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Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ACT (Communities of PrACTice for Accelerating Gender Equality and Institutional Change in Research and Innovation across Europe)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-08-01 do 2021-10-31

ACT will advance gender equality in the European Research Area by increasing gender expertise and operational effectiveness of Communities of Practice (CoPs) engaged in promoting institutional change, and in particular implementation of gender equality plans (GEPs), within and across research performing organisations (RPOs) and research funding organisations (RFOs). ACT will contribute to this overall goal through the achievement of three specific objectives, each comprised of distinct but inter-linked sub-objectives:
Objective 1
We have consolidated and strengthened existing infrastructure for knowledge sharing and mutual learning in the field of institutional change and gender equality across Europe
We have setup a scalable infrastructure of Knowledge Sharing Hubs (i.e. eight online Content Management Systems (CMS) for each Community of Practice have been implemented). The GEAM LimeSurvey platform facilitates the auditing/monitoring of gender equality measures in each CoP member organization through online surveys. GenPORT continues to be used as wecentral resource sharing gateway which aggregates resources uploaded to the individual CoP websites. The ACT central website bundles project outcomes as well as news about the work going on in each CoP. GenPORT, ACT Knowledge Sharing Hubs and GEAM site –and provides an integrated online infrastructure of Communities of Practice for gender equality in Europe and beyond.
Objective 2. Develop tailor-made mechanisms for new learning and practice development through CoPs operating within multi-stakeholder, multi-agenda organisational academic environments
Objective 2.1. We have developed a Community of Practice Co-creation toolkit which is available as PDF version and as an interactive online version (integrated in the ACT Knowledge Sharing Hubs). The toolkit has been based upon the conceptual framework compiled from extensive review of the scientific literature. Printed copies of the toolkit have been made available to the CoP member organizations.
Objective 2.2. Produce 10 thematic videos addressing the specific shared needs of existing CoPs and making the main results and outcomes of the CoP experience more widely available
Overall, we have produced 1h 50m of videos that support the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) and Communities of Practice (CoPs) under several aspects: a) awareness raising (7 videos + 4 videos glossary terms) b) in-depth analysis and knowledge transfer (6 videos) c) tutorials and training (4 videos). In-depth videos were accompanied by 5 published booklets. In addition, we have made available 3h 15m of video interviews with 23 experts. Covered topics were established through a needs assessment with Communities of Practice facilitators and cover the three ERA gender equality and mainstreaming objectives of “Decision making”, “Career advancement” and “Gender dimension” which also mirrors the overarching organizing principles structuring ACT.
Objective 2.3. In addition to the Co-creation toolkit, ACT has carried out several CoP facilitators training sessions. Communication channels among CoP facilitators such as email list and agreed a regular meeting schedule have been setup from the start of the project. In the current reporting period, 5 training workshops with CoP facilitators have been carried out.

Objective 3. Establish the first European Network of Communities of Practice by supporting 7 new and/or consolidating CoPs
Objective 3.1. A community mapping survey has been carried out gathering 265 respondents from 192 organisations across Europe. The gained insights - summarized in D1.2 - have been used during the organization of several EU levels events, including the 2nd Synergy Conference, the Matching Events, and a Synthesis Event, to expand in a participatory fashion the engagement with the wider gender equality community in Europe.

Objective 3.2. 8 CoPs have been setup (one more than initially planned) and formalized by the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding that includes the work programme of each CoP. Seed partners guide CoP member organizations facilitating exchange among member organizations as well as between CoPs via dedicated events, workshops and the final conference. Support has been provided through the three ERA priority coordination groups.

Objective 3.3. As part of the Co-creation toolkit, specifically designed visual templates have been provided for collaboration methods; visual templates for reporting CoP progress and activities have been setup to facilitate the sharing of knowledge; reporting scripts to generate descriptive statistics and charts for the GEAM tool have been made available.
Despite the adverse conditions created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the project has achieved all objectives and all deliverables have been submitted. For some tasks, the Consortium partners have performed over and above the foreseen activities and outcomes.
Considering work package 2, the main achievements concern the development of the Gender Equality and Audit Monitoring tool version 2 and its further consolidation, translation and uptake in the international gender and science community. The Co-creation toolkit equally has been updated to reflect the changing working conditions and online collaboration formats. Several workshops have been held with CoP Facilitators and others, to train participants in the GEAM tool as well as the Co-creation toolkit.
During the second reporting period, the Seed Consortium partners have consolidated their Communities of Practice working primarily via online meetings. Altogether, 8 CoPs comprising a total of 144 organizations in Europe and Latin America have been working continuously towards greater gender equality. Work has been structured according to the three thematic ERA gender priority topics of “Career advancement”, “Decision Making” and “Gender Dimension”, already established during the first reporting period. This included the organization of online discussions on GenPORT, the celebration of Matching Events during October 2020 (2 online events per ERA priority topic), and the celebration of one additional Consortium level Synthesis Event. The work of CoPs was supported by the production and dissemination of highly engaging videos and training materials.
The project has concentrated on establishing a sustainable support infrastructure for the GEAM tool and promote the Gender & Science Taxonomy and develop a Community of Practice taxonomy.
The publishing of an open access edited volume with Routledge including 12 chapters by 28 Consortium members will be an important contribution to make the ACT experience available for an academic audience as well as practitioners.
The expected impacts of the project as stated in the Call are: 1) “improved learning on gender equality in research and innovation knowledge and practice, in inter-centre and transnational contexts”; 2) “increased gender expertise across Europe”; 3) “increased engagement for institutional change to promote gender equality across Europe”; 4) “increased number of research organisations implementing gender equality plans as part of achievement of the ERA”.
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