon 2020. The 5 Healthy Ageing Innovation Laboratories (JADE HAILs-III PILLAR) have been constituted on some JADE topics identified by the partners as strategic subjects that will be significant in the future development of their RDCs and key-element of the EU 2014-2020 research policy on healthy ageing: Living lab methodology (market pull, users & professionals involvement, to combine research & changes within local/regional pilots), Regional awareness raising of a large public the benefits of ambient assisted living technologies, Public procurement (especially PCP) on the solutions developed within JADE at local level; Deployment from local to EU level by identification of excellent case studies transferable from one country to another; the promotion of the JADE JAP and related common research agenda in order to link SMEs, technological/innovation centres and other health and ageing structures and institutions to existing thematic innovation and ageing network/clusters. This includes networking activities, facilitating active participation of RDCs in the main important EU thematic platforms and networks.

Finally, WP5 (KNOWLEDGE DISSEMINATION AND AWARENESS RAISING, NETWORKING MEETINGS AND EVENTS), as horizontal work package cross-cutting the whole JADE project lifetime, aimed to guarantee an effective and permanent visibility of the JADE actions and dissemination of the projects results and outputs and to valorize research results, achieving an easy and open access to knowledge and transferring the knowledge produced under JADE into political, economic and social issues. In addition, its main objective was to strengthen the opportunities of the target audience (research organizations, universities, industry including SMEs, research programme managers, etc.) through exchange and dissemination of good practice. Finally it aimed at raising awareness of policymakers to take effective action to improve older people health and to promote healthy ageing, ensuring an innovative integrated health approach with business and research domains and that address a range of policy areas promoting new funding lines, reducing social and economic inequalities. This WP provided the ‘forefront’ of the project, where taking the output (and input) from the other work packages forms contacts and build relationships with a wide range of stakeholders to encourage the development of new opportunities and exchange of good practices. It supported knowledge diffusion, know-how transfer and experience sharing as well as focus on opportunities for involvement partners in European innovation initiatives. Knowledge dissemination activities have been primarily based on running a series of events such as workshops, seminars and conferences or participating in other fora and venues. In addition, as EU and North America are facing common challenges in delivery of healthcare, it has been of great added value to share the work done with JADE project with North America partners and identify possible collaboration in order to address these issues. This is the ground where the “JADE NORTH AMERICA eHEALTH MARKET LEARNING EXPEDITION” in Montreal and Boston from 20 to 25 October 2013 has been organized by the French partner Medic@lps.

Project Results:
It is necessary to point out that our JADE project, as coordination and support action, has been focused on investigating the potential integration of the research agendas and transnational networking opportunities of 5 regional research driven clusters specialized in ambient intelligent technologies for independent living of elderly (and not aimed at experimentation of research actions).
Thus the main general S&T results is represented by the understanding of wide actual and potential opportunities of synergies for cross-mentoring, capacity building, mutual learning, but also RDT and business collaborations among all the 5 involved RDCs. Particularly, the partners have recognized the potential of their clusters of assistive technologies to deliver real solutions to the health and care challenges. They have good potential research bases, industry enthusiasm good potential markets with technology-savy elderly populations and the growing expectation of elderly people alongside an essential need from governments to deliver health and social care more cheaply and effectively. In addition, through the JADE project, complementarities between regions have been actively built upon through mentoring and mobility work packages. The current market and industry base is still relatively small and needs to grow to a critical mass, a ‘tipping point’, in order for the assistive technology revolution to take hold. It is difficult to predict when and where this will be globally, but the JADE partnership feels that their respective regions and countries have the potential to lead the way for the rest of the world.
Indeed, the cross analysis of the 5 RDC’s SWOT has highlighted that:
- assistive technologies can offer at least a partial solution to the challenge of the provision of health and care to the growing elderly population of Europe;
- all JADE RDCs have also identified the key role of government in facilitating the development and widespread deployment of assistive technologies through their positive policies and funding of specific assistive technology projects;
- a more national/international approach needs to be taken to address the clinician resistance, training and skills development, standards and interoperability and integration between health and social care.
Moreover, the JADE WHITE PAPER has identified some of the barriers to widespread adoption of ambient assistive technologies and also recognizes some of the regional strengths and opportunities in the clusters to overcome these barriers through the JADE SWOT and CROSS analyses. The JADE partnership of clusters of Ambient Assisted Living represents a powerful lobby on behalf of their thousands of cluster members from academia, health, social care, and industry. The recommendations presented in the JADE White Paper should be used to lobby and influence regional national and EU policy makers so that the vision of the JADE project can be realized. Particularly:
- policies which actively encourage uptake of technologies should be made and driven through appropriate delivery agents. Infrastructure in support of technologies should be invested in and research projects funded, especially those directed specifically to end-user needs;
- Governments need to work alongside industry to increase awareness of the benefits of ambient assistive technologies to a whole range of users;
Governments across the EU need to adopt common standards of equipment and services using universally compatible systems. Governments need to work with education providers to stimulate the provision of training and skills programmes for assistive technologies and also partner industry in stimulating the investment community to invest in companies developing ambient assistive technologies and services.

These preliminary results gained through the mapping and cross-analysis has also driven to the of the definition of the JADE common research agenda, driven by needs of the elderly in the area of ambient assisted living leading to the creation of a JADE joint action plan (JADE JAP) composed of IV pillars which was aimed to drive EU research and policy agendas, and to foster transnational scientific, business and institutional networking between 5 clusters of assisted living.

