CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Playing Quantum


Zweckgebundene Videospiele könnten der Quantenforschung zu einem Durchbruch verhelfen

Das weltweite Spielephänomen hat die Aufmerksamkeit und die kognitiven Fähigkeiten von Millionen von Menschen in Anspruch genommen und eine virtuelle Welt mit vielen Möglichkeiten geschaffen. Die Spieleindustrie hat sich nun darauf konzentriert, die menschliche Intelligenz durch zielgerichtete Videospiele zur Problemlösung zu kanalisieren. Dank menschlicher Intuition und besserer visueller Verarbeitungskapazitäten können die Spielenden in Spielen komplexe Forschungsprobleme lösen, die mit herkömmlichen Computern nur schwer zu bewältigen sind. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt QPlay zielt auf die Entwicklung von Online-Spielen mit massiver Zusammenarbeit ab. Diese sollen durch hybride Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, ergänzt durch Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens, Aufgaben der Quantentechnologieforschung lösen. Zur Verwirklichung seiner Vision muss QPlay unkonventionelle Partnerschaften zwischen Wissenschaft, Spieleentwicklung und Quantenphysik eingehen.


Hundreds of millions of people worldwide are opting out of reality for larger and larger chunks of time to play video games. This “mass esodus” to game spaces is creating a massive virtual silo of cognitive effort and collective attention lavished on game world instead of real world. Game industry is more and more interested in channeling this enormous amount of human brainpower by designing games with a purpose.
Several successful examples show that it is indeed possible to develop video games in which people solve computationally intractable research problems as a side effect of playing. Humans are better than computers at performing certain tasks because of their intuition and superior visual processing. Human intuition has been proven useful, for example, in exploring the complex configuration landscape typical of quantum optimal control theory.
The identification of optimally controlled quantum probes is an ideal candidate for gamification. QPlay’s vision is the production and launch of massively-collaborative online video games solving research tasks in quantum technologies by means of hybrid human-computer interaction, complemented with machine learning algorithms.
To achieve this vision, we need to build hybrid industries and unconventional partnerships, involving academia, so that game researchers, designers and developers can work with quantum physicists, machine learning experts, and educators to harness the power of games for research. QPlay aims at i) exploring the feasibility of an exploitation path by coordinating and supporting the assembling of the right knowledge, skills and resources, ii) the identification of strategic partners, iii) the exploration of the market, and iv) the development of a business plan. In this way it serves as a launch pad to a novel commercial product with the potential to revolutionise quantum research, accelerate the creation of quantum technologies industries while actively engaging, informing and educating society.

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