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Post-Consumer High-tech Recycled Polymers for a Circular Economy – PolyCE

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Demonstrator LED lighting

D7.3: Demonstrator LED lighting, M40, ONA. Deliverable D7.3 is the direct outcome of Task 7.4 and 7.2.

Demonstrator IOT connected sensor device

D7.2: Demonstrator modular smartphone component, CircularDevices, M40. Deliverable D7.2 is the direct outcome of Task 7.3 and 7.2.

Assessment of non-WEEE PCR plastics for EE applications

D7.8: Assessment of non-WEEE PCR plastics for EE applications, M42, UGent. Deliverable D7.8 is the direct outcome of Task 7.9 and 7.2. The deliverable will use input from Task 1.7.

Demonstrator for the WEEE supply chain

D7.1: Demonstrator for the WEEE supply chain, M32, ECODOM. Deliverable D7.1 is the direct outcome of Task 7.1. The results will be validated in an iterative manner through activities in WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 as well as from the individual tasks within WP7.

Philips PCR plastics demonstrator

D7.5: Philips PCR plastics demonstrator, M40, Philips. Deliverable D7.5 is the direct outcome of Task 7.6 and 7.2.

3D printing demonstrator for PCR from WEEE

D7.7: 3D printing demonstrator for PCR from WEEE, M42, UGent. Deliverable D7.7 is the direct outcome of Task 7.8 and 7.2.

Whirlpool Large domestic Appliances demonstrator

D7.6: Whirlpool Large domestic Appliances demonstrator, M42, Whirlpool. Deliverable D7.6 is the direct outcome of Task 7.7 and 7.2.

Demonstrator SME EE product

D7.4: Demonstrator SME EE product, M40, Pezy. Deliverable D7.4 is the direct outcome of Task 7.5 and 7.2.

Uniform grade system that can be used for trading PCR and will serve as a basis for the integration of an online platform in WP6

D4.5: Uniform grade system that can be used for trading PCR and will serve as a basis for the integration of an online platform in WP6, M40, KULeuven. Deliverable D4.5 is direct outcome of Task 4.5. The deliverable will integrate results from the entire WP4.

Application guide of PCR compounds & data sheets

D5.6: Application guide of PCR compounds & data sheets, M39, Sitraplas/MBA polymers. Deliverable D5.6 is the outcome of Task 5.1, Task 5.2, Task 5.3, Task 5.4, Task 5.5 and Task 5.6. The deliverable will deliver input to Task 2.2, to the demonstrators in WP7 and Task 8.2, Task 8.6, Task 8.7.

Reverse logistics requirements for environmentally sustainable collection, recycling and reuse of PCR plastics

D3.3: Determination reverse logistics operations - Regional networks and across Europe, M20, TUON. Deliverable D3.3 is the outcome of Task 3.3. The deliverable will deliver input to Task 7.1 and Task 8.8.

Explotation plan - Second version, Public

Short second public version of the Exploitation Plan, excluding any confidential information

Identification of WEEE recycling improvement for high quality plastic

D3.4: Identification of WEEE recycling improvement for high quality plastic, M20, TUB. Deliverable D3.4 is the outcome of Task 3.4. The deliverable will deliver input to Task 7.1.

Plan for a transparent consultation of stakeholders

D2.3: Plan for a transparent consultation of stakeholders, ECODOM, M19. Deliverable D2.3 is the out-come of Task 2.2 and will use input from Task 2.1

Guidelines on Life cycle thinking integration and use of PCR plastics in new electronic products

D8.1. Guidelines on Life cycle thinking integration and use of PCR plastics in new electronic products, M42, Fraunhofer and Pezy, D8.1 is the outcome of Task 8.1 and Task 8.2

Design from Recycling strategy for PCR polymers from WEEE

D4.2: Design from Recycling strategy for PCR polymers from WEEE, M25, UGent. Deliverable D4.2 is the outcome of Task 4.2. D4.2 will deliver input to the business cases reflected in WP1, to the demon-strators in WP7 and to Task 2.2.

Re-design value and supply chain for maximum effect

D3.5: Re-design value and supply chain for maximum effect, M36, ECODOM. Deliverable D3.5 is the outcome of Task 3.5 and will use input from Task 3.2, Task 3.3 and Task 3.4 and will incorporate feed-back from the tasks of WP7. The deliverable will deliver input to Task 2.2 and Task 7.1, Task 7.6. Task 7.7 and Task 8.8.

Guidelines on improvement of the entire value chain of plastics

D8.6 Guidelines on improvement of the entire value chain of plastics, M42, ECODOM. Deliverable D8.6. is outcome of Task 8.8. The deliverable will deliver input to WP9.

