Final Report Summary - EUROCRIMJUS (EU Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective<br/>(Council of Europe, European Union, United States))
The aim of the research was to compare the new EU framework for police and judicial cooperation with the long standing and highly integrated American criminal justice system on the one hand, and with the Council of Europe instruments devised to establish minimum standards in relation to human rights throughout the European continent on the other. There are obvious differences between the US federal structure and the Council of Europe intergovernmental organization. Yet because the EU sits somewhat ambiguously between these two models regarding its integrationist agenda, the choice of these two comparators is fully justified as they may help to clarify differences in approach and problems linked to different ambitions.
• Description of the work performed since the beginning of the project,
Bibliographical work: identification and collection of works in the field of penal cooperation and penal integration within the EU, the Council of Europe and the USA, extensive reading of the resources available on these themes at the EUI library.
Writing of intermediary research reports based on the collected documentation, each of which describe – according to a contextual and genealogical method – the legal institutions (rules and bodies) which organize cooperation and integration of state criminal justice systems in the EU, in the US and in the framework of the Council of Europe. Writing of an intermediary report i/ setting out the relations of similarity and dissimilarity between the three comparators, ii/ assessing EU rules and institutions in the light of the results of the comparison.
Organization of two international conferences around issues of integration of criminal justice systems in Europe. The first one, of which the title was EU CRIMINAL LAW MEETS LEGAL DIVERSITY: TOWARDS A SOCIO-LEGAL APPROACH TO EU CRIMINAL POLICY, took place at the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE on 6-7 June 2013. The second one, of which the title was DRUG CONTROL POLICY: THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE, took place at the EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE on 17-18 June 2013.
• Description of the main results achieved so far,
1/ Publications during (or immediately following) the fellowship and acknowledging the support of the 7th Framework Programme
BOOKS: authored
- The Transformation of Criminal Justice: Comparing France with England and Wales / Les transformations de la justice pénale : Une comparaison franco-anglaise, Foreword by The Right Honourable The Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, Avant-propos de Robert Badinter, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2011, 190 p. (bilingual, with Dr Stewart Field).
- “Criminology à la française. French Academic Exceptionalism”, The British Journal of Criminology, 2013, vol. 53(4), pp. 588-604.
- “Quel devenir pour la criminologie ? Note historiographique sur l’exemple britannique”, Revue internationale de droit comparé, 2012/2, pp. 503-524.
- “La procédure interne, nouveau remède au harcèlement ? Brèves remarques sur le traitement juridique de la souffrance au travail”, Revue de droit du travail, 2012/2, pp. 80-86 (with Dr. Jean-Michel Poittevin).
- “68 euros pour le premier usage de drogue ? Point de vue sur la contraventionnalisation du premier usage constaté de stupéfiants”, Recueil Dalloz, 2012, pp. 32-33.
- “Les caractères d’une procédure de common law”, in M. Cornu, M.-E. Laporte –Legeais (eds.), Langues & Procès. Les nouveaux défis de la traduction juridique : Actes du colloque des 6 et 7 février, Faculté de droit et des sciences sociale de Poitiers, Paris, Dalloz, forthcoming in 2014.
- « Prendre le droit international et européen de la drogue au sérieux ? Note sur les rationalités punitives du régime prohibitionniste », in D. Bernard, Y. Cartuyvels, Ch. Guillain, D. Scalia, M. van de Kerchove (eds.), Les fondements et objectifs des incriminations et des peines en droit pénal européen et international, Bruxelles, FUSL, 2013.
- “Une politique de sécurité peut-elle accroître les libertés individuelles ? Le cas des infractions à la législation sur les stupéfiants”, in K. Parrot, O. Cahn (eds), Le principe de nécessité en droit pénal, Paris, Lextenso, 2013.
- Joint review: S. Peers, EU Justice and Home Affairs Law (3rd ed., Oxford EU Library, Oxford University Press, 2011), and M. Cremona, J. Monar & S. Poli (eds), The External Dimension of the European Union’s Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (College of Europe Studies Vol. 13, Peter Lang, 2011), Oxford Yearbook of European Law, 2012, pp. 540-546.
2/ Participation as a speaker to seven conferences:
- February 6th 2013: “Les caractères de la procédure dans les droits de common law”, Colloque “Langues & Procès : Les nouveaux défis de la traduction juridique”, Faculté de droit et des sciences sociales, Poitiers.
- January 28th 2013: “Entre gestion des flux, équité processuelle, efficacité répressive et efficience budgétaire”, Conférence inaugurale du cycle de conférences consacré aux transformations de la justice pénale, Cour de cassation, Paris.
