Two different positive materials have been investigated in this project; a polyanionic cathode and a layered oxide. Polyanion presents a very high average discharge voltage; however, its theoretical capacity is quite modest. It presents also very good cycling behaviour and power rate capability. Layered oxide presents one of the highest theoretical capacity, >200 mAh/g, but the average voltage is rather low, and the rate capability and cycling behaviour are both poor. For the negative electrode, hard carbon was selected. This material was prepared from different precursors at laboratory scale in order to improve first cycle reversibility. Commercial materials have been also benchmarked. The best lab synthesis method has been identified for scale up, and the best commercial material has been chosen for cells and modules development. In terms of scale up, 1 kg batches have been produced of the polyanion with good electrochemical performance. For hard carbon, the first batches have been also produced, but a very high irreversible capacity is observed due to synthesis temperature conditions. Besides, the first 84070 type pouch cells of 1 Ah capacity have been produced in order to perform preliminary tests before producing the larger cells (10 Ah) to be implemented in the module. From this point of view, electrodes have been realised using the 1 kg batches of cathode produced and the selected commercial hard carbon. They show good capacity and good rate capability. Cycling tests are in progress. For the module the preferred specification will be a 12s2p, 12 cells in series and 2 in parallel, setup of 10 Ah cells. This will lead to a total energy content of 960 Wh. The nominal voltage of the battery in the application will be 48 V, leading to a nominal cell voltage of 4 V in this setup. Note that the cells have a maximum cell voltage of 4.33 V. The module design will be based on an existing cell block design. A battery management system, BMS, is also being developed in order to manage and integrate the battery into the final system.