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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

PANORAMIX: Platform for the operAtion aNd Optimization in ReAl-time of MIXed autonomous fleets .


Autonome Mobilitätsdienste optimieren den Betrieb von Fahrzeugflotten

Das Schweizer Unternehmen Bestmile ermöglicht es Mobilitätsanbietern, autonome und konventionelle Fahrzeugflotten einzurichten, zu verwalten und zu optimieren. Mit Hilfe des EU-finanzierten Projekts PANORAMIX wird Bestmile die erste Cloud-Plattform entwickeln, die den intelligenten Betrieb und die Optimierung autonomer Mobilitätsdienste ermöglicht. Mithilfe modernster Algorithmen wird die Plattform von Bestmile – unabhängig von Fahrzeugmarke und -typ – Linien- und Abrufdienste verwalten. Es wird erwartet, dass die Innovation die Mitfahrgelegenheiten und die Sicherheit durch kontinuierliche Überwachung erhöht und gleichzeitig sowohl optimierte als auch alternative Routen anbietet, um Verkehrsbehinderungen zu vermeiden. Durch die Optimierung der Flottennutzung und der Ladepläne wird es auch Energieeinsparungen und Emissionssenkungen ermöglichen.


The overall objective of this project is to provide the first Matching, Dispatching and Routing platform for the operation and optimization of autonomous vehicles (AVs) fleets.

AVs will be widely adopted in the coming decade reaching 20 million fully deployed AVs by 2025, making the mobility industry to face the following challenges:

•AVs are not a mobility service by themselves as they are not capable of responding to the trip demand or adhering to a schedule while adapting to network disruptions.
•Mixed (different brands and types of vehicles) and hybrid (AVs and human-driven vehicles) fleets will co-exist and currently there is no solution available for mixed and hybrid transportation planning.
•Due to digitalization and automatization the growing demand for public transport is becoming more user centered.

PANORAMIX responds to these challenges by bringing to the market the first vehicle agnostic platform allowing mobility service providers to operate hybrid and mixed fleets, and optimize the whole transport system by answering real-time demand in combination with fixed routes. Customers can benefit from a turnkey solution, using the relevant web and mobile application from PANORAMIX Marketplace, from an integrated solution, using the ITS capabilities to power their own web and mobile applications, or from using it as an interface to the backend an existing platform and add compatibility with AVs and optimization capabilities.

PANORAMIX will increase ride-sharing by allowing on-demand operations, increase safety through continuous monitoring, provide optimized routes and alternative solutions in case of traffic disruption, enable energy conservation and emission reductions by optimizing the use of the fleet and charging scheduling, and contribute towards a more inclusive society by facilitating mobility for all citizens.

During the Phase I, we will carry out a technical and economic analysis to identify the bottlenecks for its approach in Phase II.

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€ 50 000,00
1007 Lausanne

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€ 71 429,00