- September 13th 2012: “Criminology à la française: French Academic Exceptionalism”, 12th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology, Bilbao.
- June 27th 2012: “Transnational Trends in Criminal Justice Reform? Comparing France with England and Wales”, W G Hart Legal Workshop 2012: Globalisation, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London.
- March 12th 2012: “Propos introductif“, Journées d’études radicales : Le principe de nécessité en droit pénal, Université de Cergy-Pontoise.
- February 9th 2012: “L’addiction saisie par le droit”, Journée d’étude “Psychotropes et société”, Maison européenne des sciences de l’homme et de la société, Lille.
- December 2nd 2011: “The Drug Prohibition Regime: International Law against Human Rights”, Global Governance Seminar: Transnational Human Right Obligations, European University Institute, Florence.
3/ Organization of two international symposiums:
EU CRIMINAL LAW MEETS LEGAL DIVERSITY: TOWARDS A SOCIO-LEGAL APPROACH TO EU CRIMINAL POLICY (EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE, 6-7 June 2013). SPEAKERS: Estella Baker (De Montfort University, Leicester - United Kingdom), Lorena Bachmaier Winter (Universidad Complutense de Madrid - Spain), Chrisje Brants (Universiteit Utrecht - Netherlands), David Chilstein (Panthéon Sorbonne - France), Renaud Colson (European University Institute - Italy), Marise Cremona (European University Institute - Italy), Thomas Elholm (Syddansk Universitet - Denmark), Stewart Field (Cardiff University (United Kingdom), Ester Herlin-Karnell (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands), John Jackson (The University of Nottingham, United Kingdom), Edwina Jaeger (European University Institute, Italy), Stefano Manacorda (Collège de France, France / Seconda Università di Napoli, Italy), Valsamis Mitsilegas (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom), David Nelken (Università degli studi di Macerata, Italy / Oxford University, United Kingdom), Jacob Öberg (European University Institute, Italy), Helmut Satzger (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany), Marianne Wade (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom), Anne Weyembergh (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium).
DRUG CONTROL POLICY: THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE (EUROPEAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE, 17-18 June 2013). SPEAKERS: Caroline Chatwin (Senior Lecturer, University of Kent, UK), Renaud Colson (European University Institute - Italy), Tom Decorte (Professor, Ghent University, Belgium), Ruth Dreifuss (Former President of Switzerland, Former Head of the Federal Department of Home Affairs, Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Switzerland), Martin Elvins (Lecturer, University of Dundee, UK), Christine Guillain (Professor, Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles, Belgium), Mario Lapp (DrugText Foundation, France), Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch (Director of the Global Drug Policy Program, Open Society Foundations, Poland), Gary T. Marx (Professor Emeritus, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA), Ethan Nadelmann (Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance, USA), Aileen O’Gorman (Research Fellow, School of Applied Social Science, University College Dublin, Ireland), Patrick Penninckx (Executive Secretary of the Pompidou Group, Council of Europe France), Nancie Prud’homme (Projects Director, International Center on Human Rights and Drug Policy, University of Essex, UK), Peter Reuter (Professor, University of Maryland, USA), Alex Stevens (Professor, University of Kent, UK), Paola Tardioli-Schiavo (Deputy Head of Anti-Drugs Policy Unit, DG Justice, European Commission, Belgium), Franz Trautmann (Head Unit International Affairs, Trimbos Instituut / Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction, Netherlands), Esther Wahlen (Phd Researcher, EUI, Italy), Frank Zobel (Head of Policy Unit, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Portugal), Grazia Zuffa (Forum Droghe, Italy).
• Expected final results.
I am currently in the process of finalizing two articles directly related to the research I have done during my Marie Curie fellowship. The first paper, the title of which is “Comparing Extradition Machinery”, is intended for the American Journal of Comparative Law. It provides a socio-legal comparison of the European arrest warrant and interstate rendition in the United States. The second paper, the title of which is “Resisting the European Arrest Warrant: A Comparative Case Study on European Law Fragmentation”, is intended for the collection under review by Cambridge University Press (see below)
Moreover, the two international conferences I organized in June (see above) should lead to the publication of two collections. The first one, the title of which will be EU Criminal Law and the Challenges of Legal Diversity: Towards a Socio-Legal Approach to EU Criminal Policy, is currently under review at Cambridge University Press. The second one, the title of which will be European Drug Policies: The Challenges of Reform will be submitted to Ashgate Publishing by the end of 2013.