Quantification of material flows along the entire chain

D3.1: Quantification of material flows along the entire chain, M12, ECODOM. Deliverable D3.1 is the outcome of Task 3.1. The deliverable will serve as input to Task 3.2

Identification of circular business models and shortlist of applicable dematerialisation options

D.1.1: Identification of circular business models and shortlist of applicable dematerialisation options, M6, TUB. D.1.1. is the outcome of Task 1.1 and input for Task 1.2

Map of market situation, derived barriers, drivers and information needs

D6.1: Map of market situation, derived barriers, drivers and information needs, M18, TUON. Deliverable D6.1 is the outcome of Task 6.1 and Task 6.2. The deliverbale will use input from Task 1.5 and will be performed in close collaboration with Task 3.1. The deliverable will provide information to Task 6.3.

Policy measures, Environmental labelling and standardization input: Summary of policy recommendations

D9.5: Policy measures, Environmental labelling and standardization input: Summary of policy recommendations, Month 46. Deliverable D9.5. is outcome of Task 9.7. Intermediate draft versions with the relevant input and recommendations will be compiled and submitted in M13 and M36. Final report: M46

Material matrix with the predominant polymers and their additives in PCR polymers from WEEE

D5.1: Material matrix with the predominant polymers and their additives in PCR polymers from WEEE, M9, UGent. Deliverable D5.1 is the direct outcome of Task 5.1. The deliverable will deliver input to Task 5.2 and WP7.

Possibilities and limitations in the value chain and conditions for change

D2.4: Possibilities and limitations in the value chain and conditions for change, UNU, M40. Deliverable D2.4 is the direct outcome of Task 2.3. The deliverable will use, but also deliver input to Task 2.2 and Task 2.4.

Collection requirements for clustering products

D3.2: Determination of collection requirements for clustering products, M20, KU Leuven. Deliverable D3.2 is the outcome of Task 3.2. The deliverable will use input from Task 1.2 and deliver input to Task 7.1.

Report on drivers, risks and limitations to assess business model in the electronics sector

D.1.2: Report on drivers, risks and limitations to assess business model in the electronics sector, M12, TUON. D1.2. is the outcome of Task 1.2. Deliverable D.1.2 will provide input to Task 3.3

Spreadsheet and contact details of key stakeholders to establish online discussion platform, Public

Deliverable D2.1 is the outcome of Task 2.1 and will serve as input to Task 2.2

Exploitation plan - First version, Public

Short first public version of the Exploitation plan, excluding any confidential information.

Summary of expansion of matrix from 5.1 with data sheets for the relevant material properties of the included materials

Summary version of Deliverable D5.7 will expand the results from Task 5.1. and will integrate results from the entire WP5. The deliverable will provide input to WP4, WP6 and WP7.

Description of standard and systematic testing procedures for the different types of PCR

D4.3: Description of standard and systematic testing procedures for the different types of PCR, M25, MBA, Deliverable D4.3 is the outcome of Task 4.3. D4.3 will deliver input to Task 4.4 and Task 4.5.

Resource efficiency studies and Life Cycle assessments

D8.2. Resource efficiency studies and Life Cycle assessments, M40, UNU and TUB, D8.2 is the out-come of Task 8.3 and Task 8.4

Report on minimum material requirements for the trials

D4.1: Report on minimum material requirements for the trials, M8, KU Leuven. Deliverable D4.1 is the outcome of Task 4.1. D4.1 will deliver input to Task 4.2 and Task 4.3.

Exploitation plan, Final version, Public
Main conclusions of the consultation of the stakeholders

D2.5: Main conclusions of the consultation of the stakeholders, UNU, M42. Deliverable D2.5 is the outcome of Task 2.2, Task 2.3 and Task 2.4

Dissemination plan - public summary

The deliverable will reflect, amongst others, the strategy described in Section 2.2.1 of Part B.

Dematerialisation study business case and benefits

D8.3. Dematerialisation study business case and benefits, M38, TUON, D8.3 is the outcome of Task 8.5

Consumer campaign on the benefits of recycled plastics in new electronic products

D9.2: Consumer campaign on the benefits of recycled plastics in new electronic products; M24, UNU. Deliverable D9.2. is outcome of Task 9.2.

Value chain map of current level of circularity in EEE plastics

D.1.3: Value chain map of current level of circularity in EEE plastics, M36, UNU. D1.3. is the outcome of Task 1.3, Task 1.4 and Task 1.5. Deliverable D.1.3 will deliver input to WP2 activities and support the communication and dissemination work of WP9

Matrix of industrial symbiosis opportunities

D.1.4: Matrix of industrial symbiosis opportunities, M32, UGent. D1.4. is the outcome of Task 1.6 and input for Task 1.2

Consumer campaigns on circular consumption models

D9.1: Consumer campaigns on circular consumption models, M24; EEB. Deliverable D9.1. is outcome of Task 9.1.

Networking platform for cities and local stakeholders

D9.3: Networking platform for cities and local stakeholders, Month: M30, UNU. Deliverable D9.3. is out-come of Task 9.3.

