Periodic Reporting for period 3 - ERA-LEARN (Strengthening partnership programmes in Europe)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-07-01 do 2023-06-30
*) support P2Ps with evidence in view of the next EU Framework Programme;
*) support impact assessments by offering trainings and real, full scale pilot assessment exercises as well as special tool-kits to provide guidance and advice addressing also the development of key performance indicators (KPIs).
*) identify and spread good practise for specific common P2P challenges such as widening of participation and inclusiveness of less research intensive countries, internationalisation of P2P networks, reaching out to industry and innovation;
*) engage the P2P community in a dialogue with other stakeholders or initiatives such as Private-Private Partnerships (PPPs).
*) facilitate the identification and handling of emerging issues in relation to P2P strategic development, operation and performance.
*) increase the visibility of ERA-LEARN by intensifying the close interaction of ERA-LEARN with the P2P community to make it more user-friendly and attractive to the P2P community;
*) increase the relevance by applying a more thematic approach in tackling the issues and challenges identified by P2Ps;
Main targeted impacts:
- mutual learning and better cooperation practices, enhanced efficiency and effectiveness of the P2P activities, and overcoming of potential barriers and obstacles;
- improved alignment of national research policies;
- common tools and approaches, developed by the P2P community, with a view to generate economies of scales;
- important indicators on the impacts of P2Ps made available;
- sharing of data on transnational projects resulting from the different P2Ps;
- benchmarking opportunities as a result of sharing of data;
- better communication of P2Ps towards their target communities.
Overall conclusion:
ERA-LEARN was successful in reaching the expected goals. Nevertheless, the need for support continues to exist while the landscape of Partnerships keeps evolving. As a result, ERA-LEARN will be continued and further efforts and support will be provided.
• Advisory Board appointed and meetings held;
• development of a framework for regular and systematic interaction with the P2P community;
• close cooperation with specific P2P groups e.g. with the GPC;
• web portal maintained and guiding material provided
• dissemination to community via several channels
reports and publications:
• 1 synthesis report and 5 discussion papers on the thematic coverage of current partnerships in relation to the clusters under Horizon Europe;
• report “Synergies between European R&I partnerships and European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF): Good practice catalogue of synergies adopted in Horizon 2020”;
• updated policy brief “Synergies between R&I partnerships & European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)”
• toolbox and guidance on mechanism for synergy creation for partnerships
• survey and report on “Inclusiveness in European R&I Partnerships”;
• report “Challenges of Widening countries in the Creation and Implementation of the European Partnerships”
• policy brief on modalities and good practices for international cooperation in European Partnerships
• guiding document “Global Cooperation of European Partnerships – Policy Framework Conditions”
• guiding document “Governance models of European Partnerships: Models for core governance and collaboration governance” including good practice examples
• annual reports on identified needs of P2Ps and approaches to encounter them;
• annual reports on P2Ps 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022;
• report “ERA-LEARN / GPC analysis published regarding the impact of JPP and JPIs at the national level”
• country reports published on P2P performance in Poland, Austria, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Germany, Estonia;
• policy brief published “Translating Research into Innovation: Lessons from 3 Case Studies in Health Partnerships”
online resources:
• database of networks, organisations and funded projects maintained
• R&I Partnership Evaluation (RIPE)-Toolkit for use by anyone interested in learning how to apply a complete methodology for monitoring and evaluation of transnational partnerships in R&I; revised version published 2023;
• additional ERA-LEARN web portal pages on European Joint Programmes;
• additional ERA-LEARN web portal pages on the transition to European Partnerships under Horizon Europe;
• online guidebook “How to design the key elements of the SRIA development process?”
• 2 physical workshops and 1 webinar 'Implementing ERA-NET Cofund', including impact assessment, 24-25 Sep 2018, 7-8 Oct 2019, 16 Dec 2020
• 2 webinars “Final Reporting ERA-NET Cofund”, 6 Oct 2020, 16 Dec 2022
• workshop 'Thematic partnership workshop: Towards Horizon Europe', 15-16 May 2019;
• workshop “Supporting the preparation of future European Partnerships”, 9-10 March 2020,
• webinar “Preparing co-funded European Partnerships”, 4 March 2021
• webinar “Horizon Europe Workshop / European Partnerships – involvement of Associated Countries”, 3 Feb 2022
• webinar “Data transfer of co-funded European Partnerships”, 10 June 2022
• webinar “Widening in Partnerships”, 28 April 2021
• 2 webinars on “Globalisation of European Partnerships”, 22 April 2021 and 25 May 2021
• training workshop “Monitoring and evaluation of partnerships”, Jan 2020
• webinar “The new Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Framework for Partnerships”, 12 Oct 2022
• conference “European Partnership Stakeholder Forum - One-year review of European Partnership Initiatives in Horizon Europe”, 15-16 Nov 2022
• webinar “Implementation of co-funded European Partnerships”, 27 April 2023
• webinar “Synergies with Cohesion Policy Funds”, 10 May 2023