It has been a programme for exchanging knowledge and/or promoting collaboration between partners on topics related to JADE. It was started in July 2012 and ended in May 2013 and it was made of motilities lasted up to 1 month whose formal outcome has been a collection of reports, included into the Deliverable 4.1. The main outcomes have been represented by over 30 people ( researchers, companies) in mobility with over 100 meetings organized.
The main results gained through such activity have been:
- better Knowledge of each other activities;
- Knowledge sharing of AAL technologies;
- Knowledge sharing on potential funding for joint projects;
- building of consortia for future European projects.
- business partnering between innovative SME’s.
- researcher and student exchange between Universities (especially ERASMUS agreements).
- the development of R&D cooperation applying the Living Lab Methodology
- competence sharing in the future too
Moreover, a common thought emerges from many of the reports: the technology is there, the user needs are not clear (“the final user is not in the loop”), a business model for telecare, telehealth and assistive technologies is still not defined in many countries …… these are probably the points to investigate.

Launch and implementation of the call for Expression of Interest for joint innovative research projects/proposals (JADE EoI)
In line with topics proposed by the Strategic Implementation Plan of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, the partners have drafted 13 project ideas clustered in 5 topics (Platform of services in Care Home, Platform of at home, Cognitive games, Professional and public education on assistive technologies and Prevention) to be proposed within the new programing period (H2020, COSME, ERASMUS+, etc.).
EU Innovation and R&D framework programme: Horizon 2020. The 6 JADE Concept Notes are short project descriptions proposed by JADE partners aiming to address one of the topics of the 2014-2020 programming period.

Here it is the final clusterization of the 13 project ideas arisen from the partners capitalizing the good practices emerged from PILLAR III focus-groups:

1) TOPIC: Platform of services in Care Home TITLE: Improving the Care Home environment (ICHE°). LP: SETHA/UK
2 ) TOPIC: Platform of specialized services in Care Home. TITLE: Specialized care services at home (SCSAH). LP: SETHA/UK
3) TOPIC: Platform of services at home. TITLE: Quality Living in Elderly (QUILIEL). LP: Laurea University/FI
4 ) TOPIC: Memory of School, School of Memory. TITLE: Cognitive Games for Elderly. LP: Sabanci University/TK
5) TOPIC: Dementia TITLE: Dementia Friendly LP: INRCA/IT
6) TOPIC:Professional and public Education on assistive technologies. TITLE: Training for All. LP: Medic@lps/FR
7) TOPIC: Prevention. TITLE: Social Links. LP: AALTO University/FI

As foreseen in the JAP, 4 transnational focus groups were set up on 5 main topics extracted from the JADE Cross-SWOT Analysis and the JADE White Paper. The identified topics had a transnational dimension and allow experience and best practices sharing, as follows:

HAIL 1 - Living Lab Methodology (market pull, users & professionals involvement, to combine research & changes with regional pilots)
HAIL 2 - Regional awareness raising of a large public to the benefit of assistive technologies
HAIL 3 - Public Procurement (National specifications, Proven evidences, Cost/benefit)
HAIL 4 - Deployment from local to EU level (Identification of “excellent case studies” transferable from one country to another)

As a conclusion of all the work performed within those HAILs, some good practices were identified (cf. table hereafter). It was suggested that the good practices identified should be taken into account within the Concept Notes drafted by project partners.

HAIL n.1
TOPIC: Living Lab
• Focus groups
• Interviews / questionnaires
• Workshops with primary and secondary end users
• Use of mock ups (prototyping devices)
• Training
• Field trials
• Public-private partnership
• Precommercial Procurement
• Testbed (home or appartment)
• Video diairies)
CLUSTER/PROJECT EXAMPLES: Marche Region: HOMELAB, SMart In home LIviNG, “CasAmica” Lab CULMINATUM: Smart Hospital Medi@alps :Vigisore

HAIL n. 2
TOPIC Good Practices for regional Awareness
GOOD PRACTICE (Mobile demonstration systems to facilitate information and training of professionals designed after results from sessions between users, health professionals, social medicine and industry. At the end of the working groups, specifications, materials and information technology models are developed and introduced in mobile suitcase) CLUSTER/PROJECT EXAMPLES: Medic@lps : BIVACS
HAIL n. 2
TOPIC Good Practices for regional Awareness
GOOD PRACTICE (large scale randomised control trial involving over 6,000 people across three sites with the aim of providing a fully evaluated evidence base for telehealth and telecare.)

HAIL n. 3
TOPIC Procurement
GOOD PRACTICE (Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI):
• Preselection of companies on the basis of a challenge description
• Financing of a feasibility phase (small budget)
• Depending on results contracting for a second phase for full scale demonstrator SEHTA : SBRI
HAIL n. 3
TOPIC Procurement
GOOD PRACTICE (The aim is through Public Procurement and Regulation to make a change: To create better public health services through competence building and collaboration, and to develop the supplier industry through closer contact with the public buyers
CLUSTER/PROJECT EXAMPLES: CULMINATUM : Nordic program Innovation in the Health Sector
HAIL n. 3
TOPIC Procurement
GOOD PRACTICE (Taking into account the project complexity the Isere Local Authority has decided to launch a Procurement Procedure in Sept 2013 based on a Competitive Dialogue Procedure that explicitly offers the opportunity to resolve uncertainties during the dialogue phase because all aspects of the contract may be discussed)

