Final Report Summary - ENVITEX (Textile innovation environment in ACC)
The structure of the ENVITEX partner search database was developed corresponding the structure of the partner search service ran by the Cordis websites. All profiles that were published within the special ENVITEX textile partner search database (developed by the consortium and published on the project web pages, found at online) were published on Cordis partner search service as well in order to increase efficiency of the partner search process. All objectives set at the beginning of the project were met and fulfilled within 18 months of the project duration and all 13 project deliverables were completed and distributed on time.
The activities performed in order to develop the final version of the database were split up into following steps:
-firstly the technical solution of the actual partner search database was developed (content of which was corresponding to the data structure of the CORDIS partner search database). The ENVITEX database was built on the principle client-server, with data positioned in the database on Microsoft SQL server, enabling data access via web client. In order to manage quality of the partner search profiles published, only the consortium members were allowed to input partner search profiles, all other users could either contact ENVITEX team to develop their partner search profile or were allowed to search in the free accessible part of the database (presenting single partner searches).
-within the next stage, the ENVITEX project partners had to identify organisations possibly interested in RTD cooperation (based on the commonly agreed selection criteria, list of which was developed by analysing qualities of organisations participating in former FP projects). To address organisations and individuals possibly interested in FP project participation (from the pre-selection list developed by single partner), the consortium realised several promotion activities carried out in the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Slovenia. During mentioned promotion activities and information campaigns, more than 700 organisations have been directly contacted and offered the opportunity to join the partner search database.
-when subject interested in FP project cooperation was identified, the partner search profile was developed, using ENVITEX partner search form and published in the ENVITEX partner search database. To increase efficiency of the database promotion, all profiles are being continuously published and updated on Cordis partners search database as well.
-in order to promote the database and increase efficiency of the partner search activities, consortium, apart from above mentioned direct communication, continuously promoted the ENVITEX project as well as the database of partner search profiles by means of presentations on relevant events, publication of articles, information published on other than ENVITEX project web pages and specialised workshops.
-at the final stage of the project the of-line version of the ENVITEX database was developed and included on the project CD presentation to enable further dissemination of the project results after the end of the project. Distribution of the CD presentation will be assured by single project partners and by the Czech liaison office in Brussels.
Information in the database should support creation of new project consortia under FP projects.
By including textile organisations from the 5 new Member States into European RTD project it is expected to support increase of the world competitiveness of the European textile sector. As the textile sector employs still high number of workforce in the new Member States it is crucial for the whole economy performance of the EU that the textile sector in mentioned states becomes world-competitive not only by its low prices but by the production of high value added products.