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Enhanced version of tools

This deliverable will contain the evolved versions of an environment of technologies to enable modular system verifications, of the “verification as a service” and of the GUI.

Preliminary version of the platforms

This deliverable will contain the first prototypes of an environment of technologies to enable modular system verifications and of the “verification as a service” (tasks 3.1 and 3.3)

Basic analyzers final release

Final version of front-ends, and specification libraries (task 2.1), improved analyzers (task 2.2) and prototypes of new analyzers (task 2.3)

Basic analyzers intermediate release

Initial version of front-ends and specification libraries (task 2.1), improved analyzers (task 2.2) and prototypes of new analyzers (task 2.3).

Collaboration of analyses intermediate release V1

Prototype for inter-analyzers collaboration (task 2.4) and verification artefact management (task 2.5).

Collaboration of analyses intermediate release V2

Final version of inter-analyzers collaboration (task 2.4) and verification artefact management (task 2.5).

Economic rationale and metrics report of the effectiveness and efficiency of the use of VESSEDIA outcomes

This deliverable consists of an academic publication on the topic of the economic rationale (effectiveness and efficiency) on the incentives for the advanced use of VESSEDIA outcomes based on use cases.

DA’s use case intermediate report

Report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the Aircraft Maintenance use case, first iteration.

CEA’s use case final report

Second iteration report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the 6LoWPAN manager use case.

Evaluation using the VESSEDIA use cases

Report on evaluation activities performed in Task 4.2.

Project quality plan

The project quality plan (the project handbook) constitutes a set of project templates, explanations on the project management process, review process, quality checks, meeting organisation, which is communicated to all partners.

Metrics for VESSEDIA tools in quality assurance

Definition of metrics defined in Task 4.1.

Quality tests & limits of VESSEDIA tools regarding security vulnerabilities detection

This report will assess the quality of VESSEDIA tools regarding both simple and advanced security vulnerabilities (Task 4.3).

Methodological report for modular reasoning for system validation and verification

This report will contain the methodology about modular reasoning for system validation and verification (task 3.1).

Updated plan and initial report on Exploitation, Dissemination & Communication activities

This report includes updates on the exploitation, dissemination and communication plans as well as initial reports on the executed activities. It furthermore includes a first view on the market, its opportunities and on the target audiences.

Security requirements for connected medium security-critical applications

This deliverable reports the general methodology developed in T1.1.

DA’s use case final report

Second iteration report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the Aircraft Maintenance use case.

Analyses choice methodology report

This report presents the findings of T1.4 regarding a cost-efficient trade-off between basic and sophisticated analyses.

CEA’s use case intermediate report

Report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the 6LoWPAN manager use case, first iteration.

VESSEDIA approach for security evaluation

Analysis on using VESSEDIA results in security evaluation methodologies (Task 4.2).

Guidelines for combination of static and dynamic analyses

This report is the output of task 3.2 and will contain guidelines for combination of static and dynamic analyses.

VESSEDIA in Common Criteria evaluations

Report on the potential contributions expected from VESSEDIA in the context of a CC process (Task 4.4).

Benchmark for evaluating VESSEDIA tools

This report will present a benchmark for evaluating the quality of VESSEDIA tools regarding both simple and complex security vulnerabilities (Task 4.3).

Risk Assessment Plan

The risk assessment plan shows how potential risks are assessed and mitigated in order to avoid any negative influence on the VESSEDIA project objectives. The interrelated risk assessment plan – risk identification, handling and monitoring – will be established.

Vulnerability discovery methodology

This report presents ways to detect the most common vulnerabilities using Frama-C.

Inria’s use case intermediate report

Report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the Contiki use case, first iteration.

Modelling framework description

This document describes the model-based language resulting from T1.2.

Minimal contract Hoare-style verification versus abstract interpretation

Report on using verification-service based theorem proving compared to abstract interpretation.

Inria’s use case final report

Second iteration report on applying the VESSEDIA solutions to the Contiki use case.

Internal and external IT communication infrastructure and project website

The external IT communication infrastructure constitutes a guideline for communication of the VESSEDIA project to external target groups including conferences, marketing measures and communication channels. Furthermore this deliverable constitutes the launch of the internal VESSEDIA communication infrastructure including the establishment of mailing lists or a subversion server, and the VESSEDIA website.

Data Management Plan (DMP)

The DMP will provide an analysis of the main elements of the data management policy that will be used by the applications with regard to all the datasets that will be generated by the project. The DMP is not a fixed document, but evolves (if necessary) during the lifespan of the project. According to the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020, the DMP should address data set reference and name, data set description, standards and metadata, data sharing and archiving and preservation (including storage and backup) on a dataset by dataset basis and should reflect the current status of reflection within the consortium about the data that will be produced.


