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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

intercultural cities and collective space


SharingSpace. Research on intercultural cities and collective space
International migration to cities has become a critical issue in countries of the North as well as of the South affecting all aspects of urban life. Migration is a cross-cutting issue that requires a multiplicity of focuses as well as disciplines and can benefit from comparative analysis. Given that in contemporary globalized cities collective space is where the willingness of society to include or its stance to reject the other becomes manifest, SharingSpace objective is to share the understanding of perceptions, uses and provisions of public space in different EU MSs and TCs. SharingSpace general goal is the creation of a network among research centres focussing on the adequate management of international migration in cities of EU MSs (Venice; Lisbon) and TCs (Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Johannesburg,) as a critical feature of urban policies promoting social cohesion.
SharingSpace specific aims are:
-to enhance the research skills of researchers
-to contribute to the advancement of interdisciplinary studies and comparative research on social and spatial inclusion of international migrants in urban areas.
-to strengthen relations among EU MSs and TCs research centres, with the objective of developing further common activities.
The Project will overcome barriers among different disciplines that curb the exchange of knowledge and persons in the academic world. The promotion of researchers’ mobility will foster interaction and fusion of different expertise and diverse perspectives for exploring the challenges international migration is posing to urban governance in different contexts. The possibility of publishing scientific articles on the SSIIM Paper Series will contribute to their curriculum development and excellence.

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Wkład UE
€ 37 800,00
30135 Venezia

Zobacz na mapie

Nord-Est Veneto Venezia
Rodzaj działalności
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Kontakt administracyjny
Laura Casagrande (Dr.)
Koszt całkowity
Brak danych

Uczestnicy (1)