Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BETAPEV (Beyond Empathy: Toward a phenomenological Ethics of Vulnerability)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2015-04-01 do 2017-03-31
By fleshing out a new understanding of empathy that relies on the phenomenological method, this project aims to understand what it means for someone to feel vulnerable and how another can be responsive to and responsible for this feeling, connecting thereby the explanatory level and the ethical level. Beyond empathy, drawing a phenomenological ethics of vulnerability consists in identifying vulnerability as a universal structure of the human self. This research mixes theoretical analysis (phenomenology) and interdisciplinary empirical work (psychology, cognitive sciences, feminist theories). It bears significant consequences for contemporary philosophical discussions on the nature of the self. Its timeliness echoes a need for new theoretical paradigms to address political and social issues related to self-identity and people’s vulnerability in European societies.
The research methodology is based on (1) theoretical work and (2) fieldwork. Theoretical work consists in thorough analysis and critical assessment of phenomenological works on empathy and vulnerability in order to design a new phenomenological paradigm compatible with social, moral and political theory. Fieldwork consists in observation and interviews with social workers and health professionals working for a NGO, which provide care and assistance to migrants and asylum seekers. The goal is to assess their perceptions of vulnerability and the way they use or refer to this category in their professional practices. Another objective is to study and assess the scope and applicability of the EU recommendations and directives (that refer to vulnerability and vulnerable populations) in such contexts.
The overall objectives of the project consist in elaborating a new paradigm that will consider vulnerability as an intersubjective dynamic rather than an individual state. It aims to show – thanks to theoretical and empirical investigation – that interpersonal relationships are characterized by their openness and affectivity and that vulnerability and precariousness should be differentiated. This conceptual clarification aims to design a theoretical framework on which one could draw new care protocols and policies to thwart the negative effects of vulnerability.
During the first year, The researcher studied in depth the notions of empathy and vulnerability as conceptualized by social and political philosophy as well as phenomenology. During this phase, the researcher also delved into the phenomenological understanding of empathy thanks to conference presentations. During the end of the first period (M9-M12), the researcher also conducted fieldwork in a nongovernmental organization. The researcher carried out as initially planned: documents review consisting in reports and publications analysis ; structured observation of the professionals’ activities ; and 12 in depth semi-structured interviews with health professionals and care givers.
During the second year, the Researcher analyzed the data collected during her fieldwork. One of the objectives was to explain the phenomenon of vicarious traumatization among caregivers and to appraise the impact of the perception of vulnerability on care strategies. Research dissemination occurred through international conferences, lectures and seminar series at the host institution and abroad. During the last months of the project (M21-M24), the Researcher presented her results through conferences and seminars. Contributions will be gathered in an edited volume (2017) and results published in articles in the coming months.
Bringing to light the need for phenomenological investigation of the notion of vulnerability, the researcher has had several opportunities to showcase her research project and to gather international researchers (seminar series and international conferences) in order to have them contribute to her project objectives. Progress beyond the state of the art will be made as an edited volume and several articles dedicated to the phenomenological ethics of vulnerability will be published in the coming year. These publications will go beyond the state of the art by: 1. Specifically tackling the phenomenological contribution to the academic debate on vulnerability ; 2. Showing the relevance of phenomenology for understanding contemporary political and social issues – in particular with regard to migrations, displacement and identity politics. 3. Developing an innovative framework that also goes beyond the state of the art in phenomenological research.
In the long run, the researcher also expects societal impact, notably through the results of her fieldwork analysis. Considering the current European migrant crisis, the recommendations for new care policies and strategies dedicated to asylum seekers would have an important impact. Conceptual analysis of the notion of vulnerability might also have an impact on its legal applications, for instance, as this term is widely used in the latest directives implemented by the European Union.