Towards Formal Verification of Contiki: Analysis of the AES–CCM* Modules with Frama-C

Autorzy: Peyrard , Alexandre; Kosmatov , Nikolai; Duquennoy , Simon; Raza , Shahid
Opublikowane w: RED-IOT 2018 - Workshop on Recent advances in secure management of data and resources in the IoT, Numer 4, 2017
Wydawca: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1160349

Static Analysis and Runtime-Assertion Checking: Contribution to Security Counter-Measures

Autorzy: Pariente, Dillon; Signoles, Julien
Opublikowane w: 2017
Wydawca: Zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.820856

Ghosts for Lists: from Axiomatic to Executable Specifications

Autorzy: Loulergue , Frédéric; Blanchard , Allan; Kosmatov , Nikolai
Opublikowane w: TAP 2018 - 12th International Conference on Tests and Proofs, Numer 1, 2018
Wydawca: HAL
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1402504

Ghosts for Lists: A Critical Module of Contiki Verified in Frama-C

Autorzy: Blanchard , Allan; Kosmatov , Nikolai; Loulergue , Frédéric
Opublikowane w: Tenth NASA Formal Methods Symposium - NFM 2018, Numer 1, 2018
Wydawca: Newport News
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1402494

Symbolic execution of transition systems with function summaries

Autorzy: Imen Boudhiba, Christophe Gaston, Pascale Le Gall, Virgile Prevosto
Opublikowane w: 11th International Conference on Tests, 2017, Strona(/y) 41-58
Wydawca: Proofs
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-61467-0_3

Logic against ghosts - comparison of two proof approaches for a list module

Autorzy: Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '19, 2019, Strona(/y) 2186-2195, ISBN 9781-450359337
Wydawca: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3297280.3297495

Specifying I/O using abstract nested hoare triples in separation logic

Autorzy: Willem Penninckx, Amin Timany, Bart Jacobs
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs - FTfJP '19, 2019, Strona(/y) 1-7, ISBN 9781-450368643
Wydawca: ACM Press
DOI: 10.1145/3340672.3341118

Transferring Obligations Through Synchronizations

Autorzy: Hamin Jafar; Jacobs Bart
Opublikowane w: ECOOP, 2019
Wydawca: Dagstuhl LIPIcs

Des listes et leurs fantômes : vérification d'un module critique de Contiki avec FRAMA-C

Autorzy: Blanchard, Allan; Kosmatov, Nikolai; Loulergue, Frédéric
Opublikowane w: 17èmes Journées AFADL : Approches Formelles Dans L'assistance Au Développement De Logiciels, Numer 14, 2018
Wydawca: HAL

Verication Coverage for Combining Test and Proof

Autorzy: Hoang Le, Viet; Correnson, Loïc; Signoles, Julien; Wiels, Virginie
Opublikowane w: International Conference on Tests and Proofs TAP 2018 (Pre-Print), 2018
Wydawca: zenodo
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3609494

Synthesizing invariants by solving solvable loops

Autorzy: Oliveira , S. ,; BENSALEM , S.; Prevosto , V.
Opublikowane w: Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA), Numer 2, 2017, ISSN 0302-9743
Wydawca: Springer Verlag
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.893067

MMFilter : A CHR-Based Solver for Generation of Executions under Weak Memory Models

Autorzy: Allan Blanchard, Nikolai Kosmatov, Frédéric Loulergue
Opublikowane w: Computer Languages, Systems & Structures, Numer 53, 2018, Strona(/y) 121-142, ISSN 1477-8424
Wydawca: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/

The future is ours: prophecy variables in separation logic

Autorzy: Ralf Jung, Rodolphe Lepigre, Gaurav Parthasarathy, Marianna Rapoport, Amin Timany, Derek Dreyer, Bart Jacobs
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Numer 4/POPL, 2020, Strona(/y) 1-32, ISSN 2475-1421
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.1145/3371113

Soundness of a Dataflow Analysis for Memory Monitoring.

Autorzy: Ly, Dara; Kosmatov, Nikolai; Signoles, Julien; Loulergue, Frédéric
Opublikowane w: ACM SIGAda Ada Letters (Pre-print), Numer Volume 38, Numer 2, 2019, Strona(/y) 97-108
Wydawca: ACM
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3609499

MetAcsl: Specification and Verification of High-Level Properties

Autorzy: Virgile Robles, Nikolai Kosmatov, Virgile Prevosto, Louis Rilling, Pascale Le Gall
Opublikowane w: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems - 25th International Conference, TACAS 2019, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, April 6–11, 2019, Proceedings, Part I, Numer 11427, 2019, Strona(/y) 358-364, ISBN 978-3-030-17461-3
Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-17462-0_22

Tame Your Annotations with MetAcsl: Specifying, Testing and Proving High-Level Properties

Autorzy: Virgile Robles, Nikolai Kosmatov, Virgile Prevosto, Louis Rilling, Pascale Le Gall
Opublikowane w: Tests and Proofs - 13th International Conference, TAP 2019, Held as Part of the Third World Congress on Formal Methods 2019, Porto, Portugal, October 9–11, 2019, Proceedings, Numer 11823, 2019, Strona(/y) 167-185, ISBN 978-3-030-31156-8
Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-31157-5_11

Starvation-Free Monitors

Autorzy: Jafar Hamin
Opublikowane w: Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2019 - 16th International Colloquium, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 31 – November 4, 2019, Proceedings, Numer 11884, 2019, Strona(/y) 175-195, ISBN 978-3-030-32504-6
Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-32505-3_11

Runtime Assertion Checking and Static Verification: Collaborative Partners

Autorzy: Fonenantsoa Maurica, David R. Cok, Julien Signoles
Opublikowane w: Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. Verification - 8th International Symposium, ISoLA 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, November 5-9, 2018, Proceedings, Part II, Numer 11245, 2018, Strona(/y) 75-91, ISBN 978-3-030-03420-7
Wydawca: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03421-4_6

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