CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe


Inklusion von zugewanderten Kindern im schulischen Umfeld stärken

Bildung spielt bei der Integration von Eingewanderten in ein Land eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Inklusion von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit Migrationshintergrund stellt für die heutigen Bildungssysteme jedoch eine große Herausforderung dar. Die reibungslose Integration von zugewanderten Kindern setzt einen kinderzentrierten Ansatz voraus. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt MiCREATE die Integrationsprozesse zugewanderter Kinder prüfen. Im Einzelnen wird das Projekt bestehende Maßnahmen zur Integration zugewanderter Kinder ermitteln und ihre sozialen Auswirkungen analysieren. Ferner wird es Fallstudien in zehn Ländern durchführen und neue Integrationsmaßnahmen entwickeln. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, die Inklusion von zugewanderten Kindern in das Schulsystem zu stärken. Um das zu erreichen, wird das Projekt ihren Stimmen Gehör verleihen. Zudem wird es Forschungserkenntnisse in Praktiken und Maßnahmen übersetzen.


The overall objective of the project is to stimulate the inclusion of diverse groups of migrant children by adopting a child-centred approach to their integration at the educational and policy level. Stemming from the need to revisit the integration policies on the one hand and consistent with the specific focus of the call on the other hand, the research project aims at comprehensive examination of contemporary integration processes of migrant children in order to empower them. The project starts from the fact that European countries and their education systems encounter manifold challenges due to growing ethnic, cultural, linguistic diversity and thereby aims at:

1) Identifying existing measures for the integration of migrant children at the regional and local level through secondary data analysis;
2) Analysis of the social impacts of these integration programmes through case studies in ten countries applying qualitative and quantitative child-centred research;
3) Development of integration measures and identification of social investment particularly in educational policies and school systems that aim to empower children.

The project is problem-driven and exploratory at the same time. Its exploratory part mainly concerns a child-centred approach to understanding integration challenges, migrants’ needs and their well-being. However, the findings of the open-ended exploratory research will be used in an explicitly problem-driven way – with an aim to stimulate migrant inclusion, to empower migrant children and build their skills already within the (participatory) research. This will be done through the activities of the Integration Lab and Policy Lab, where children’s voices, fieldwork and desk research findings will be translated into practices and measures for educational professionals and practitioners as well as into a child-centred migrant integration policy framework to stimulate social inclusion and successful management of cultural diversity.

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€ 490 903,75
6000 Koper

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Slovenija Zahodna Slovenija Obalno-kraška
Research Organisations
€ 490 903,75

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