Final Report Summary - EUROTURBO7 (Support to 7th European Conference on Turbomachinery - Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, Athens, March 2007)
Four invited lectures have been planned, one at the beginning of each day. According to the number of papers that were finally selected and to the ETC policy, the conference was divided in two parallel sessions. Only on Thursday afternoon, an additional session was organised, in order to accommodate the total number of selected papers.
Each session was chaired by a 'session chairman' chosen among the ETC committee members and some of the 'review organisers' of the conference, trying to involve, whenever possible, representatives from the European turbomachinery industry.
Two exhibitors (software houses) presented their products during the conference meeting hours, namely Numeca and ANSYS.
During the conference, two special meetings were organised for the European Turbomaehinery Committee members, in order to discuss the evaluation of the present conference, the venue of the next conference, as well as other matters concerning the European Turbomaehinery Committee's present and future activities.
The number of participants that paid the corresponding fee was 208. The amount of participants such as students mainly from Greece or organising committee member organisations who fulfilled the requirements set by the ETC Committee, that paid no fee was 20. The total amount of participants was 228.
each participant received:
- the final program with all sessions, paper titles and author's affiliation;
- the conference proceedings (hard copy);
- a CD Rom with all conference papers;
- a questionnaire concerning the conference.