Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OntoPerson (The Ontology of Personal Identity)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-09-01 do 2016-08-31
Within the second phase: (i) two variants of animalism have thus far been specified - a weak and a strong one; (ii) three ways of reconciliation between the Simple View and animalism have initially been put forward (on the first of it, the term "person" is interpreted as a phase (forensic) sortal term, on the second, it is treated as a substantial term, on the third - as a semantically hybrid general term, codifying both normative and metaphysical meanings).
The outcomes of the third phase of the project include the following: (i) on the basis of the animalistically interpreted Simple View (the third version of the reconciliation mentioned above) a new ethical interpretation of moral questions has been set forth; (ii) the notion of intrinsically ethically relevant properties (in Meixner's sense) and the scholastic concept of potentiality (in terms of anthroponomological modality) have been applied to the proposed interpretation.
The following papers have already been published (or are in print):
1. [in English] On Czesław Lejewski’s Ontology, [in:] Tradition of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Ideas and Continuations, Anna Brożek, Alicja Chybińska, Jacek Jadacki and Jan Woleński (eds.), Poznan: Brill Academic Publishers, 177-195.
2. [in English] Criteria of Personal Identity: Reasons Why There Might Not Be Any, [in:] Myśli o języku, nauce i wartościach. Seria druga, A. Brożek, A. Chybińska, M. Grygianiec, M. Tkaczyk (eds.), Warsaw: Semper, 197-213.
3. [in English] Steps Towards Anti-Physicalism, Problemos 89(2016), 7-20.
4. [in Lithuanian] Apie neredukcinę pažiūrą į asmeninę tapatybę, Logos 86(2016), s. 13-27.
5. [in English] Criteria of Identity and Two Modes of Persistence, Filozofia Nauki 2(2016), 1-13.
6. [in English] How to Get Rid of Closure?, Diametros 48(2016), 1-17.
7. [in Polish] Arguments for the Simple View of Personal Identity, Analiza i Egzystencja 34(2016), 5-28.
8. [in Polish] Uwe Meixner’s Modal Argument for Dualism, Filozofia Nauki 3(2016).
9. [in German] Poppersche Herausforderungen für den Materialismus, Logos i Etos (2016).
10. [in Polish] On Personal Identity. Intellectual Affinities between Chisholm and Leibniz, Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria (2016).
Papers in preparation or under review:
1. [in English] Prostpects of An Animalistically Oriented Simple View, [in:] M. Szatkowski (ed.), Contemporary Polish Ontology, de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2016.
2. [in Polish] The Simple View of Personal Identity, Diametros (2016).
3. [in Polish] On the Banality of Animalism, Przegląd Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria (2016).
4. [in Lithuanian] Apie animalizmo banalumą.
Participation in conferences:
1) the IIIrd God-Oriented Conference "God, Time, Infinity" (International Center For Formal Ontology, Warsaw)
2) Gemeinsames Augsburger Oberseminar (presentation: "The Ontology of Personal Identity"), Institute of Philosophy, University of Augsburg
3) the VIth International Ontological Workshop 2016, the International Center for Formal Ontology (ICFO)
4) Conference: "Two hundred years of philosophy at the University of Warsaw", Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
5) Conference: "Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, 1646–1716, Jenseits von Zeit und Raum", Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
1) Dr. Bartłomiej Skowron (Warsaw University of Technology, IFCO): "The Topology of Persons and the Problem of Personal Identity" (the 27th of April, 2016, Institute of Philosophy, University of Augsburg)
2) Prof. Dr. Christian Kanzian (Universität Innsbruck): "Personale Vermögen - Personen - Personale Identität" (the 29th of June, 2016, Institute of Philosophy, University of Augsburg)
Seminar (spring semester, 2015/2016):
[together with Prof. U. Meixner] Seminar on personal identity for students of the Institute of Philosophy, University of Augsburg (Hauptseminar: "Person und personale Identität").
1) a visit in the Department of the History of Lithuanian Philosophy, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute in Vilnius.
2) meeting with the members of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society (July, 2016).
3) a paper on my research project, Faculty of Philosophy, Vilnius University.
a) reviewing two articles for the volume "The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in European Culture," A. Brożek (ed.), Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Amsterdam: Rodopi;
b) reviewing the Post-PhD Thesis of dr M. Piwowarczyk: Podmiot i własności. Analiza podstawowej struktury przedmiotu (Subject and Properties. An Analysis of the Fundamental Structure of Objects), Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL for the habilitation procedure at the Catholic University of Lublin;
c) reviewing the Post-PhD Thesis of dr J. Hauska (a set of papers: In Defense of Causal Bases, Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86(2008), 23-43; (ii) Dispositions and Normal Conditions, Philosophical Studies 39(2008), 219-232; (iii) Dispositions Unmasked, Theoria 75(2009), 304-335; (iv) How to Welcome Spontaneous Manifestations, Mind 124(2015), 147-176.) for the habilitation procedure at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań;
d) cooperation with the Department of the History of Lithuanian Philosophy, Lithuanian Culture Research Institute in Vilnius.
e) reviewing twenty four articles for the volume "Myśli o języku, nauce i wartościach. Seria druga," A. Brożek, A. Chybińska, M. Grygianiec, M. Tkaczyk (eds.), Warsaw: Semper [forthcoming in 2016].
f) participation in Lithuanian Language Four-Week Summer Course (the Lithuanian State Scholarship), 4-29 July 2016, The Department of Lithuanian Studies, Vilnius University (a scholarship from the Lithuanian Ministry of Education and Science) [ ];
g) application for membership in Lithuanian Philosophical Association (18th of July, 2016);
h) membership in Lithuanian Philosophical Association (since the 24th of August, 2016).
Planned seminars in the academic year 2016/2017 (Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw):
1) "Introduction to Ontology" (lecture and tutorial, winter and spring semester);
2) "The Ontology of Mind and Physicalism" (winter semester);
3) "The Ontology of Human Being. Selected Issues" (spring semester).
Planned participation in conferences:
1) the VIIIth Seminar of Historians of Polish Philosophy: "Contemporary Polish Philosophy: Contexts, Discussions, and Polemics", Institute of Philosophy, University of Silesia, 21-22 September, 2016;
2) the VIIth International Ontological Workshop: "Substance. A Critical Re-evaluation", the International Center for Formal Ontology (ICFO), 18-19 May, 2017;
3) the Vth International Conference: "Quo vadis, Metaphysics?", the International Center for Formal Ontology (ICFO), 26-28 September, 2017.