HAIL n. 4
TOPIC (Deployment of assistive Technologies)
GOOD PRACTICE (Identify market needs through:
• identification of new sustainable market and business opportunities
• understand and articulate user needs and provider solutions
• promote collaboration and facilitate consortia development
• provide support and seed funding for collaborative development projects
• provide academic evaluation, technical monitoring and business planning support
• introduce new products & services to a wider market)
CLUSTER/PROJECT EXAMPLE:SEHTA : International Centre of Excellence in Telecare/Telehealth (ICE-T)
HAIL n. 4
TOPIC (Deployment of assistive Technologies)
GOOD PRACTICE (Interest of performing ecological evaluation linked with a medico economic study for an assistive device definition and adoption)
HAIL n. 4
TOPIC (Deployment of assistive Technologies)
GOOD PRACTICE (Show room and information centre for independent living, design for all and assistive devices and technologies.)
HAIL n. 4
TOPIC (Deployment of assistive Technologies)
GOOD PRACTICE (A regional call for project to promote applied researches and experimental pre-competitive developments for the creation of technological and productive supply chains dedicated to Ambient Intelligence for an independent and sustainable elderly life.)
CLUSTER/PROJECT EXAMPLE: Marche Region: “Smart Home for independent and active aging”

The general outcome of this work package (leaded by Culminatum Innovation Oy Ltd) is represented by the great efforts of visibility, dissemination and networking implemented by all the majority of the partners and then the creation of a great “Jade transnational Community” composed of research organization, universities, businesses, research programme and project managers, policy makers, and final user representatives. This is the basis on which the implementation of the IV pillar of the Joint Action Plan will be realized during the second part of the project.
It has been realizing enormous number of dissemination/networking/synergizing activities that can be summarized as follows:
• Nearly 30 days spent in the framework of 7 transnational workshops composed of:
- about 10 formal and informal networking sessions (classic B2B, R2B, beauty parade, speed-dating, elevator pitch, etc.),
- about 20 JADE topic related cluster sites visited,
- theoretical public sessions with as a total, around 50 external experts, speakers coming from the partner clusters.
• More than 120 contacts among partners and other clusters actors involved in JADE networking events.
• A t least 7 industrial/commercial/research agreements (at regional and transnational) signed after JADE networking event and/or cross-field visits.
• At least 5 researcher mobility agreements signed between JADE universities/research centers.
• At least 25 synergies and cooperation realized with other ongoing regional, national or European project and/or programmes.At least 35 new partnerships for regional, national, transnational projects realized through JADE contacts and events.
• About 180 speaking opportunities and other dissemination/promotion activities implemented by partners members at local/national/eu/international level: Jade has been disseminated in 4 continents: Europe, Asia (China and Korea), North America (Montreal and Boston) and South America (Brazil).
• 4 follow up projects realized by SVIM (JADE project Coordinator) and realized at EU territorial cooperation level with multilevel objectives and targets: INNOvage/INTERREG4C: increasing the effectiveness of regional development policies in the field of eco-indipendent living for the elderly by networking and mentoring activities at interregional level; WIDER/MED: the empowerment of innovation capacities for regional micro-SME towards the favourable business scenarios offered by the eco-smart housing for elderly sector; NETage/Adriatic IPA CBC: promotion of regional social development encouraging networking of public-volunteering stakeholders in delivering social-health-care services for ageing; SEE-INNOVA/South East Europe: the transnational improvement of governance for the regional coordination of innovation driven key players (research, industry, institution, end-users) within the ambient intelligent technologies for independent living of the elderly framework.
• Participation of SVIM/Marche Region to the Community of Regions for Assisted Living (Coral). Coral is an informal community of regions, aiming to improve regional policies for Active and Healthy Ageing. Above all Coral is a learning community working on the implementation and upscaling of innovative solutions for Active and Healthy Ageing. It is a network of mutual learning and co-creation in a process of open innovation. The strength of Coral is the trust between partners that invest energy and creativity in this valuable collaboration. Coral is about strengthening connectivity between the regions and their innovation clusters in Europe. The member regions of Coral consist of – quadruple helix – clusters of stakeholders in the sectors of research, entrepreneurship, government and civil society. Coral also connects the regions to other European counterparts and networks. It gives the regions a position in the fast growing European community of innovators in the field of Active and Healthy Ageing. Coral connects stakeholders in the regional networks and innovation clusters for partner searches in European projects and tenders. Coral successfully connects regional stakeholders – like universities, companies, municipalities, care institutions etc. – all over Europe that are now collaborating in FP7, Interreg, AAL Joint Programme and CIP ICT PSP projects and working to present proposal for the new programming period funding programm 2014-2020 (i.e. Horizon 2020). The community promotes the active participation of its members in the EIP AHA by collecting and translating regional experience and best practices. Coral and its members are actively participating in – and sometimes coordinate – the Action Groups A1, A2, A3, B3, C2 and D4. The network frequently holds presentations at and contributes to the debate at conferences, seminars, workshops and other events all over Europe. For example at the AAL Forum, E-Health week, annual EIP AHA conference, Open Days of Regions and Cities and several national and regional conferences.

