Descrizione del progetto
Comprendere la proteomica durante un’infezione batterica
Comprendere le interazioni ospite-patogeno è fondamentale per affrontare le infezioni. Inoltre, per progettare nuove terapie è necessario conoscere i cambiamenti molecolari che, dalla prospettiva dell’agente patogeno, favoriscono il successo dell’infezione. Il progetto PROPHECY, finanziato dall’UE, si concentra sul modo in cui gli agenti patogeni modificano le loro proteine durante l’infezione. Il lavoro utilizzerà Salmonella typhimurium come organismo patogeno modello per studiare la trascrizione e la traduzione durante l’infezione utilizzando tecniche all’avanguardia e prestando particolare attenzione anche ai processi regolatori sottostanti. Si prevede che PROPHECY identificherà nuovi fattori di virulenza che apriranno la strada allo sviluppo di innovativi metodi diagnostici e terapeutici.
My recent findings revealed translation of numerous previously unidentified (small) open reading frames and expression of alternative N-terminal proteoforms when studying bacterial translation. This proposal aims at unraveling the repertoire of bacterial pathogen proteoforms employed to establish a successful infection in a mammalian host cell.
While deep sequencing has enabled the study of gene expression at the transcript level in both pathogen and host simultaneously, the depth of sequencing has so far proven to be unsatisfactory. Moreover, the study of bacterial proteome changes upon infection remains highly unexplored because of the higher proteome complexity of the host cell compared to the pathogen. These challenges clearly stresses the need for novel strategies based on complementary proteogenomics approaches enabling translation control studies in bacterial pathogens in a host context .
I here propose the development and application of a complementary cutting-edge proteogenomic toolset which will enable for the first time targeted systematic genome- and proteome-wide surveys of bacterial transcriptional and translational activity during actual host cell infection. This ambitious endeavor will lead to:
I) Establishment of dual Ribo-seq that allows the selective isolation of host or bacterial ribosomes, enabling to study the bacterial translatome in a host cell context.
II) Development of tailored proteomics strategies permitting the selective isolation of (nascent) bacterial protein N-termini and enrichment of bacterial small ORF-encoded polypeptides (SEPs). Further, proteome-wide subcellular localization and protein stability studies will provide a dynamic view on bacterial protein expression.
II) Bacterial proteoform interaction maps by the development of an innovative proxeome strategy.
The identification of new pathogen virulence factors will contribute to the development of therapeutics and diagnostics for multiple models of infectious diseases.
Campo scientifico
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
CORDIS classifica i progetti con EuroSciVoc, una tassonomia multilingue dei campi scientifici, attraverso un processo semi-automatico basato su tecniche NLP.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
ERC-STG - Starting GrantIstituzione ospitante
9000 Gent