Periodic Reporting for period 3 - GB-CORRELATE (Correlating the State and Properties of Grain Boundaries)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-08-01 do 2023-01-31
In the first part of the project we started to prepare grain boundaries which we can study further by experiments and simulations. Our manuscript "Synthesis and mechanical testing of grain boundaries at the micro and sub-micro scale" by Nataliya V. Malyar, Hauke Springer, Jürgen Wichert, Gerhard Dehm and Christoph Kirchlechner, Materials Testing 61 (1), 5-18 (2019) summarizes on sample preparation routes for grain boundary studies. First atomistic insights in a chemically driven change in grain boundary phase (i.e. atomic structure and chemical composition changes) was reported in our manuscript "Segregation-Induced Nanofaceting Transition at an Asymmetric Tilt Grain Boundary in Copper " by Nicolas J. Peter, G. Dehm et al, Physical Review Letters 121, 255502 (2018). This grain boundary phase transformation seems to impact also the mechanical properties and is currently under further investigation.
If material scientists understand fundamentally grain boundaries and their possible phase transitions a new door into materials design is opened. Materials with extreme thermal stability, high strength and high fracture resistance can be designed, but also materials that act as sensors and fail for example quickly under certain environmental conditions reporting critical conditions (like acidic or certain gas pollution). These materials may enter into applications for transportation, energy harvesting, medical applications and/or electronic material systems.