Final Report Summary - LEUKEMIA SIGNALLING (Defining the functions of novel integral membrane regulator, CMTM family in B cell development and acute lymphoblastic leukemia)
1. In collaboration with research groups in Newcastle University, based on cell signalling expertise of the researcher, a first authored Spotlight Review on the role of pre-BCR checkpoint in B-ALL was published in Leukaemia, 2015. Eswaran et al., 2015 PMID: 25943180.
2. The researcher made significant contribution to data analysis and was co-author a publication entitled “Clinical and genetic landscapes differ between IGH-CRLF2 and P2RY8-CRLF2 acute lymphoblastic leukaemia”. Russell, et al Genes Chromosomes Cancer. 2016 Dec 29. doi: 10.1002/gcc.22439.
3. Similarly, through collaborative research projects, the researcher submitted a short report as corresponding author to Haematologica: BACH2 and BCL6 cooperatively functions as tumour suppressors in chronic lymphoblastic leukaemia. Ciardullo, et al. (2016).
4. Collaborative research projects on the impact of apoptotic regulators in CLL resulted poster presentations in 2016, British Society of Haematology and European Haematology Association:
(A) Ciardullo, et al “Impact of the apoptotic regulator DRAK2 in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia” British Society of Haematology.
(B) Ciardullo, et al (Eswaran corresponding author) “BACH2–BCL6 cooperatively function as tumour suppressors in CLL, European Haematology Association.
(C) Ciardullo, et al “Investigating the role of novel apoptotic regulator Drak2 in CLL, European Haematology Association.
5. The researcher established an international network of collaboration with many institutions in India, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand including Clinical Research Malaysia and Institute of Medical Research, with oral presentations given in Malaysia
(A) Investigating the role of novel apoptotic regulator Drak2 in CLL”, at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Advanced Medical and Dental Institute Penang, Malaysia, 12th May 2016
(B) Overview on leukaemia research in Newcastle at Kuala Lumpar General Hospital, Malaysia, 16th May 2016.
6. With this network, MRC Global Research Challenges Foundation Award application was submitted jointly with Prof Christine Harrison and Malaysian collaborators. To strengthen collaborations, academic conference funding (£6000) was obtained to organise a collaborative meeting at Newcastle Malaysian Campus in collaboration with Prof Christine Harrison, Prof Andy Hall and Dr Michaela Goodson in 2017.
7. The following Outreach activities were undertaken as a Marie Curie Ambassador through STEMNET (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Network) Ambassador with DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) clearance, which allowed work with school children in North East England who participated in
(A) Makers Fair: whole day event on 24th April 2016 at Centre for Life showing applications of Light and Electromagnetic spectrum. We made a simple take away spectrometer and discussed its uses.
(B) Big Bang Fair: whole day event on 27th June, at Northumbria University, on Healthy Eating and Chemistry Smells which introduced calories, healthy eating and Chemistry to year 4 and 5 school children.
(C) Outreach activates for school children to meet scientists at the Great North Museum, Newcastle on March 31st 2015 as a Marie Curie Ambassador.
(D) Showcasing Newcastle Childhood Cancer Research at the Blagdon Children's Cancer Walk on 20th Sept 2014 at Blagdon Estates, Newcastle.
(E) Showcasing Newcastle Childhood Cancer Research on 7th September 2014 at the Great North Run 2014.