In addition, the promotion of the JADE project has been strongly sustained by all the involved RDCs and it has brought to identify further opportunities not detected at the time of the project drafting. Indeed, the JADE consortium has agreed on the importance of sharing the work done with JADE project with North America partners and identify possible collaboration in order to address e-health issues. This is the ground where the “JADE NORTH AMERICA eHEALTH MARKET LEARNING EXPEDITION” has been realized. Through public seminars, reserved round tables, pitching sessions (with over 20 North American guests, potential partners and/or venture capitalist/angels, on that occasion Virtual Health Ltd, a UK companies, was successful in winning an Innovation Pitch prize in Boston. The prize consists of one year’s serviced office space at One Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts, which gives Virtual Health Ltd a US address, a phone number, answering service, access to office facilities and meeting rooms) and participation to the 2 most important at worldwide level e-health events: the 3rd EU-US eHealth Marketplace Workshop 2013 (with 281 registered participant: 145 USA part and other EU participant with the realization of 194 Bilateral Talks) and the 10th Connected Health Symposium 2013 in Boston (Pitch opportunity in front 1500 Keys Opinion Leader, 100 Speakers, 300 eHealth companies), where the JADE delegation has the chance to:
- networking/partnerships with North Americans in the e-health sector;
- learning from benchmark with e-health young entrepreneurs
- and knowledge about US/Canada Market trends: supply and demand sides.

These are the specific outcomes and activities resulted from the North-America expedition:
IDEA GENERATION (Visit of the MIT Age Lab, New Idea generation process: Hacking Medecine/RHINNO Rapid Health Innovation)
FINANCING (How to Attract a VC's Attention in the eHealth Space, How to Pitch in North America: 2 sessions)
REGULATION (Regulation in US/Canada, Ethical/Security issues in e-health)
SUPPLY/DEMAND OVERVIEW (Innovative programs in e-health by major hospitals, Existing solutions in US/Canada, Market trends in north America)
NETWORKING PARTNERSHIP (Many opportunities to find collaborators/partners, Common challenges and divergence between EU/US)

Potential Impact:
The potential impact of JADE can be perceived under a multilevel and multisectoral viewpoint.

Indeed, it has been the ground where more than 40 institutional, research, end-user representatives and business actors belonging to 5 european and extraeuropean RDCs specialized on ambient assisted living for elderly people have had the chance to improve their:
-interclustering and networking capacity;
-transnational cooperation/partnerships at business and research level;
-learning/mentoring/benchmarking capacity on cluster development;
-inclusion of the end- user perspective within the business/research projects related to eledelry people and their independent living;
- etc.

Specifically, regarding the impact on the local territory of the Project coordinator (SVIM) as operative harm of the Regional Government, the local RDC -that was emerging at the time of the JADE proposal drafting- has been in the meanwhile recognized at national level even thanks to the acceleration of the internal process of aggregation of all the involved regional actors (regional authority, universities, enterprises, technology transfer centres) towards a unique goal. The ROK programme has also facilitated rapid internationalization of our regional RDC thanks to the several networking/brokerage events organized at EU transnational level and intercontinental level (with North America e-health market). Definitely it has contributed to prepare the ground for the advancements of competitiveness our regional businesses and research organization dealing with ambient intelligence technologies. At Marche region level, the long term impact will be guaranteed by the regional funding (especially through the 2014-2020 ERDF POR), by the national funding derived by the approval of the e-LIVING dedicated project, and by further EU funds obtained by SVIM and the other RDC’s actors.

The most important lesson it has been learnt from JADE is that to produce a real local impact of interregional/international cooperation actions (where SVIM is very experienced thanks to the drafting and implementation of more than 20 projects funded by INTERREG III, INTERREG IVC, MED, IPA ADRIATIC CBC, SEE, ecc.) it is necessary to involve as many as possible actors/stakeholders of the cluster/regional research and innovation community, and make them meet and "matching" during project life time in order to establish trusted and concrete collaboration.

These are the main dissemination activities implemented by the JADE RDC members at local/national/eu/international level during the 3 years of project lifetime.


UNIVPM: 3 papers on Jade topics at AAL forum in Lecce, Italy, 26-28 Sept 2011; ppt on JADE at Italian Conference on Health and Wellness in Bologna (Maggio 2012); ppt on Jade at the kick-off of “Italia Longeva”: the Italian Network for research on active ageing (June 2012).
Informal speaking opportunity during the YR-RISE workshop (within Ambient Assisted Living Forum, September 2012, Eindhoven), after the presentation of three poster contributions on research activities related to JADE topics. Informal speaking opportunity during the RoboCup Jr, April 2013, an Italian event for promotion of robotics (including assistive robotics) to young people.
UNIVPM has organized, with the support of Marche Region, the 4th ForITAAL (Italian Forum on Ambient Assisted Living). During the forum more than 50 scientific articles were presented from all over Italy, several of them from JADE partners, including a joint work between UNIVPM and AALTO University realized with the aid of the mobility programme. The details of the forum can be found on this website

e-LiOS: presented the results and discussed in topic related the project during the JADE events, in particular he presents his expertise in the domain of ambient assisted living during Jade workshops in Canterbury, Istanbul, Grenoble, and Helsinki and the cross mentoring &stocktaking lab in London. He discussed the same topics during several business to business meetings, such as specific Round table with Merloni s.p.a. UNICAM Carrier days in 2011, 2012, 2013 editions, UNICAM U2A in 2012, ANCI and Forum PA in 2012 in order to diffuse the topic of the project.

INDESIT: “Household appliances as a sensor of vitality of the elderly” ppt during a meeting “Internet of things” organized by Polytechnic University of Milan in 2011; Seminar on “Home automation at the service of active ageing”, in Jesi (Ancona), Italy organized by Commission for Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) at the CoRand Marche Regional Government. Indesit presented JADEppt on: “Role of smart objects in the Smart House for active ageing”.
Jade has actually influenced three major research projects of Indesit: HicMO, funded by Marche Region (see above); e-Kitchen funded at national level; FOOD, funded at European level (AAL field).
The main element of JADE that influenced these three projects is the concept of "smart object", which emerged at the meeting in Istanbul and was then further developed with a specific workshop in Grenoble.
Therefore, during all communication events associated with each of these projects, it was emphasized the concept of "smart objects" resulting from JADE.

INRCA: “I-LIVE and Jade” ppt at “Home & Building 2011” Int. Conference in Veronaat workshop promoted by Indesit and Spes. Audience 80-100 Italian people mainly industry; JADE ppt at Forum Risk management 2011 in Arezzo (IT); JADE pptat 2 internal events; JADE pptat the kick-off of “Italia Longeva”: the Italian Network for research on active ageing (June 2012). On 14-16 May 2013 participation for dissemination of JADE leaflets and posters at the PTE-Expo in Bologna (Italy); on 17 October 2013 organization of a Workshop on Technocare , National Health Service and Older people where the JADE project has been presented; at FORITAAL on 23-24 October 2013dissemination throught leaflets and posters.

SVIM: “i-LIVE and JADE” ppt at International Symposium on “Innovative research and industrials drivers for regional development” at Capri (Sept 2011); JADE and ppt at the workshop “Sensoriabilis”: Smart Systems at Loreto (Ancona) in October 2011;dissemination of JADE and i-LIVE RDC materials at the Forum of the CoR in Bxl (Dec 2011) on “EU Research and innovation: what role for regions and cities after 2013”; JADE ppt at the kick-off meeting in Ancona (Italy) of INTERREG IVC-INNOVage project (May 2012);dissemination of JADE materials at the study visit in Netherland on active ageing and assisted living areas in the Rotterdam municipality area organized by TNO (Innovation Hub for the Netherland) in the framework of the INTERREG IVC- INNOVage project (June 2012); dissemination of JADE materials at the seminar Seminar on “Home automation at the service of active ageing”, in Jesi (Ancona), Italy organized by Commission for Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) at the CoR and Marche Regional Government (June 2012); dissemination of JADE materials at the Conference “Active Ageing-The potential for society” including info-day on 2013 7FP-SSH work programme and structured brokerage held in Dublin 9-11 July 2012; dissemination of jade findings and materials at the Lunch of the “Smart cities, smart communities” call for proposal of the Italian Research Ministry at UNICAM’s headquarter (July 2012); dissemination of JADE findings and networking at FORUM AAL 2012 in Eindhoven (NT) on 25-26 September 2012; dissemination of JADE findings and networking at OPEN DAYS 2012 in Brussels on 10-11 October 2012; ROK: Project Coordinators meeting between ROK health oriented projects on 13 November 2012 in Brussels; participation, dissemination of JADE findings and networking at EU-US e-Health Business Marketplace and e-Health week 2013 in Dublin, on 14-15 May 2013; dissemination of Jade findings and networking at "Festa del Dottorato di Ricerca" conference regarding Doctoral Programmes/Schools within the European Research Area framework: towards a seamless link between higher education, research and society in Camerino University headquarter (19 July 2013).

UNICAM: presentation of JADE at PHealth 2011 (Lyon), CMSB 2011 in Budapest, UBICOMM 2011 in Lisbon, CompMod 2011 in Aachen, CS2BIO 2011 in Reykiavik.
SANTO STEFANO INSTITUTE: ppt on Jade project at the Marche Region Seminar on “Public Pre-commercial procurement” organized by Marche Regional Authority within the IKTIMED EU project (April 2012) and invitation as speaker- by SEHTA - to the Conference “Liberating the individual to live independently” within the “ICE_T Meet the Buyer” meeting to be held in Aylesbury (UK) in September 2012

ITC: Invitation - by SEHTA - to the Conference “Liberating the individual to live independently” within the “ICE_T Meet the Buyer” meeting to be held in Aylesbury (UK) in September 2012
ITC presented the JADE project at the kick off meeting of AALISABETH project, with the intention to use in it the experience gained in JADE.

TEUCO-GUZZINI: Inside HOMELAB cluster on domotic interoperability between households (GATEWAY: open source, commodities, economic, flexible, user-friendly, energy manager,…)
SANI project (ASSCAB, VEGA STYLE, TEUCO, UNIVPM): develop of medical devices for body treatments (hydromassage, Ultrasound massage, cromotherapy) and networking communication for remote status notifications and monitoring; develop of user friendly interface and sensors inside the bath tub (skin surface temperature, heart rate, galvanic skin resistance, MEET project (POR MARCHE FESR 2007-2013) (PLADOS, TEUCO, FORIDRA, UNIVPM): Multi-experience for wellness of life and envirorment: design of innovative shower with : water saving, heat saving, user-friendly interface. Meet many stakeholders and companiyes offerings components and servicies in domotic fields in Boston Health marketplace.

