Final Report Summary - AFMIDMOA (Applying Fundamental Mathematics in Discrete Mathematics, Optimization, and Algorithmics)
Moreover, the application of algebraic geometry and representation theory to partition functions was extended so as to include the symplectic group, R-matrices, virtual link invariants, and weight systems for the Vassiliev knot invariants.
With an extended semidefinite programming method based on Young tableaux several bounds on error-correcting codes (including constant-weight codes and Lee codes) were improved.
With an improved technique with combinatorial groups a polynomial-time algorithm was designed for finding partially disjoint paths in a directed planar graph.
A Tutte polynomial for embedded graphs was introduced and shown to extend counting substructures like quasi-trees.
A new lower bound on the Shannon capacity of C_7 was found.
Extension of zero-free regions for the partition function of the anti-ferromagnetic Potts model on bounded degree graphs.