PolyCE Academy

D8.5. PolyCE Academy (M22, 35, 46), UGent. Deliverable D8.5. is outcome of Task 8.7.

Technical workshops

D8.4. Technical workshops (M20, M37, M40). Deliverable D8.4. is outcome of Task 8.6.

Validated and iteratively improved online platform

D6.3: Validated and iteratively improved online platform, M43, KunststoffWeb. Deliverable D6.3 is the outcome of Task 6.5.

Project website and newsletters

D9.4: Project website (M3), bi-annually newsletters (M6, 12, 18, 24) Deliverable D9.4. is outcome of Task 9.5.


Chapter 11. Plastics in Electronic Waste: Results from the PolyCE Project

Autorzy: Rebecca Colley-Jones, Alessia Accili, Luca Campadello, Johanna Emmerich
Opublikowane w: Electronic Waste Management, 2019, Strona(/y) 313-337, ISBN 978-1-78801-744-2
Wydawca: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/9781788018784-00313

Preparing WEEE Plastics for Recycling – How Optimal Particle Sizes in Pre-processing can Improve the Separation Efficiency of High Quality Plastics

Autorzy: Franziska Maisel, Johanna Emmerich and Gergana Dimitrova
Opublikowane w: Recycling- und Sekundärrohstoffe, Numer Band 13, 2020, Strona(/y) 670, ISBN 978-3-944310-51-0
Wydawca: Olaf Holm, Elisabeth Thomé-Kozmiensky, Daniel Goldmann, Bernd Friedrich

Application of Post Consumer Plastic Recyclates in the Electronics Industry as Promising Business Model in the Circular Economy

Autorzy: Johanna Emmerich, Franziska Maisel, Gergana Dimitrova and Anton Berwald
Opublikowane w: Recycling- und Sekundärrohstoffe, Numer Band 13, 2020, Strona(/y) 670, ISBN 978-3-944310-51-0
Wydawca: Olaf Holm, Elisabeth Thomé-Kozmiensky, Daniel Goldmann, Bernd Friedrich

Design for and Design from Recycling: The Key Pillars of Circular ProductDesign

Autorzy: G. Dimitrova, A. Berwald, T. Feenstra, G. Höggerl,N. F. Nissen, M. Schneider-Ramelow
Opublikowane w: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020, 2020
Wydawca: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020

Plastics Recycling for Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment: Key insights and challenges

Autorzy: Alexander Boudewijn, Jef R. Peeters, Dirk Cattrysse, Wim Dewulf, Alessia Accili, Joost R. Duflou
Opublikowane w: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020, 2020
Wydawca: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020

Grading system for post-consumer recycled plastics from WEEE

Autorzy: Florian Wagner, Ellen Bracquene, Eduard Wagner, Jozefien De Keyzer, Joost Duflou, Wim Dewulf, Jef Peeters
Opublikowane w: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020, 2020
Wydawca: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020

E-Businesses going circular – drivers, barriers and best practice examples of circular business models from the electronics sector

Autorzy: J. Emmerich, P. Chancerel, N. Nissen, K. Lang (TU Berlin, DE), R. Colley-Jones, M. Bates (University of Northampton, UK), G. Dimitrova, A. Berwald (Fraunhofer IZM, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Encouraging the uptake of recycled plastics from WEEE – the potential of ecolabels

Autorzy: G. Dimitrova, K. Schischke, A. Berwald, C. Walther, N. Nissen (Fraunhofer IZM, DE), P. Chancerel, K. Lang (TU Berlin, DE), A. Rüdiger (SITRAPLAS, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Product Clustering for Improved Collection, Sorting and Recycling of Plastics

Autorzy: A. Boudewijn, J. Peeters, R. Dewil, D. Cattrysse, W. Dewulf, J. Duflou (KU Leuven, BE) P. Chancerel (TU Berlin, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Design for Recycling: A priority plastics guide for WEEE recycling

Autorzy: A. Berwald, G. Dimitrova, N. Nissen (Fraunhofer IZM, DE) A. Schwesig, (MGG Polymers, AT) P. Chancerel, J. Emmerich, K. Lang (TU Berlin, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Strategies for more Circularity in the Life Cycle of Mobile Information Technology

Autorzy: K. Schischke, M. Proske, J. Reinhold (Fraunhofer IZM, DE), M. Ballester (Fairphone, NL), K. Lang (TU Berlin, DE), M. Regenfelder (ReUse, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Where the shoe pinches – tackling current market challenges for recycling plastics from WEEE