ELICA: As a result of the knowledge acquired during the project JADE, Elica (through the consortium Homelab) became part of the national technology cluster dedicated to technologies for the environments of life. In addition Elica presented 2 projects related to the use of automation technologies in relation to health, as part of the Italian national call Smart Cities. One project has been presented through the consortium Homelab and the other directly as Elica together with a pool of other italian industries and universities. Both projects have been approved by “Italian Ministry for Scientific Research”. The project Elica submitted through Homelab is named Health @ Home. This project adopts a user centered design (UCD) approach, putting the person in the center of a set of services that allow him to make the most of the medical and health offer available.The design team has been defined so to include all the actors needed to fulfill the UCD approach:
• Hospitals and health services institutions
• Independent institutions for social housing
• Domotic industries
• Rehabilitation institutions
• Health industries
• Information Communication Technology (ICT) Industries
The other project is named SEAL (SMART DOMOTICS FOR SAFE AND ENERGY-AWARE ASSISTED LIVING) and aims to develop new knowledge, products and services to put domotic systems on the market (AAL, Ambient Assisted Living) that implement services aimed at safety (for people and living environments) and sustainability (in terms of energy efficiency). In the project Elica carries out ongoing research and development aimed at the technological development of company products and the study of innovative implementation solutions alongside standard production activities. With regard to the standard research activities the company will continue to carry out, the SEAL project constitutes a significant technological leap. The objective is to design and build innovative systems and products, developing new concepts, innovative materials, and constructive solutions that will be applied for the first time in this field, with considerably improved performance levels with respect to the state of the art. Furthermore, the company will be entering new technological sectors that haven't been explored to date, such as:
• the purification and treatment of air outside the cooking environment;
• the substantial use of sensor systems developed to manage extraction systems and the use of materials other than those that have always been used to filter grease and odours
• connectivity of extraction systems with other home/external systems. ELC is only slightly interested in this latter topic.

MECCANO: At least 15 opportunities under regional, national and international events (Russia, China, Brasil) from May to November 2013: Task Force Italy-Russia for SMEs and productive district; Technology Transfer meeting in Changsha, China; Incoming of Brazilian economic operators interested in Ambient Assisted living field.

COSMOB: COSMOB as a significant role within the wood-furniture sector, both at national and international level; in detail, COSMOB is a reference point especially for the SME’s of the above mentioned district and it carried out an activity of mapping and dissemination about Jade project and the opportunities of domotic, as well as the possibility of an appropriate integration of furnishing with new technologies (sensors, automation, etc.) in order to increase their competitiveness (July 2013).
Moreover, thanks to the experience gained through Jade, COSMOB became partner of the national cluster for the ambient assisted living and it is involved in two new projects with other Italian partners; specifically, Smiling and Pass aim at promoting the development of a laboratory for domotic technologies and at designing a smart house for elderly people. COSMOB has also represented a connection point between international bodies and Jade’s partners (May 2013) to draft a new project proposal, in order to develop an office environment in which the user, thanks to the integration of technological solutions, can first easily interface with furniture (chairs, desks, cabinets) and where elderly person can use the computer in a facilitated way (allowing the user adaptability to physical / cognitive changes).

A TLC participates in the regional call concerning an interoperable platform for a smart home. In this project, named TRASPARENTE (acronym for Tecnologie di Rete Assistive a Sostegno di Progetti di Autonomia ResidenzialE Nella Terza Età), A TLC is the leading partner and the coordinator of a partnership including 9 private companies, 2 regional universities (UNIVPM and UNICAM) and Meccano as consulting.
A TLC participates also in the national call on CNT (Cluster Tecnologici Nazionali) as leading partner of a temporary association (ATI) called HTM (High Tech Marche) with a project on ’Shared interoperable Home Ecosystems for a green, comfortabLe and safe Living’ (SHELL) and is a co-founding member of the regional cluster ‘e-living’ (


2 days roadshow in Bxl (2011) where MEDIC@LPS presented JADE to ENOLL, 4 GDs, 7 EC representatives; Dissemination of JADE activities, deliverables and network by MEDIC@LPS at the: Consultation Meeting on Innovative Procurement Activities in eHealth and Assisted Living, Brussels, 9 December 2011; CIP Workshop, Brussels, 17 February 2012; Conference “European Innovative Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. From Plan to Action”, Brussels, 3 April 2012. 17th and 18th of October, 2012, in Every in the framework of the Year of the Healthy Ageing : Medicalps and Docobo from Sehta (UK) speakers to present the JADE project.(in annex program and Medicalps’s presentation);17th and 18th of December,2012, in Paris in the framework of the Year of the Healthy Ageing: Medicalps speaker and present JADE, INNOVAge projects (in annex program and presentation); 19th of November, 2012, in Grenoble, “technologies for autonomy” forum: Medicalps speaker and presents living lab activities and different projects included JADE; 23th of November, 2012: Organization of a workshop with different local partners and stakeholders related with the health sector: “detection and warning when an aged person falls”. Medicalps speaker presents Jade project.
4th of April, 2013, in Paris; national meeting about “Innovation for healthy living and active aging”: Medicalps speaker: flash presentation with mention in JADE. Opportunity to join new partners in activities. Large dissemination of the JADE White Paper to our local authorities (Region, CG38, Metro and Grenoble Municipality) and to the Silver Economy working group at the Ministry of Ageing People (in annex 1 article). 3th of July, 2013, Marseille (FR), Inter-ROK meeting – Region of Knowledge Projects (FP7), Presentation of JADE Project.


