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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18



PILOT-INN "Piloting Innovation" is a project of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) focused on the development of the researcher’s career by recruiting Experienced Researchers (this is researchers with at least four years of full-time equivalent of research experience and / or be in possession of a doctoral degree).

The aim of PILOT-INN is to enhance knowledge transfer between the University and the enterprises by encouraging participation of the researchers in the private sector by implementing joint research projects.

Within PILOT-INN project the UPM has employed two Experienced researchers (with a contract length of two years) to work with companies, institutions and entities which has established collaboration agreements and / or are conducting R&D&i activities with the UPM.
The mobility schemes executed in PILOT-INN included two types of mobility: Incoming and Re-integration, for recruiting one Experienced Researcher and Outgoing, for recruiting one Experienced researcher.

Under the framework of PILOT-INN project, the UPM has launched a call for expression of interest to select companies, private research institutions and organizations wanting to host researchers and to co-finance 60% of the Researcher’s recruitment costs. Then, the UPM established collaboration agreements with the selected companies.

The recruited Experienced researchers have been working at the facilities of the selected host entities or at the UPM facilities. The selected companies appointed one scientist in charge to follow up the work (specific R&D project) of the recruited researcher together with a professor at the UPM. The UPM together with the selected companies has established a training plan for the recruited researchers and has supported research activities of the recruited researchers through their R&D groups.

Then, COFUND PILOT-INN call was launched in October 2014 with two positions and two scientific areas:
1 position under Incoming/Re-integration mobility for UPM Centro Laser and BSH Electrodomésticos España S.A for the research area of Industrial applications of ultra-short laser pulses.
1 position under Outgoing mobility for UPM ETSI Caminos, Canales y Puertos at Dpto. Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras and EGIS EYSER S.A. for the research area of Metal and composited steel and concrete bridges.

The UPM has established the required procedures and the conditions for the selection, evaluation and recruitment of the candidates in the PILOT-INN Call and in the Regulatory Bases of the Call for Experienced Researchers (ER). The eligible applications were divided depending on the scientific area they related to. For each scientific area identified a separate evaluation commission was called (hereafter referred to as “Selection Board”). Each Selection Board comprised 3 experts which evaluated the applications following the evaluation procedure and criteria established in the Regulatory Bases of the call.

Dissemination of the PILOT-INN call for recruitment of Experienced Researchers was extensive through UPM web site, EURAXESS web site and as well as among the research community of the UPM, in congresses, workshops, and conferences.
Leaflets with information of PILOT-INN project were designed and disseminated in order to collect “Expressions of interest” from private sector. Moreover conferences and meetings were organised to inform the companies about the COFUND PILOT-INN programme its objectives and benefits for the private sector. Finally two collaboration agreements were signed between the UPM and two companies to commit 60% of the recruitment costs of the two Experienced researchers (one researcher for each company).

PILOT-INN host organisations:
During their fellowship both Experienced researchers have been recruited by Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and have been collaborating with the following companies:
One Experienced researcher under the Incoming mobility scheme, recruited by UPM and doing short stays in the company BSH Electrodomésticos España S.A in Zaragoza (Spain).
One Experienced researcher under the Outgoing mobility scheme, recruited by UPM and hosted during 18 months in EGIS International in Paris (France).

COFUND PILOT-INN public website: