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Microwave Microscopy for Advanced and Efficient Materials Analysis and Production

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MMAMA (Microwave Microscopy for Advanced and Efficient Materials Analysis and Production)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-05-01 do 2020-10-31

Products which require complicated material systems and nanoscale structural organization, e.g. third-generation solar cells, are often difficult to develop. This is because electronic properties of bulk semiconductors are often masked or at least strongly superimposed by material interface properties. Additionally, these interface properties are also complex and thus make product design difficult.
MMAMA aims at solving this problem by offering a multiscale characterization and modelling platform for the European manufacturers of coatings, photovoltaic cells, advanced thin film materials and semi-conductor circuits. The project targets the development of GigaHertz (GHz) electrical measuring instrumentation devoted to both off-line nanoscale and in-line macroscale characterization. In particular, it is proposed to use a combination of scanning microwave microscopes, dielectric resonators, impedance spectroscopy analysers, free space imagers, portable microwave dielectric-probe and simulation to measure the material and interface properties of complicated material systems and nanostructures. Advanced measuring techniques are supported by dedicated calibration techniques to provide quantitative physical quantities of interest from the measured microwave signals. A metrological system of cross-checks between different instruments, models and simulations with associated error bars is indispensable for obtaining trustworthy results.
Multi-scale and multi-physics modeling are also a strong point at the core of the project. Modeling is indeed essential to determine the properties, in particular electromagnetic and / or semi conductive ones, of matter and their interactions with the instrumental environment.
Fundamental extensions to the existing SMM technology were addressed. Three SMM at laboratory level were investigated: - a wideband GHz open air AFM for kHz – 20 GHz electrical measurements (KEYSIGHT), - mm-wave SMM integrated in SEM (IEMN) and – open air vertical tuning-fork based SMM (METAS). This work gathers development of shielded probes, calibration kits and dedicated complex impedance measurement workflow. These advanced SMM technologies are now available as demonstrators at laboratory level.

The SMM was further successfully tested; including large scan range extension. Calibration routines for complex impedance were developed, both for the SMM and the dielectric probe kit. The combined SMM/SEM was tested on several materials and the performance verified.

Three user cases have been defined to represent most frequent SMM setups.
Modelling problems of industrial relevance have been assembled.
The solver has been updated and tested. In addition, ETHZ has developed a high frequency semiconductor solver that is based on Hydrodynamic model in order to be able to simulate the optical effects of semiconductors. This coupled solver (electromagnetic with high frequency semiconductor physics) is finalised.

The implementation of Impedance and permittivity measurements includes microwave characterisation methods in the fabrication pilot line of ADAMANT (conductive composites) and Dracula Technologies (organic PV). Reference device architectures (Metal-Insulating-Semiconductor (MIS) type) for characterisation of OPV and ion implanted materials are developed by Materia Nova while CFRP reference prepregs and associated composites have been fabricated by Adamant.

The consortium worked also on defining the specifications for the integration of a coaxial probe and a macro-scale resonator in industrial environments and the integration of the microwave technology system on a large scale in two different production processes: Inkjet single-sheet process and continuous roll-to-roll process.

A data management plan has been updated twice. The open innovation environment is fully operational, as the a Zenodo community. The standard operating procedures have been reviewed by external stakeholders disseminated. Three workshops to disseminate the project results have been realised.
Microwave multi-scale disruptive instruments
For the field of instrumental development, the project has several demonstrators. For nano-scale characterization, the project has a large panel of disruptive SMM technologies (an SMM/SEM in the frequency range 2-110 GHz; a tuning-fork SMM using coaxial probe in a vertical configuration and a wideband frequency AFM for kHz – 20 GHz electrical measurements). Not initially scheduled, the development along impedance spectroscopy (IS) with large spectral range allows from bridging between low frequency characterisation methods with that of the microwave. For the macroscale characterization dedicated to production lines, MMAMA project has validated several microwave imager technologies such as dielectric resonator coupled with 2D scanner; dielectric measurements with the probe kit and associated calibration solution and finally microwave free space imager.

Advanced materials for energy applications
A large panel of semiconducting polymers integrated in new device architecture (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) and fabricated by Materia Nova have been successfully investigated by impedance spectroscopy and SMM techniques. Carbon microfiber based composite materials elaborated by Adamant are characterized by SMM and C-AFM microscopes.

Multi-physic and multi-scale modelling
A coupled solver that able to model semiconductor materials under electromagnetic excitation has been developed in order to simulate SMM with semiconductor materials. The semiconductor solver is based on Poisson-Drift-Diffusion equations and provides very accurate modelling for semiconductors for usual SMM frequencies (up to 80 GHz).
Modeling problems of industrial relevance are currently focused on the enhanced modelling of dielectric resonator measurements.

Open environment and Development of standard operating procedures
The open innovation environment consists of a simply accessible platform ( with several levels of access for public, stakeholders and partners. Additionally, a Zenodo community has been started (
Concerning pre-normative nanometrology, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on SMM and coaxial probe and dielectric resonators are written and sent to project partners and stakeholders for comments. First workshop on SMM SOP has been held at EuMW 2019 conference. The second workshop is planned in conjunction with MIKON 2020 conference in May 2020. Moreover, a round robin with the SMM SOP has been initiated.