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Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SmartEIZ (Strengthening scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics Zagreb as a cornerstone for Croatian socioeconomic growth through the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-04-01 do 2018-12-31

There are two mutual related issues addressed in this project. The first issue is how to increase scientific and research capacity of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb (EIZ). The second important issue is in which way to narrow the networking gap of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb in the field of Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT)?

In terms of the first issue, the increase of scientific and research capacities of the Institute of Economics, Zagreb was a focal point of the project. In the context of SmartEIZ, the second issue narrow networking gap has a twofold meaning. Firstly, narrow networking gap means the improvement of cooperation between EIZ and institutions from its national environment responsible for industry/innovation policy. Secondly, narrow networking gap means diminishing deficiencies of EIZ research practice compared to the leading institutions in Europe in the field of EMIT.

We cosinder the project important for society since it provides knowledge on methodological bases for the broader community in Croatia and wider in the context of organizing trainings in areas that are new to their participants. This refers to especially those trainings whose knowledge has to be transferred to stakeholders from other sectors.

There are five overall objectives:

Strengthen the cooperation between EIZ and leading international partner institutions in EU in the fields of EMIT. Create synergies and fostering capacity to develop international research projects in order to integrate EIZ into international research networks and establish and support EIZ as a research hub (centre of excellence) in Croatia and South–East Europe (PO1);

Improve EIZ s overall research on EMIT through training activities (PO2);

Enhance EIZ’s capacity to design and implement public policies. To favour internationalisation of the Croatian production system in globalising economy and to promote comparative analysis and increasing involvement of policy makers through learning networks (PO3);

Improve the capacity of EIZ to study University/Industry models of collaboration, including Science Parks and technological clusters, their performances and their relation and impact on the territory (PO4);

Empower EIZ to contribute to RIS3 implementation by stimulating inclusive innovation and sustainable development in selected technological domains. To identify public policies for maximizing impact of specific Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) on the existing Local and Sectoral Systems of Production (PO5);

All the planned tasks were fully implemented as per DoA, and all the objectives were achieved according to the timeline.
In the analysed period we worked within four Work Packages.

Regarding PO 1, the SmartEIZ conference included presentations of papers authored and co-authored by SmartEIZ project members that were previously presented on training workshops.

Regarding PO 2, EIZ researchers presented 17 studies in progress via SmartEIZ training workshops, seven articles out of 17 these studies were published.

Regarding the PO 3 we inform that UCL organised training workshop named Assessing innovation policy: an overview of theoretical, design and implementation issues. UNU MERIT organised Training Workshop on evaluations of innovation policies. UCL implemented Training Workshop on Using the Power of Learning Networks to Enhance Smart Specialisation.

Regarding the PO 4 we inform that: University Bocconi (UB) organised Training Workshop on Cluster Evolution. UNU MERIT implemented training workshop named Science Industry linkage, in Maastricht. It is worth mentioning that EIZ established collaboration with Wood clusters in Croatia.

Regarding PO 5, UNU MERIT implemented training workshop on Technology Growth and Productivity, including KET. UB organised TW Skills and technical change: policy issues. UCL organised TW on Entrepreneurship and knowledge-based economy. UB organised Training Workshop about GVC in the context of RIS3 and Global Industry 4.0. In the dissemination report Wintjes and Aralica analysed preconditions for more intensive use of KET in Croatia.

Dissemination of knowledge about SmartEIZ was organised within WP 6. Regarding implementation of this WP, EIZ set up of the project’s Internet portal. Also during the course of the project 22 newsletters were sent to international and national stakeholders informing about project implementation.
Regarding expected impacts, EIZ researchers presented 17 studies in progress via SmartEIZ training workshops. Now, seven papers are submitted or under review in various publications cited in SCOPUS and/or WoS indexed journal. We inform that majority of researchers included in Short Term Scientific Missions (STSM) had not been included in EMIT topics in the period before SmartEIZ. Two STSMs were implemented in the field of clusters. Moreover, two presentations were given at the leading business cluster in Croatia, Croatian Wood Cluster, within its General Assembly. Moreover, one paper was published - Anić, et al. (2018): The Clusters of Competitiveness in Croatian Economic Review. The following papers have been submitted to the WoS/SCOPUS journals: Anić, et al: The development of clusters of competitiveness in Croatia: a survey-based analysis and Škrinjarić et al: Bidding against the odds? The impact evaluation of grants for young micro and small firms during the recession. EIZ's researchers participated in the six project proposal submission to the European Research Programmes. Four additional researchers were engaged in the network of policy evaluators. Finally, Bačić and Aralica employed various indicators for assessing regional accessibility, absorptive capacity and diffusion of knowledge in the context of S3 implementation. Within the dissemination report “Demand for high-skilled labour: Lessons from the Online Vacancy Index”, EIZ researchers developed a smart index that ensures smart labour market diagnostics on the needs for smart skills.

We consider the following socio-economic impacts of the project as important :

• Increase of cooperation among participants from various sectors and better inclusion of researchers with their knowledge in policy processes,

• The improvement in implementation of Smart Specialization Strategy S3 strategy in Croatia

• Promotion of evaluation practices and improvement of analytical skills of stakeholders in the field of (S3) could be considered as the main impact of SmartEIZ on society.

• Creation, functioning of learning platform and its sustainability, which could facilitate interaction between various stakeholders in the field of Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology nationally in Croatia/internationally.

• Transfer of knowledge from EIZ related to the project activities within Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT) to national economies and internationally.

Regarding potential impact, the project, is the undeniable confirmation of the use value of EMIT in the context of (S3). The use value is primarily related to the development of methodology related to assesment, monitoring and evaluation of S3.
the Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts Darko Horvat inaugurated SmartEIZ conference