Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WoodStock (Quick and cost-effective integrated web platform for forest inventories)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2017-03-01 do 2017-06-30
- Technically, we analyzed the intellectual property and regulations (no conflict was found), outlined a plan to reach TRL 9 (including risk management), have revised costs for target countries and contacted stakeholders.
- Commercially we can confirm the commercial feasibility in the identified sectors. We will use AGRESTA’s wide network for our target markets within Europe. We have identified several collaborators, which will use the platform as early adopters.
- Financially we have evaluated the total investment for the project in 0.79M€ and an estimated cumulative revenue of 4.7M€ by 2022. We forecast a ROI of 2.61 which validates our financial business model. These results make us continue to apply for the Phase 2 SME Instrument.