Autorzy: N. Vincenti, L. Campadello, A. Accili (ECODOM – Consorzio Italiano Recupero e Riciclaggio Elettrodomestici, IT) E. Wagner, P. Chancerel, J. Emmerich (TU Berlin, DE) P. Liravi (University of Northampton, UK) A. Berwald, G. Dimitrova, N. Nissen, K. Lang (Fraunhofer IZM, DE)
Opublikowane w: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION, 2018
Wydawca: Going Green – CARE INNOVATION

Design from recycling for post-consumer WEEE plastics

Autorzy: Gianni Vyncke, J. Onnekink, T. Feenstra and Kim Ragaert
Opublikowane w: International Conference on Polymers and Moulds Innovations - PMI 2018., 2018
Wydawca: International Conference on Polymers and Moulds Innovations - PMI 2018

Using Post-Consumer Recycled Plastics in new EEE: A promising Circular Business Model for the Electronics Sector

Autorzy: F. Maisel, J. Emmerich, G. Dimitrova, A. Berwald, N. F. Nissen, M. Schneider-Ramelow
Opublikowane w: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020, 2020
Wydawca: Electronics Goes Green congress 2020

The effect of polyethylene on the properties of talc-filled recycled polypropylene

Autorzy: Gianni Vyncke, Rudinei Fiorio, Ludwig Cardon, Kim Ragaert
Opublikowane w: Plastics, Rubber and Composites, 2020, Strona(/y) 1-8, ISSN 1465-8011
Wydawca: Maney Publishing
DOI: 10.1080/14658011.2020.1807729

Quantifying the environmental impact of clustering strategies in waste management: A case study for plastic recycling from large household appliances

Autorzy: Ellen Bracquené, Mariana Gaspar Martinez, Eduard Wagner, Florian Wagner, Alexander Boudewijn, Jef Peeters, Joost Duflou
Opublikowane w: Waste Management, Numer 126, 2021, Strona(/y) 497-507, ISSN 0956-053X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2021.03.039

Quality assessment of mixed plastic flakes from Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) by spectroscopic techniques

Autorzy: Florian Wagner, Jef R. Peeters, Hans Ramon, Jozefien De Keyzer, Joost R. Duflou, Wim Dewulf
Opublikowane w: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Numer 158, 2020, Strona(/y) 104801, ISSN 0921-3449
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.104801

Design for Circularity Guidelines for the EEE Sector

Autorzy: Anton Berwald, Gergana Dimitrova, Thijs Feenstra, Joop Onnekink, Harm Peters, Gianni Vyncke, Kim Ragaert
Opublikowane w: Sustainability, Numer 13/7, 2021, Strona(/y) 3923, ISSN 2071-1050
Wydawca: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13073923

Techno-economic potential of recycling Tantalum containing capacitors by automated selective dismantling

Autorzy: Hans Ramon, Jef R. Peeters, Wouter Sterkens, Joost R. Duflou, Karel Kellens, Wim Dewulf
Opublikowane w: Procedia CIRP, Numer 90, 2020, Strona(/y) 421-425, ISSN 2212-8271
Wydawca: Procedia CIRP
DOI: 10.1016/j.procir.2020.01.110

A Statistical Analysis on the Effect of Antioxidants on the Thermal-Oxidative Stability of Commercial Mass- and Emulsion-Polymerized ABS

Autorzy: Rudinei Fiorio, Dagmar D’hooge, Kim Ragaert, Ludwig Cardon
Opublikowane w: Polymers, Numer 11/1, 2019, Strona(/y) 25, ISSN 2073-4360
Wydawca: Polymers
DOI: 10.3390/polym11010025

Preparing WEEE plastics for recycling – How optimal particle sizes in pre-processing can improve the separation efficiency of high quality plastics

Autorzy: Franziska Maisel, Perrine Chancerel, Gergana Dimitrova, Johanna Emmerich, Nils F. Nissen, Martin Schneider-Ramelow
Opublikowane w: Resources, Conservation and Recycling, Numer 154, 2020, Strona(/y) 104619, ISSN 0921-3449
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104619

A recycler’s perspective on the implications of REACH and food contact material (FCM) regulations for the mechanical recycling of FCM plastics

Autorzy: Ellen De Tandt, Cody Demuytere, Elke Van Asbroeck, Hiram Moerman, Nicolas Mys, Gianni Vyncke, Laurens Delva, An Vermeulen, Peter Ragaert, Steven De Meester, Kim Ragaert
Opublikowane w: Waste Management, Numer 119, 2021, Strona(/y) 315-329, ISSN 0956-053X
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2020.10.012

Influence of the particle size on the plastic recyclability of plastic fractions from WEEE treatment

Autorzy: Franziska Maisel
Opublikowane w: Master thesis, 2019
Wydawca: Technische Universität Berlin

Design for and from recycling : practical guidelines for designers

Autorzy: Thijs Feenstra, Joop Onnekink, Harm Peters, Arno Wolters
Opublikowane w: A PolyCE publication, 2021, ISBN 9789081341806
Wydawca: PolyCE project

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