Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COIN (Coding for Optical communications In the Nonlinear regime)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2018-03-01 do 2020-02-29
between the collaborators to promote career opportunities of the COIN researchers in ICT, generating new types of key expertise and human capital for the European Research Area.
The research focused on the nonlinear Fourier transform (NLFT) and nonlinear frequency division multiplexity (NFDM), forming the nonlinear analogue of wavelength division multiplexing. NLFT is a method for transforming a signal to a domain where it is unaffected by optical fibre nonlinearity, and can be detected and recovered without distortion. The research focussed on single polarisation transmission to enable the comparison of the achievable information rates (AIR) between WDM and NFDM transmission systems. The results can be applied to design a high performance dual polarization NFDM transmission scheme, potentially increasing both the achievable capacity and distances.
WP2 – Coding and Coded Modulation Schemes for Nonlinear Transmission
A novel concept was developed of implementing the optical fibre communication system as an end-to-end deep neural network, which includes the complete chain of transmitter, receiver and channel. This allows the transceiver functions to be optimized in a single end-to-end process and has the potential to enable optimal end-to-end system performance. Such systems have a tremendous potential as communication channels, for example, optical fibre, where the optimum transceiver is unknown, or its implementation is computationally prohibitive. The new concepts were introduced and experimentally verified for different transceiver designs based on feedforward and recurrent neural networks and showed the benefits from their implementation in comparisons to different classical digital signal processing schemes. A novel method for end-to-end fibre optic system optimization based on collected data from measurements, was proposed and experimentally implemented, unlocking the potential of fully learnable systems. This research forms the important foundations on the application of deep learning in future optical fibre communication systems.
In parallel, capacity achieving distribution, embedding the data into into the imaginary part of the nonlinear discrete spectrum, with a probabilistic shaping for an NFT-based transmission system was found to increase the data rate by a factor of 2.
WP3 – Transmission Regime and Experimental Verification
Different experimental schemes developed included a fully versatile optical fibre recirculating testbed for networks and systems research, a full nonlinear-Fourier-Transform (NFT) based transmission system as well as a short-reach system with square-law detection used by neural-network based transceivers.
WP4 – Project Management & Doctoral Training
Activities covered all aspects of project monitoring, reporting, financial and contractual administration in accordance with the Commission’s rules, ensuring effective communication within the consortium and implementation of the project governance decisions.
WP5 – Exploitation, Dissemination & Outreach
WP5 focused on effective communication, dissemination, and result exploitation activities and their presentation to (1) academic collaborators and (2) industrial partners increasing awareness and maximising outcomes, via 3) international conferences and journals and (4) social media inc website and twitter account.
WP6 – Ethics requirements
All the ethics deliverables were submitted with project activities compliant with the Ethics requirements.
- In terms of wider societal implications – advances in communications and infrastructure will improve productivity and, profitability. Optical networks form the core of the communications infrastructure also control all other infrastructure – transport (rail, roads, air traffic) and utilities – their reliability and resilience and the inter-operability is key to national wellbeing, security and safety. Every sector of the population and Government/private agencies is likely to be affected. there are enormous cost-savings to be made from the provision of flexible, secure, high-bandwidth connectivity, as well as potential improvements in productivity through availability of broadband digital services for home-based working and education. General public inc (i) children, (ii) the elderly, (iii) patients and disabled, (iv) rural communities, the possibility of having ubiquitous access to bandwidth with low-delay will enable the transformation of people’s lives at every stage of development: (i) children to access educational services, courses, university laboratories and expert teaching at a push of a broadband button, (ii) the elderly & disabled – to allow real-time monitoring and remote healthcare for housebound individual (iii) patients and disabled – access to leading specialists, tests and even treatment; (iv) rural communities – to reduce the isolation and improve the connectivity will help reduce concentration of population in urban areas and improve prosperity.