Training Provision in Telecare and Telehealth- 30 March 2011 , Mixed audience of 5 nationalities of 50 delegates
Health and Well Being in the workplace Showcase event – 31 March 2011, University of Portsmouth, Mixed audience of 30 delegates
International Telecare Meet the Buyers Event - 11 – 12 July 2011, Mixed audience of 100 delegates from 6 countries. 150 fliers distributed
KTN meeting: (Feb 2012)Location-based technologies have the potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of health and care services, and to enable independent living. 64 delegates.
3 Milion lives events: SEHTA helped host strategic workshops in Kent, Sussex and Surrey to help drive the ‘3 Million Lives’ initiative forward. This is a project launched by David Cameron at the end of 2011 which aims to give 3 million people access to assistive technologies to improve their health and well-being. Over 300 clinicians, local authorities, care organisations and companies participated in those events and received information on the JADE project.
SEHTA AGM: 50 delegates heard about SEHTA’s involvement in Jade and received copies of both the JADE brochure and newsletter.
26 Nov 2012 - RSM Telemedicine and E-Health Conference, London, Richard Curry, 100 delegates
12 February 2013 Assistive Technology Capability Mapping, Bristol, David Parry, 50 delegates
13-14 Mar 2013 - NHS Innovation expo, London, David Parry
30 March 2013 Ageing Conference Istanbul, David Parry, 1000 delegates
21 Apr 2013 Ukti Sector Briefing on ehealth / telecare /telehealth Leatherhead, Richard Curry, David Parry, 29 delegates from 17 different countries
2nd May 2013 Revolutionising homecare: the future of Telecare and Telehealth, Naidex national exhibition and conference, Birmingham ,50 delegates
20th June 2013 SEHTA Annual Review, Leatherhead, 50 delegates, presentation of EU projects including JADE
3rd October EU INTERREG 2ST, Cura-B conference, Discovery Park, Sandwich Kent, D.Parry Chair and presented JADE project, 120 delegates
17 October 2013 Technocare, National Health Service, Older People, Industry promoted by the Italia Longeva Network, Rome, Mike Sadler invited to speak
7 Nov 2013 – EU Horizon2020, Leatherhead, UK, David Parry, Richard Curry, Kathy Vuillaume, 60 delegates. Included presentation of JADE project ideas.


US Turkish Workshop on Assistive Technologies ( 6-8 June 2011 at Yeditepe University, ISTANBUL) attended by International Scientist audience
Health ICT Managers Workshop (31 May 2011, ISTANBUL) attended by Health ICT managers of hospitals/tech. firms/researchers from telecom companies
Poster at a photo-exhibition on “Innovation in the region" between 14-24 June 2011 in the CoR, Organized by ERRIN in Istanbul
Jade members Aileden biri and Eczacibasi gave talks mentioning JADE in two congresses on Home Care and gerontology in 2011.
The Istanbul Municipality JADE Member Omer Akcagil gave a talk on JADe project at Use of technologies on Chronic Disesase Management workshop in Istanbul.
Jade partners ( Eczacibasi, Aileden Biri and IMM) and Sabanci University ( session chair) had a special session on technological requirements for independent living of elderly organized by IMM, March 2012.. A book is prepared and published, summarizing the outcomes of this workshop.
EHS gave a JADE Project Presentation at Home Care Congress in Turkey, organised by Ministry of Health, March 2012
Aileden Biri, December 2012, Tele- medicine and Assistive Technologies in Health care Care Seminar, September 2012.
Aileden Biri, ICE-T Meet the Buyers 2012 - Telecare and Telehealth Partnering Event
They organized JADE workshop and William Mathon Howard participated and most JADE members and academicians were involved in the event. Participants were directors from 3 ministries, associations, academicians, and SMEs from all over Turkey. December 2012.
Birim gave two presentations to Erzurum and Ankara Health Councils August, Sep, 2012.
Birim had a presentation on JADE to EXPO2020 meeting in Izmir Turkey.
Birim and Visiothink and Bilmed together had over 50 meetings with health care, hospitals, ehealth companies where they had talked about Jade.
The leader gave a presentation at Simon Fraser University in Canada on JADE January 2013.
Birim gave a presentation to Antalya Health Council, March, 2013.
The leader gave a presentation at Vienna Technical University in Austuria on JADE April 2013.
The leader gave a presentation at University of Autonoma Barcelona in Spain on JADE September 2013.
The leader gave several talks at 6 universities about Jade during the mobility visits to other RDCs
Jade members participated at a Panel at Bahcehir University to talk about e health services to elderly May2013. The panel was televised.
The leader made over 20 high school visits in the course of the project to talk about elderly care and use of ICT in 2012 and 2013
The leader gave 16 presentations at different universities in Turkey and talked about JADE and its implications on independent living of elderly
The leader gave a presentation about Jade at Korea University and at two companies he visited during August 2013.
The leader was invited to talk of the JADE project during the DEMAAL2013 is a summer school on Ambient Assisted Living organized by DEM@CARE project, to promote joint activities and potential collaborations between both project partners.
Birim and Aileden Biri gave presentations at Integration of Health and Social care at Home Symposium held in Istanbul Sep 2013
The leader talked about Jade during his visit to European Bioinformatics Institute Cambridge November 2013
The leader gave a seminar on ICT Health applications to TUBITAK managers and ministry representatives and prepared a report upon their request to be presented at the Scientific and Technological research Council October 2013
Tubitak will give a presentation on JADE at International Health Care and Social care conference to be held at Antalya, December 2013.


AALTO UNIVERSITY: Discussion about Jade and Jade topics in Aalto University’s project course AS-84.1501 Automation and Systems Technology project work;
Lecture by Panu Harmo / Aalto University on JADE and JADE topics at
University of Turku, Department of Health Sciences (15 students present)-Feb.2012; Presentation in MONA-project (MONA Multisensory living experience) seminar (Apr.2012); An interview for Ketju magazine article (Panu Harmo and Ira Verma/Aalto University), FAIDD. The Finnish Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (June2012), article published in autumn 2012; Presentation of Jade project ideas and Jade project Findings at Aalto Health Forum series of Lectures on 29.11.2012 by Panu Harmo
Presentation about Jade findings at Aalto Health Factory meeting on June the 6th 2013 at Micronova Center in Otaniemi.Panu Harmo and Ira Verma: speeches given during the mobility visits, reported in the mobility reports.
Ira Verma’s article on Housing for Elderly, Housing LIN, UK

Frank Ryhanen participation in the AAL Forum in Lecce, Italy 26-28 Sept. 2011, in search for new ideas, cooperation opportunities and technology innovations, JADE project activities discussed in numerous informal discussions with project actors and companies, dozens of JADE leaflets distributed.
Frank Ryhanen participation in the AAL Forum in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 26 September, 2012, in search for new ideas, cooperation opportunities and technology innovations, JADE project activities discussed in numerous informal discussions with project actors and companies, dozens of JADE leaflets distributed.
Frank Ryhanen presentation at the ScanBalt Forum 2012, Tampere.

DIGITAL LIVING: Presentation by Himanen, M. 2010. CareNet from Denmark visiting Digital Living Finland - 13th Oct 2010; Seminar paper: Himanen, M. Smart Housing for Elderly – an Asset of Regions. Findings by the EU FP7 REGIONS-2010 JADE project. The Committee of the Regions CoR’s and Marche Region's seminar "Home automation at the service of active ageing" in the context of the 14th meeting of the Commission for Economic and Social Policy (ECOS) at CoR. Jesi-Ancona. 26th June 2012. URL: writing in the daily electronic newspaper Uusi Suomi: Himanen, M., Raij, K., 2012. Teknologia - käyttämätön vanhuspalvelujen voimavara. Uusi Suomi, Puheenvuoro. 29.11.2012. URL: Vastaukset kommentteihin 30.11.12 (2 kommenttia, vanhusteknologian maksajasta ja inhimillisen hoivan korvaamisesta.) ja 8.12.12 kommenttiin teknologian käyttäjäystävällisyydestä. [Himanen, M., Raij, K., 2012. Technology – Unused Resource in Elderly Care. Uusi Suomi, Puheenvuoro Blog Service. 29.11.2012. URL: Answers to the comments 30.11.12 82 comments on “who will pay the implementation of the technology” and on “will technology replace the human caretaking”, as well as 8.12.12 answer to the comment on “user friendliness of the technology”.]JADE described in the speech by Dr. Mervi Himanen made at the ”Spring get together event” of the Finnish EU related research, development and innovation organisations (Verkostojenkevätkarkelot 2012 7PO:n viimeiset haut jakansallinenyhteistyö- hakemuksiajakonsortioitaSuomesta), Helsinki. EU Research and Innovation Programmes (EUTI) of Tekes (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation), Academy of Finland, Enterprise Europe Network, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (May 2012);Keynote Pirkka Frosti at “Interactive workshop—Business Models Generation and Identification of Existing and Emerging Ecosystems in the IoT Home environment,” Internet-of-things Workshop on Apr.16 2013 with Ericsson and Tivit. Himanen, M. 2013. Housing Community – Facts and Attitudes, Finnish and European Initiatives. Helsinki: The Finnish Federation of Settlement Houses. Workshop on Tools for Involving: Dream of Housing – Future Housing and Involvement (free translation) 10.4.2013. 57 slides. A comment on a blog writing by the Finnish minister on the daily electronic newspaper Uusi Suomi Himanen, M., Kommentti kirjoitukseen: Erikoista sotemölinää. 7.4.2013. Maria Guzenina-Richardson . Uusi Suomi, Puheenvuoro. 29.11.2012. URL: 9.4.2013. Himanen, M., Raij, K., Verma, I. 201X. References to technology applicable for healthy ageing in Finnish regional, innovation and social and health care policies – Focusing on Helsinki-Uusimaa Region. Gerontechnology. The official journal of the International Society for Gerontechnology. ISSN 1569-1101 (printed edition), ISSN 1569-111X (web edition); Work in progress! Dr. Mervi Himanen started a new discussion 26.11.2013 on the JADE final conference at the AAL Ambient Assisted Living group on LinkedIn, URL:
Digital Living product brosure mentioning the JADE project. May 2013

LAUREA UAS: Katariina Raij: Presentation of the JADE project and future challenges to the Board of Health Care Services of Vantaa City 02.03.2013; Katariina Raij: Presentation in the Finnish telemedicine and eHealth Society’s seminar on the 18th-19th of April 2013 in Seinäjoki, Finland; Katariina Raij: ’JADE presentation’ in the EU- seminar organized by the Committee of Regions on the 26th of April in Espoo, Finland; Katariina Raij: Presentation of The Helsinki Region Cluster in Montreal Event in Canada; Katariina Raij: Presentation of the current trends of eHealth market in Finland in Boston Event in the USA
LAUREA UAS & ACTIVE LIFE VILLAGE: Katariina Raij: R&D Seminars at Laurea UAS (2011); sharing of JADE findings at national seminar, in the federation of universities of applied sciences; in the national network of private companies; in municipalities authorities. Katariina Raij: JADE presentations in CIDe Cluster seminars during the years 2011 - 2013
Web visibility
• –portal ( – Helsinki region Centre of Expertise for Health and Wellbeing.
• JADE project is presented regularly under Culminatum Innovation website and newsletters.
• Research Institute for Health Care Facilities (Sotera)
• Baltic Institute of Finland:
Laurea UAS:
List of Websites:


Project Cordinator Ida Prosperi
Telephone +39 071 8064526
Fax +39 071 8064510


Project Manager Valérye Ayache
Telephone + 33(0) 476549563
Fax + 33(0) 476549561


Project Manager David Parry
Telephone +44 7899811400


Project Manager Frank Ryhanen
Telephone +358 20 761 9550
Fax +358 20 761 9551


Project Manager Osman Ugur Sezerman
Telephone +90 216 483 9513
Fax +90 216 483 9550
